Ep 2

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*Thursday May 12th 2022*

ECW starts off by showing a recap of what last week as clips of Malakai, Britt, Candice, and Matt holding up the ECW Television championship as bottles and trash are thrown at him.

The recap ends and the camera goes all around the arena showing the fans before ending on the commentary table.

Joey: WELCOME TO ECW!!!! WE'RE THREE WEEKS AWAY FROM HARDCORE HEAVEN!!!!! I'm Joey Styles with me as always my broadcast partner the human suplex machine Taz!

Taz: Joey I'm always glad to be here on ECW. Last week we saw champions be crowned as Candice Lerae is the brand new ECW Womens Champion. But also last week we saw Matt Cardona beat Rhyno with help from Chelsea Green to become the new ECW Television champion. The fans were not happy with that as they threw trash at Matt and Chelsea as they left the ring. But tonight that is in the past. We have even more people showing up. So let's kick off ECW with a great match.


Logan Kenway walks out and looks around as the crowd is cheering him and he smiles and walks down to the ring

Joey: LOGAN KENWAY ONE OF THE NEW ADDITIONS TO ECW!!!!! The fans are showing that they believe in this man already!!!

Justin: The following contest is scheduled for one fall introducing first from Portsmouth, England weighing in at 178 pounds he is the Alpha.....Logan Kenway!!!!!!

Logan slides into the ring and poses on the ropes as he smiles again.


Jack Evan's walks out with a cocky smirk and does a spin on the entrance way as the crowd boos him.

Taz: Jack Evans? I didn't even know that Paul has signed him. Well the fans clearly are showing their feelings for him.

Jack: Be happy to be in my presence!!!

Justin: And his opponent from Parkland "P-Town", Washington weighing in at 165 pounds....Jack Evans!!!!!

Jack smirks and slides into the ring.

Jack poses on the top rope as the crowd boos him and he just smirks.

Jack gets down and taunts Logan.

Joey: Jack Evan's being his normal cocky self. He might regret it soon.

The bell rings

Jack and Logan circle the ring and Jack stops.

Jack: Hold up let these fans know they're in the presence of gre-

Jack gets hit with a punch to the jaw by Logan who grabs him by the gut and does a belly to belly suplex.

Taz: A beautiful belly to belly suplex by Logan!

Logan grabs Jack's arm and pulls back on it before trying to stomp it but Jack rolls out of the ring and puts his hands up.

Joey: Seems like Jack wants a time out.

Logan runs and does a tope con hilo hitting Jack before he stands up and hypes up the crowd.

Logan picks up Jack and throws him into the ring but Jack grabs the ropes and comes back hitting a kick to Logans chest.

Logan hits the barricade as Jack goes for a dive but is caught by Logan who starts to run trying to hit him into the ring post but Jack puts Logan in a guillotine choke.

Logan stops running and tries to get out of the move as Jack continues to add pressure and Logan tries to get out and starts hitting Jack in the side.

Jack keeps the guillotine on as the crowd starts to hype up Logan who grabs the apron and punches Jack in the side over and over again making him let the guillotine go and Logan lifts him up into a suplex and hits it.

Logan stands up quick and pulls Jack up and throws him into the ring and climbs up the ropes before diving hitting a elbow drop and pinning Jack.


Jack kicks out and Logan grabs him by the hair and starts punching him.

Taz: An aggressive display by Kenway.

Logan pulls Jack up and tries to hit a neck breaker but Jack grabs the ropes and uses them to hit a pele knocking Logan back.

Jack runs up to the ropes and grabs Logans arm and jumps hitting his arm on the ropes.

Jack trips Logan and jumps onto the apron and tries for a springboard 450 but Logan moves out of the way and Jack rolls as he hits the mat and stands up before turning around getting hit with a spear.


Logan pins Jack but then stops and picks him up and goes for a urange but Jack elbows Logan in the side of the head over and over trying to get him to let him go.

Jack backs up but is met by a jumping knee strike from Logan making him hit the ropes.

As Jack walks forward Logan hits him with a urange and then puts him in Alphas Jaws (Anaconda Vice)


Jack tries to fight it but can't and taps out as the bell rings immediately after.

Logan let's the move go and stands up as he smiles as he sees Jack freaking out on the outside of the ring.

Logan chuckles as he poses on the ropes.

Joey: Logan Kenway putting on an dominant performance against Jack who clearly is not happy about losing.

