Ep 3

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*Thursay May 19th 2022*

A recap of what happened last week is shown before the camera goes all around the arena and ends on Joey and Taz at the commentary table.

Joey: Hello and welcome to another episode of ECW. We are on the fast track to Hardcore Heaven in two weeks. With me as always my broadcast partner the human suplex machine Taz!

Taz: Joey always good to be here and see these crazy fans that we have at our shows. What will happen tonight though I'm not sure as Matt Cardona has to defend his ECW Television championship against Danhausen in the main event. Mia Yim takes on Athena. My man Ricky Starks takes on that son of a bitch Brian Cage....and so much more. But let's kick this show off with a feud that seems to follow wherever these two go as we have Joey Janela taking on Kip Sabian.


Kip walks out with Penelope Ford with him and the crowd boos as they smile and starts to walk down to the ring.

Justin: The following contest is scheduled for one fall (One Fall!) Introducing first from Gorleston, Norfolk, England weighting in at 183 pounds Superbad Kip Sabian!!

The crowd boos more as Kip gets onto the apron and leans down and kisses Penelope as she sits on the apron.

Joey: The fans showing their dislike for both Penelope and Kip.

Taz: You know the fans just hate young love. This is a beautiful thing Joey.

Kip and Penelope pull back as Kip gets into the ring and poses.


Joey Janela walks out and has a cigarette in his mouth and takes a few puffs before posing on the ramp.

Justin: And his opponent from Asbury Park, New Jersey weighing in at 183 pounds he is the Bad Boy Joey Janela!!

Joey chuckles as he walks down to the ring continuing to smoke the cigarette he has as he gets on the apron and blows a kiss at Penelope which she rolls her eyes at.

Kip runs at Joey who kicks him back and takes the cigarette out of his mouth and drops onto the concrete floor.

Taz: Seems like the match is starting quick.

Kip runs and does a dropkick knocking Joey off the apron onto the floor making him hold his head as he gets up and is hit by a baseball slide from Kip.

Kip looks under the ring and pulls out a chair and swings it at Joey who moves back and kicks it up into Kips face before doing a step up enziguri hitting the chair into the side of Kips head.

Joey Styles: A chair to the side of the head!

Joey chuckles as he finally takes off the jacket he had on and pulls out a pack of cigarettes and goes to light another one but stops and drops the cigarettes and pulls Kip up and puts him against the ring and steps back and runs going for a drop kick but Kip moves.

Joey gets caught in the ropes and Kip grabs a chair and runs kneeing it into Joey's head making him fall down off the apron onto the ground and hold his head.

Taz: That was nice!

Joey gets up using the apron showing that he's busted open and Kip grabs him in a headlock and immediately starts punching him in the head over and over again.

Joey Styles: Joey is busted open and Kip is showing a brand new aggression as he hits the cut over and over again.

Joey has blood starting to cover his face as Kip throws him forward as he holds onto the apron and Kip looks under the ring and grabs a pair of handcuffs before walking over to Penelope and kissing her quickly.

Kip walks over and tries to put the handcuffs on Joey but he grabs the cuffs and punches Kip with them and as Kip backs up he gets hit again to the head with the cuffs.

Joey laughs as he trys to wipe the blood off his face before he runs forward and hits Kip with a lariat making him fall down.

Joey picks up the cuffs and puts them on the outside of his fist as he starts to punch Kip busting him open and he throws the cuffs into the crowd.

Taz: Our fans are already loving this match!

The crowd cheers for Joey as he pulls Kip up and hits a suplex and pins him


Kip kicks out and Joey immediately walks back to the ring and looks under the ring and pulls out a table and a few chairs and sets the table up and puts the chairs on it.

Penelope yells at Joey distracting him as Kip runs up and low blows him as Joey grabs the ring post and Kip runs and grabs Joey's head and does a tornado DDT off the apron making Joey hit a chair on the ground.

Joey Styles: Ohhh my!!!

Kip has a cocky smirk on his face as he pins Joey


Joey kicks out and Kips smirk leaves his face as he looks stunned and looks at Penelope.

Kip stands up and is handed a pair of brass knuckles by Penelope who points at Joey as he's grabbing the table to get up.

Joey gets up as Kip walks over and tries to punch him but Joey grabs his arm and is able to stop him and runs Kip back into the ring post making him grab the back of his head.

Joey hits a superkick making Kip fall down into a seating position as Joey grabs a chair and puts it on his leg and runs kneeing Kip with the chair.

Taz: Joey doing exactly what Kip did to him.

Joey pulls Kip up and puts him on the apron and looks at the table he set up and puts Kip in a piledriver position


Penelope yells at Joey who turns to her and laughs as he still hits Kip with a piledriver off the apron through the table and he pins Kip

Taz: THAT'S IT!!!!


Penelope kicks Joey in the back breaking up the pin and making Joey roll over and start to get up.

Joey Styles: Penelope making sure that Joey doesn't win!

Penelope backs up and goes away and starts to look under the ring as Joey grabs Kip and lifts him up and puts him in the ring and looks under the ring and pulls out a trash can and then two tables and puts all that in the ring.

Joey grabs Kip and puts him in the corner and grabs the trash can and puts it in front of him as he backs up.

Joey runs but Kip stands up and hits him over the head with the trash can making Joey back up. Kip hits Joey over the head with the trash can again making him fall back and onto the mat.

Kip looks at the tables and sets them up and puts Joey on them and climbs to the top rope.

Kip stands up and is gonna dive but Joey rolls off the tables and Kip gets onto the apron and does a springboard clothesline hitting Joey.

Kip decides to roll under the ring and pulls a ladder out from under the ring and smiles as he goes to slide it into the ring but Joey jumps and lands on the ladder making it hit Kip in the gut making him back up and hold the barricade.

Joey kicks the ladder making it hit Kip in the gut again before he runs and dives over the ropes hitting Kip with a cross body sending them both over the barricade into the crowd.

Joey: OHHHH MY GOD!!!!!

Joey stands up as he laughs and pulls up Kip who he punches. Kip backs up and throws a punch at Joey making him back up. Both men start throwing punches making the blood cover their faces.

Kip backs up and hits Joey with a superkick making him go over the barricade.

Kip poses as he goes over the barricade and tries to throw Joey into the steps but Joey reverses it and throws Kip into the steps.

The crowd cheers as Joey stands up and high fives a few people in the front row.

Taz: Joey showing that he isn't done fighting!!!

Joey pulls a ladder out from under the ring and Penelope on the other side of the ring goes wide eyed as the twenty foot ladder is pulled out.

Kip holds his shoulder and uses the steps to stand up as Joey puts the ladder in the ring. Kip walks over but is thrown into the ring by Joey who does a laugh as he slides in.

Joey puts Kip on the tables and punches him a few times and then sets up the ladder and starts to climb up it and gets to the top and sits there.

Joey Styles: What does Janela have on his mind!!!??

Joey stands up and smiles as he gets ready to dive and as he does Penelope gets into the ring and pulls Kip off the tables as Joey jumps and goes through both the tables.

Taz: HOLY SHIT!!!!!

The crowd starts chanting holy shit as Joey is in the wreckage of the two tables and isn't moving.

Kip crawls over and throws his arm over Joey's body


The bell rings as the crowd boos heavily.

Justin: Here is your winner Kip Sabian!!

Penelope helps Kip up who is grabbing the ropes as him and Penelope leave the ring.

Joey Styles: An amazing match by these two with Penelope Ford having to save her boyfriend.

Penelope and Kip get to the top of the entrance way as Joey is starting to move and holds himself on the ropes as he points at Kip.

Taz: Ladies and Gentlemen we will be right back after a commercial break!


Quinn: An amazing match by two great performers but right now I have the privilege and honor of interviewing Eddie Kingston!

Eddie steps into the cameras view and he looks mad as he takes the mic from Quinn before she can say anything else.

Eddie: Jon Moxley! My brother or at least I thought. What the fuck you did to me two weeks ago was something pathetic. Instead of attacking me when I had a fighting chance you attack me when I'm vulnerable!? After we had a match! Now Jon I don't give a shit about our history. You attacked me and if you think I'm gonna sit here and let that just pass through me you're fucking wrong! Hardcore Heaven. Hardcore Heaven I am gonna beat the hell out of you. In what type of match? I don't give a shit. Paul Heyman can say.... You can say....The fans can say. I don't care. Because what I do care about is making you feel the same exact pain that I felt!

Eddie drops the mic as Quinn picks it back up and the camera fades to black.

*Back in the arena*

Joey: Strong words from a pissed off Eddie Kingston. We'll see what match has been picked later on in the show or even closer to Hardcore Heaven.

Taz: But right now! Right now it's time for my boys to beat that son of a bitch down! It's Ricky Starks taking on Brian Cage!


Brian Cage walks out with the FTW World championship around his waist and he looks over at the commentary table at Taz.