Taz laughs a little on commentary.


In a dark room with two chairs in it a camera is watching as Malakai Black walks around holding the ECW World championship in his hand.

The camera is able to show one man sitting in the other chair without his face showing.

Malakai: ECW......A place that I call home. A place that when I enter the atmosphere changes. I am the judge, jury, and executioner there.....

The camera starts to shake the closer Malakai gets to it.

Malakai: But even I know when I need an equal. A right hand of Vengeance.

Malakai steps in front of the man who is sitting as he looks up at Malakai.

Malakai drops the ECW World championship and spits mist into the man's face as he puts his head down and holds it.

Malakai: Now.....You're so much more then a King.

*Back in the arena*

Taz and Joey are speechless at the commentary table.

Joey: Well me and Taz don't know what that was but we're definitely interested in seeing who that was and what Malakai Black does in the future. But up next we have a Tag Team match as LAX take on ReDragon. This should be a good match!


Santana and Ortiz walk out and get a good reaction from the crowd as they look around and walk down to the ring.

Justin: The following contest is a tag team match and is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first at a combined weight of 389 pounds, the team of Santana and Ortiz....LAX!!!!!

Santana and Ortiz slide into the ring and both pose as the crowd cheers for them.


Bobby Fish and Kyle O'riley walk out and pose at the top of the ramp and both have a small smile on their faces

Justin: And their opponents at a combined weight of 397 pounds, the team of Bobby Fish and Kyle O'riley..... ReDragon!!!!

Bobby and Kyle walk down to the ring as they get booed and slide into the ring and pose as the crowd continues to boo them.

Taz: Two of the best tag teams in the world today. We'll see who is actually the best when the match ends.

The bell rings

Bobby immediately runs and hits Santana with a flying knee strike as Kyle tries to take down Ortiz but he kicks Kyle back and then does a kick to the side of Kyle's head.

Bobby and Ortiz circle the ring and Ortiz goes for a forearm but Bobby ducks and kicks him in the gut and then in the head before grabbing him going for an exploder suplex but Ortiz gets out of it and does a headbutt before hitting a lariat making Bobby fall down and roll out of the ring.

Ortiz picks up Kyle and is gonna go for a DDT but Kyle reverses into a northern lights suplex and then stands up and is able to deadlift Ortiz up and hits a suplex.

Joey: A powerful display by Kyle O'riley!

Kyle stands up and gets hit with a punch from Santana who grabs him and hits a urange and sees Bobby getting up outside the ring so he runs and tries to hit a springboard crossbody but Bobby dropkicks him out of mid air.

Bobby pulls up Santana and throws him into the barricade before kicking him in the chest and seeing Kyle get up and they both step back and try and hit Santana with kicks but he goes over the barricade and grabs them both and hits them on the barricade.

Santana runs and does a flying forearm over the barricade hitting Kyle before grabbing Bobby throwing him into the barricade and seeing Ortiz run hitting Bobby with a boot to the face making him fall down.

Ortiz gets an idea and motions for Santana to run and as he starts Ortiz let's Santana hit a cannonball off his back hitting Bobby.

Joey: That was awesome!

Santana and Ortiz hype up the crowd as they both pose as the crowd cheers them. Kyle picked up a chair and swings it but both duck it and hit Kyle with knees to the gut and then do a double drop kick making Kyle fall back and he rolls calling for more until falling back down.

Taz: Kyle wanted them to fight him but his body said no!

Santana and Ortiz look under the ring and grab tables and trash cans putting them in the ring.

Ortiz grabs a chair and sets up the chair in the ring and nods as Santana gets in the ring and sets up the tables.

Kyle and Bobby are getting up and get into the ring as Santana and Ortiz get ready.

Both teams start throwing punches hitting each other as Santana takes down Bobby and Ortiz hits a punch to Kyle's gut.

Ortiz picks up Kyle and throws him to the ropes and tries to do a back body drop but Kyle stops himself and kicks Ortiz in the face then as he looks up hits him with a elbow to the jaw.

Kyle grabs Ortiz's arm as he's falling and pulls him into a knee strike before letting him go.

Taz: A brutal knee strike and elbow to the jaw!

Bobby rolls gets Santana off him and he hits with strikes to the chest and side before going for a spinning backfist but Santana ducks it and Bobby spins and grabs Santanas legs tripping him and keeping him in a wheelbarrow position before throwing him up and Kyle hits a codebreaker and then pushes Santana up with his feet and Bobby hits a german suplex and bridges it pinning him


Santana kicks out.

Joey: This match has been amazing so far!

Kyle grabs Ortizs leg and puts him in a knee bar and Bobby tries to nail a tope atomico but Ortiz gets out of the way.

Bobby grabs his back as Ortiz gets out of the knee bar and grabs a trash can hitting Kyle over the head with it and throwing it down.

Kyle hits the ropes and Ortiz hits him with a death valley driver onto the trash can flattening it before pinning Kyle.


Bobby breaks up the pin and kicks Santana out of the ring.

Bobby puts a trash can in the corner and pulls up Ortiz and hits an exploder suplex into the trash can making Ortiz hold his back as Bobby pulls him up and Kyle gets up.

Kyle stays behind Ortiz and holds him as Bobby runs to the ropes and goes for total elimination but Ortiz moves and Bobby hits Kyle on accident.

Bobby stands up and turns around to be met with a trash can lid to the head making him stumble back.

Ortiz picks up Bobby in a powerbomb position and brings him close to the tables set up and Santana goes to the apron and does a springboard blockbuster as Ortiz hits the powerbomb through the tables.

Joey: OHHHH MY GOD!!!!!

Santana pins Bobby


The bell rings as Santana and Ortiz stand up and pose.

Taz: An amazing match!

Justin: Here are the winners of the match Santana and Ortiz....LAX!!!!!

The crowd cheers as Santana and Ortiz continue to pose.


Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood walk out with their ECW Tag Team championships around their waists.

Cash: Dax I was watching that match backstage and thought something to myself. These two are probably the best team in this company... Besides us we are clearly the best.

Dax: I gotta agree but I feel like there was some other reason we came out here. Damn what was it? Something about another team.

Cash and Dax think about it until they get attacked from behind.

Joey: WOAH!!!! WHO THE HE-

The camera shows that it's Mark and Jay Briscoe as the crowd pops.


Mark pulls up Dax and throws him into the barricade and grabs a chair from the crowd.

Jay pulls up Cash and is gonna try to hit the Jay Driller but he gets out of it and backs away and grabs Dax as they back up.

Joey: The tag team champions are running away from the Briscoes.

Taz: I mean Joey can you blame them. The Briscoes are some crazy bastards.

Dax and Cash get backstage as the Briscoes chase after them.

Taz: Get a camera back there!


Cash and Dax are running away with their tag belts and put them in the back of a truck and get in as Mark hits the window with a chair breaking it.

The truck starts and they drive off as Jay and Mark chase after the truck as it gets away.

Jay: Where the hell you two going!? Get your asses back here!!!

Mark: Them damn two boys running away they scared!

*Back in the arena*

Joey: Well the Briscoe Brothers have just scared off FTR.

Taz: Now my team is in the ring and they got something to say.

Brian Cage who is holding the FTW Championship on his shoulder as Ricky taps the belt and points at it while Hobbs and Hook stand there.

Ricky: Brian Cage needs new competition because the ones here ain't doing anything. No one wants a match with Cage because no one can stop the path of Cage.

Brian takes the mic from Ricky and points at the entrance way.

Brian: Someone who actually has a pair of balls get the hell out here! I need competitors and it seems no one wants anything to do with me because they're all scared to get in this ring with a machine!

No one comes out

Joey: Well it seems that no one wants to face Brian Cage or someone is waiting for the right opportunity.

Brian chuckles and turns around to be hit with a brutal lariat from Will Hobbs.


Taz laughs a little and watches.

Ricky and Hook start to kick Brian while he's on the ground as Taz continues to laugh on commentary.


Hook and Ricky pull up Brian and throw him forward to Hobbs who lifts him up onto his shoulders and hits an F5.

Hook picks up the FTW Championship and hands it to Hobbs as he holds up the championship the crowd boos him.

Joey: Team Taz has turned their backs on Brian Cage and are planning on taking that belt from him!

Taz: It needed to happen! Cage needed to be reminded who we are!

Joey: Folks we'll be back after a commercial break.


Quinn McKay is standing there smiling with her mic.

Quinn: Team Taz has just turned on Brian Cage. What could this mean for the career of Brian Cage?

Matt Cardona walks up with Chelsea Green next to him.

Matt: Who the hell cares about Brian Cage? What people should be caring about is me after I beat Rhyno last week and became the new and best ECW Television champion. I am the best wrestler in the world right now and that's because I have the best fans and have the best YouTube channel ever!