Taz: Yea! Yea what! What!? You looking over here!?

Taz flicks off Brian who looks at him pissed.

Brian: I want you to watch as I break Starks in two!

Justin: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Chico, California weighting in at 272 pounds he is the FTW World champion....Brian Cage!!!

Brian steps into the ring and poses with the championship before looking back up the ramp and waiting for Starks.


Ricky doesn't come out immediately as Cage waits for him as he grabs the ropes.

Justin: And his opponent from New Orleans, Louisiana weighting in at 195... Absolute Ricky Starks!!

Joey: Ricky apparently taking his time.

Taz: Ricky just making sure that Cage waits because this is on Ricky's time not anyone elses.

Cage goes to step through the ropes but he gets hit in the back with a chair making him grab the ropes and look back to see Ricky there.

Ricky swings the chair and hits Cage in the side making him hold it as Ricky swings the chair again but Cage catches it under his arm.

Taz: Oh shit! Run Ricky!!

Ricky backs up and tries to go through the ropes but Cage grabs him and tries to hit a german suplex but Ricky lands on his feet and runs kicking Cage in the head and he stands up and catches Ricky's leg and puts him up in a powerbomb position and runs hitting a buckle bomb and then hitting a superkick.

Cage grabs Ricky and pulls him up and holds him at the ropes and looks at Taz as he hits Ricky in the side over and over again.

Joey: Cage just trying to inflict as much pain as he can on Ricky.

Ricky walks back and as Cage starts to walk up gets hit with a step up enziguri making him back up and Ricky grabs the chair in the ring and hits Cage with it making him go through the ropes and land on the floor outside before stepping onto the apron.

Taz: That's how we do it in Team Taz!!

Ricky holds the chair and runs trying to hit an elbow drop with it but Cage catches him and runs him into the ring post and then runs him into the barricade as Ricky falls.

Cage grabs Ricky and presses him before trying to throw him into the ring post but Ricky punches Cage in the head and gets down before running him into the ring post busting open Cage above his eye.

Taz: Yea you love to see that. He isn't a machine!

Ricky starts punching Cage over and over opening up the cut even more before throwing him into the ring post again and then putting him in the ring but making sure his head is on the apron.

Ricky runs and knees Cage in the head and then holds his head there and pulls him out some and hits him with knees over and over again.

Joey: Oh a brutal attack now by Ricky.

Ricky slides into the ring and pulls up Cage and tries to throw him to the ropes but Cage counters it and throws Ricky to the ropes and as he's coming back he ducks a lariat attempt and as Cage turns around is hit by a spear from Ricky who pins him.


Cage kicks out and Ricky stands up and stomps on him a few times before pulling him up and trying to lift him but Cage grabs Ricky and hits a gut wrench suplex and holds on and does a gut wrench slam before calling for Ricky to get up and as he does Cage hits a discus lariat and pins Ricky as he looks at Taz at commentary.


Ricky kicks out and Cage almost smiles a little as he stands up.

Taz: It's gonna take more then that to win against Ricky Starks. Cage isn't gonna win this match.

Cage lifts up Ricky and tries to put him in a suplex position but Ricky fights back and Cage pushes him over the ropes and goes over and grabs him as he comes to the corner and starts to step onto the ropes and tries to do a suplex into the ring.

Joey: Cage gonna go for a rope assisted superplex.

Cage starts to lift up Ricky but gets hit from behind with a low blow by Hook who is in the ring now and he grabs Cage and uses the ropes to slam him down.

Hook has a cocky smirk on his face as Taz is laughing at the commentary table.

Taz: Hell yea! Hook making sure that son of a bitch named Cage isn't winning this match!

Hook chuckles as he sees Ricky get into the ring and he lifts up Cage and puts him on his shoulder and hits Roshambo and pins him.


The crowd starts to boo as Ricky gets up and poses

Justin: Here is your winner Ricky Starks!!

Joey: Well after interference Ricky Starks was able to pick up the win.

Taz: I didn't see interference I saw Cage getting what he deserves.

Hook poses in the ring with Ricky as the crowd boos them both.

Taz claps on commentary

Joey: Folks we'll be right back after this video from the Briscoe Brothers.

*A video starts playing*

Mark and Jay Briscoe are at their farm and Mark looks back at Jay.

Mark: It's on.

Jay looks back and throws his hat down

Jay: Oh hell yea! So what the fuck was it that y'all was doing last week. You both ran and what the hell did they say!?

Mark: I think what they said was something along the lines of "The Briscoes are not a real tag team."