Quinn looks confused

Matt: Now I will be holding an open challenge later tonight so I hope that any bastard who thinks that he can step to the very best tries. But we all know they'll fucking fail.

Danhausen steps into camera view and looks at Matt.

Danhausen: NO SWEARING!!!!

Matt: What the fu-

The camera fades to black

*Back in the arena*

Joey: Welcome back Ladies and Gentlemen we have just heard word from Paul Heyman that next week Danhausen will take on Matt Cardona for the ECW Television Championship. Also after what we saw before the commercial break I'm very interested in what all of Team Taz has to say next week.

Taz: You'll hear it all. Just now let's focus on this show. But up next we have a Womens match that'll surely be amazing!


Toni Storm walks out and lowers her glasses as the crowd cheers for her and she starts to walk down to ring.

Justin: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia......Toni Storm!!!!

Toni slides into the ring and poses as the crowd cheers for her and she smiles as she takes off her jacket and glasses.


Rhea Ripley walks out and grabs at her jacket as she looks around at the crowd and then stomps on the floor.

Justin: And her opponent from Adelaide, South Australia, she is the Nightmare.... Rhea Ripley!!!!

Rhea walks down to the ring and walks to the side of it and grabs the ropes getting onto the apron and looking around as she poses as the crowd gives her a mixed reaction.

Rhea takes off her jacket and steps into the ring.

The bell rings

Toni and Rhea walk around the ring and tie up in the middle and Rhea gets Toni in a waist lock and takes her down before letting it go and slapping Toni in the back of the head as she backs up.

Toni gets up mad and charges at Rhea hitting her with a uppercut making Rhea back up.

Toni runs to the ropes and as she runs back gets hit with a lariat from Rhea who grabs Toni's arm and pulls her up and hits her with a short arm lariat before holding on and pushing Toni forward hitting a dropkick.

Rhea taunts the crowd as she gets up and pulls Toni up before putting her in a suplex position and holds her over her head and holds here there.

Taz: An amazing show of power by Rhea Ripley!

Rhea flexes as she continues to hold Toni who gets down and lands behind Rhea and hits a german suplex and Rhea rolls standing up but gets hit with a step up enziguri by Toni making her go through the ropes to the floor outside the ring.

Joey: Toni Storm starting to make a comeback can she change the direction of this!?

The crowd cheers for Toni as she starts to run to the ropes and goes for a tope but Rhea kicks her in the head as she's coming through the ropes.

Taz: Damn! That was good!

Rhea pulls Toni through the ropes and lifts her up before hitting a powerbomb onto the apron making Toni grab her back.

Joey: A brutal powerbomb to the apron by Ripley!

Toni rolls around on the floor as Rhea laughs a little and lifts her up driving her back first into the ring apron over and over again.

Taz: Ripley working on Storms back. This has gotten brutal quick.

Rhea throws Toni into the ring but keeps her head on the apron as she steps onto the apron and runs going for a knee drop but Toni moves her head and Rhea hits her knee on the apron and rolls off holding it.

Joey: This match may have gotten a lot more fair!

Rhea stands up and holds the apron as Toni rolls out and kicks her in the leg over and over again making Rhea fall down.

Toni pulls Rhea up and throws her into the ring before going to the top rope and hitting a drop kick on Rhea making her roll back and lay on the mat.

Toni hypes up the crowd as Rhea goes to the corner.

Joey: Ohhhhh Storm getting the crowd hyped!

Toni runs hitting a hip attack and backs up before running and hitting another one.

Taz: Some unique offence by Toni Storm!

Toni runs and hits a final hip attack and pulls Rhea out of the corner and pins her


Rhea kicks out

Joey: Still too early for a three count.

Toni stands up and pulls Rhea up before stepping back going for a superkick but Rhea ducks it and grabs Toni hitting a snap suplex into the corner.

Rhea pulls Toni out and puts her knee on Toni's back as she pulls her arms back as Toni screams in pain.

Taz: Ripley attacking the back of Toni Storm!

Rhea stops and pulls Toni up and tries to hit a Riptide but Toni gets out of it and hits Rhea with a few forearms making her stumble as she continues to hold onto Toni.

Toni hits a kick to Rheas knee making her let go of Toni who runs hitting a kick to Rheas chest making her fall back.

Toni runs to the ropes and hits a senton before standing up and calling for Rhea to get up.

Joey: Toni Storm may be signaling for the end of this match!

Rhea gets up slowly and Toni kicks her in the gut before hitting a Storm Zero and pinning her.


Rhea kicks out and Toni backs up to the ropes and is stunned.


Toni uses the ropes to get up and grabs Rheas legs but Rhea kicks at Toni hitting her a few times before rolling her up


Toni kicks out as both her and Rhea get up and Toni runs at Rhea who kicks her in the side and then grabs her hitting a Riptide as they're both on the ground.

Joey: Both of these women feeling the effects of this match!

Taz: But we'll see who can pull out of this and win!

Rhea throws her arm over Toni's chest


Toni just barely kicks out making the crowd pop loudly.

Rhea goes wide eyed and looks mad as she stands up and pulls Toni up and is gonna go for a pump handle driver but Toni gets out of it and backs up as she hits Rhea with a superkick.


Toni grabs Rhea and tries for another Storm Zero but Rhea hits a back body drop making Toni hold her back again as Rhea holds her knee as she walks.

Rhea runs and goes for a drop kick to Toni's back but she moves and Rhea holds her knee as she hits the mat.

Toni calls for Rhea to get up and runs to the ropes and hits a crucifix driver and doesn't pin Rhea as she pulls her up and hits a Storm Zero and pins her.


The bell rings as Toni throws her arms up as she stands up.

Joey: Toni Storm has beaten Rhea Ripley in a great match! This may just may send Toni Storm to getting a ECW Womens Championship match!

Taz: I agree Joey. This was a good match and it may just get her a championship opportunity!


Quinn: An amazing match by both Rhea Ripley and Toni Storm. Also an impressive victory by Toni Storm. But now I am joined by the ECW Womens champion Candice Lerae.

Candice is smiling as the camera goes to her and shes holding the ECW Womens Championship on his shoulder.

Quinn: Candice how do you feel about either Rhea Ripley or Toni Storm taking on you for the ECW Womens Championship?

Candice: Rhea and Toni are both amazing competitors and whichever I face I know that it'll be a hard hitting match that will take not just me but them to their limits. Either way I know that when that bell rings at the end of the match I will still be holding this belt because I have the fans to support me.

Candice smiles at the camera as it fades to black.

*Back in the arena*

Joey: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome back to ECW up next we have another debut match for both of these competitors as Wyatt Danger takes on Andrade El Idolo!

Taz: Oh Joey this is gonna be a great match I've seen both of these men's matches and it's always something amazing!


Andrade El Idolo walks out in a nice jacket as he walks down to the ring.

Justin: The following contest is our main event of the evening and is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Gómez Palacio, Durango, Mexico weighing in at 209 pounds.... Andrade El Idolo!!!!

Andrade gets onto the apron and steps through the ropes and poses.


Wyatt walks out and poses as the crowd cheers for him.

Wyatt smiles as he walks down to the ring.

Justin: And his opponent from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighting in at 198 pounds..... Wyatt Danger!!!!

Wyatt gets onto the apron and tries to step through the ropes but stops and decides to jump over the ropes.

Wyatt gets onto the top rope and poses as the crowd continues to cheer him.

Joey: The crowd showing their appreciation to Wyatt Danger!

Wyatt gets down and takes off his jacket and looks at Andrade who is resting on the top rope.

The bell rings

Andrade gets down and starts to circle the ring with Wyatt before Wyatt puts his hand out.

Taz: Danger going for a handshake.

Andrade looks at Wyatts hand and shakes it before they tie up.

Wyatt gets Andrade into a side headlock and takes him to the ropes and Andrade throws Wyatt off and as he's coming back hits a shoulder tackle.

Andrade runs to the ropes and Wyatt stands up and does a leapfrog but Andrade catches him on his shoulders and runs but Wyatt gets down and runs Andrade into the corner chest first and tries to hit a german suplex but gets elbowed in the side of the head.

Wyatt backs up and Andrade grabs him and irish whips him to the ropes and goes for a elbow but Wyatt ducks and comes back hitting a hurricanrana and pinning Andrade.


Andrade kicks out and Wyatt grabs his arm and starts to run up the ropes but gets pulled back making him hit the mat.

Taz: A good start so far this is gonna be a very equal match.

Andrade grabs Wyatts knee and twists it making Wyatt yell and try to grab the ropes to get out.