Jay: Not a real goddamn tag team!? Dem boys are THE tag team that made this kind of wrestling popular in 07, 08, 09. Every damn year we were wrestling we redefined tag team wrestling. Now you two want to go and make a match at Hardcore Heaven!?

Mark starts eating a pudding cup and looks at the camera.

Mark: Yea they do and the match was something like old school rules. Apparently tags need to be made in that match.

Jay: Shit....That's easy as hell. So we accept and at Hardcore Heaven we gonna take them damn belts and show that the Briscoe Brothers are the best tag team in this whole world!!

*The video ends*

Taz: Dem Boyz clearly not showing any fear towards the tag team champions FTR. At Hardcore Heaven that will be a good match.

Joey: Yes it will be. But up next we have two women who believe that they should be number one contenders we have Mia Yim taking on Athena!


Athena walks out and is being cheered and smiles wickedly as she walks down to the ring.

Justin: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Dallas, Texas...Athena!!!

Athena slides into the ring and grabs the ropes as she's getting up and looks around.

Joey: Athena an amazing competitor and possibly one of the best on the roster.

Taz: I have to agree Joey. No one has the presence that Athena has.


Mia walks out and is also getting cheered as she starts to walk down to the ring.

Justin: And here opponent from Fontana, California Mia Yim!!!

Mia gets on the apron and takes off her hat as she steps through the ropes and smiles a little.

Taz: Now this is my pick to win this match. Mia Yim is an amazing performer and can take on the best of them.

Joey: Big words coming from Taz. Let's see just who wins.

The bell rings

Mia and Athena circle the ring and tie up with Mia getting Athena into a wrist lock.

Athena quickly gets out of it and grabs Mia by the arm doing an arm drag and running to the ropes ducking a elbow attempt and jumping off the ropes hitting Mia with another arm drag.

Mia goes to the corner and as Athena runs for a dropkick Mia catches her legs and makes her fall down and she tries to put her in a heel hook but Athena immediately gets out and tries for a head scissors but Mia gets Athena down and grabs her arm.

Mia goes for a Fujiwara arm bar but Athena gets out and stands up as both stare at each other.

Joey: A quick start to this match!

Mia nods and smiles a little as her and Athena lock up again but this time Mia gets taken down and Athena does a knee to Mia's mid section and pins her


Mia kicks out quickly and sits up and Athena hits a low drop kick making Mia hit the mat.

Athena goes to the ropes and starts to climb them before getting hit in the back by Mia who picks her up in a powerbomb position and runs hitting a sit out powerbomb.

Mia pins Athena


Athena kicks out and Mia grabs her arm and starts pulling back on it before putting her knee on it and grabbing Athenas head in a STF.

Athena is able to get her foot on the ropes and push off making Mia let go and stand up before she does a kick to Athenas back.

Athena stands up and gets grabbed from behind before getting hit with a german suplex by Mia who pins her

Taz: A beautiful suplex by Mia! That may be it especially with the way she's pinning.


Athena kicks out again and Mia stands up and goes to the corner and waits.

Athena starts to get up and Mia runs going for a shinning wizard but purposely goes over Athenas head and then tries to knee her in the back of the head but Athena ducks it and grabs Mia's leg and drops her before doing a elbow drop to Mia's back.

Mia grabs the ropes and Athena runs and goes off the ropes and hits a springboard sunset flip powerbomb and pins Mia

Taz: Springboard sunset flip powerbomb that may be it!


Mia kicks out and Athena stands up and goes to the top rope and waits and as Mia gets up she jumps for an eclipse but Mia does a drop kick hitting Athena in mid air.

Joey: An amazing counter by Mia who saw the eclipse coming and stopped it!

Mia gets up and pulls Athena up and tries to hit a package piledriver but Athena gets out of it and hits Mia with a forearm making her back up and she runs to the ropes and goes for a cross body but gets caught and hit with a fall away slam from Mia who kips up.

Joey: Fall away slam by Mia!

Mia poses as the crowd cheers and she goes to the top rope and goes for a 450 but Athena rolls out of the way making Mia hit the mat and stand up before being hit with a shinning wizard from Athena who pins her


Mia kicks out and Athena hits her hand on the mat over and over.

Taz: Mia isn't done yet!

Athena gets rolled up but she rolls back and stands up as Mia hits a kick making her go through the ropes.

Mia gets up and runs to the ropes going through and grabbing Athena hitting a tornado DDT and standing up grabbing the barricade.