Joey: Andrade going after the surgically repaired knee of Wyatt Danger.

Andrade kicks Wyatts knee a few times and Wyatt holds it before rolling out of the ring.

Andrade slides out and grabs Wyatt and throws him into the ring and pulls him over to the ring post and starts to put Wyatts legs around it before Wyatt kicks him back into the barricade.

Wyatt starts to get up and Andrade slides into the ring as Wyatt does a superkick making him go through the ropes.

Wyatt grabs the ropes and slingshots himself over them hitting Andrade with a forearm as he's getting up.

Joey: A great show of athleticism by Wyatt Danger!

Wyatt stands up and hypes up the crowd as he pulls Andrade up and throws him into the ring.

Wyatt gets on the apron and goes to the top rope and goes for a split leg moonsault but Andrade is able to move and Wyatt hits the mat.

Andrade smirks as stands up and decides to taunt the crowd before doing a handstand on the ropes in the corner as the crowd boos him.

Joey: The lack of respect being shown by Andrade.

Wyatt starts to get up and sees Andrade doing the handstand and hits a superkick making him fall down.

Taz: Kick right to the jaw making Andrade fall right to the mat!

Wyatt pulls Andrade up and does a ripcord kick making him go to the apron as Wyatt gets onto it and starts to hit Andrade with punches.

Andrade kicks Wyatts in the leg and superkicks him making him fall back and against the ring post before Andrade runs hitting Wyatt with double knees to the head.

Joey: Wyatt Danger may be out!!!

Andrade rolls Wyatt into the ring and pins him


Wyatt kicks out and Andrade looks mad as he grabs Wyatts head and starts punching him over and over again.

Taz: Andrade showing some aggression as he throws those punches.

Andrade looks at the top rope and starts to climb up them and does a pose as he gets to the top before trying to hit a moonsault but Wyatt rolls out of the way and Andrade lands on his feet.

Wyatt grabs the ropes and does a side kick hitting Andrade in the gut and pulls him into a lariat and Andrade stays up as Wyatt picks him up in a powerbomb position and starts to run but Andrade does a hurricanrana.

Joey: A beautiful hurricanrana sending Wyatt into the ropes!

Wyatt hits the ropes hitting his one on them and holds his knee as he goes to the corner. Andrade runs trying to hit double knees but Wyatt just moves and Andrade backs up holding his knee.

Wyatt gets up and runs at Andrade trying to hit a superkick but Andrade catches it and pulls Wyatt in as he goes for a hammer lock DDT but Wyatt runs him back into the corner and gets out hitting Andrade with a few punches before backing up and running doing a flying forearm.

Andrade walks out of the corner and Wyatt picks him up and hits a brain buster and pins him


Andrade kicks out and Wyatt doesn't waste anytime as he goes to the apron and starts to get to the top rope and holds his knee as he gets to the top and the crowd cheers for him.

Joey: Can he hit it!?

Wyatt jumps trying to hit danger in the sky but Andrade moves and Wyatt hits the mat.

Andrade laughs some as he stands up and slowly goes up the ropes and does taunts the crowd.

Andrade jumps for a moonsault but Wyatt kips up and catches Andrade on his shoulder and throws him up some and hits a DKO as he pins Andrade and the crowd is cheering.


Taz: THAT MAY BE IT!!!!!!


Andrade kicks out and Wyatt goes to the ropes and is stunned as he uses them to get up.

Joey: Wyatt Danger wondering what he may have to do to beat Andrade tonight.

Wyatt calls for Andrade to get up and as he does he lifts him up onto his shoulders and tries to hit a Taste of Danger but Andrade gets down and tries to hit an inverted DDT but Wyatt kicks him in the head.

Andrade backs up and Wyatt is able to lift him up and hits a Taste of Danger as the crowd cheers and he pins Andrade.


The bell rings and the crowd cheers loudly as Wyatt gets up.

Justin: Here is your winner Wyatt Danger!!!!!

Wyatt jumps onto the ropes and holds his knee as he poses for the crowd as they continue to cheer him.

Taz: And that ends another episode of ECW.

Joey: Wyatt Danger wins the main event and the crowd is showing their appreciation to not just him but Andrade as well. Both these competitors have showed why they deserve to be here. Thank you all for tuning in! We'll see you all next week on another episode of E C W!!!!

The cameras fade to black as the last thing you see is Wyatt Danger posing on the ropes.

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