Mia poses and pulls up Athena who she throws into the ring and gets on the apron and starts to climb up the ropes and signals she's going for a 450 but Athena hits the ropes making Mia fall onto the top rope.

Athena climbs up the ropes and grabs Mia and looks back as she stands up on the top rope and hits a Spanish fly.


Athena pins Mia


Mia just kicks out and the crowd pops as Athena looks stunned.


Athena stands up and grabs the ropes as she looks around and is still a little stunned by what happened.

Athena pulls up Mia and puts her on her back and goes for an air raid crash but Mia does a crucifix pin on Athena


Athena kicks out and stands up and gets hit with a brain buster by Mia as they both are down on the mat.

Taz: Both these women feeling the effects of this match!

Mia goes to the ropes before pinning Athena


Athena kicks out and Mia is stunned as she grabs the ropes.

Joey: Mia may have taken too long to go for the pin as Athena was able to kick out!

Mia pulls up Athena and grabs her arm and twists it before getting hit with an elbow to the face making her back up to the ropes.

Taz: Athena fighting back with a brutal elbow!

Mia walks forward and Athena grabs her hitting a fisherman buster and pins Mia.


The bell rings as Athena grabs the ropes and smiles a little

Justin: Here is your winner Athena!!

Athena poses in the ring and helps Mia up.

Joey: A show of respect by these two amazing athletes.

Mia and Athena pose in the ring before both sliding out high fiving fans.

Taz: We will be right back after a commercial break.


Quinn: Amazing match by both women but standing with me is Britt Baker who...

Britt takes the mic

Britt: You can go now. Anyway. Candice Lerae the girl who "beat me" for the vacant ECW Womens championship. Candice you didn't beat me. What happened was I allowed you to hold that championship just so you can think that you're worthy of it. But at Hardcore Heaven I am gonna take what belongs to me and show that the Role Model is the best wrestler in the world.

Toni Storm walks into camera view

Toni: She didn't beat you? What I saw was you on the mat being pinned 1 2 3. I mean we all saw that so what makes you believe that you actually deserve a championship match when you lost the match. But me I won a match and won in an amazing way to where I definitely deserve a championship match more then you do.

Britt: You deserve a championship match?

Britt chuckles and then goes back to serious.

Britt: You think that you actually have what it takes to be a champion? Let me tell you something Toni. You don't deserve anything because you haven't beaten the best.

Candice walks in with a small smile and the championship around her shoulder.

Candice: I have an idea. I'll defend the Womens championship at Hardcore Heaven against whoever wins a match between you two next week. Since you both think that you deserve a championship match.

Britt: I'll beat her and then I'll beat you.

Toni: Oh sure you will. After I beat you that belt is coming with me.

*Back in the arena*

Joey: Toni Storm vs Britt Baker next week in a number one contenders match. That'll be an amazing match by both. I'm excited to see that.

Taz: I have to agree but up next we have our main event as Matt Cardona defends his Television championship against Danhausen.


Matt Cardona walks out with the Television hampionship around his waist and Chelsea next to him.

Justin: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the ECW Television championship. Introducing first from Long Island, New York weighing in at 224 pounds he is the ECW Television champion... Matt Cardona!!!!!

The crowd boos as Matt and Chelsea start to walk down to the ring and Matt slides in and poses as Chelsea is on the apron.

Matt grabs a mic and waits for his music to stop playing as he raises it.

Matt: Danhausen!? Who the hell is Danhausen? A guy who isn't even taken seriously and somehow Paul Heyman booked him against me. How the hell does he expect me! The best ECW Television champion of all time to deal with Danhausen? But more importantly who the hell am I gonna face at Hardcore Heaven!? I'm being told that it's a mystery opponent. This is bullshit!

The crowd continues to boo him and he goes to raise the mic up


Danhausen walks out and is immediately cheered as he looks around and poses as the crowd continues to cheer him.

Justin: And his opponent from Someplace Far Away weighing in at 180 pounds he is Very Nice, Very Evil..... Danhausen!!!!

Joey: While he may probably be the weirdest person on the roster. The fans love him.

Danhausen poses again and does a creepy smile as he walks down to the ring and stops at the steps and looks around again before he takes off his cape and putting a jar of teeth he has in the corner and then walks up the steps and gets into the ring.

Taz: He has a jar of teeth!?

The bell rings

Matt is moving around the ring and Danhausen stands still before pointing at Matt.


Matt looks confused and runs at Danhausen who moves out of the way and hits Matt with forearm shots and does a snap mare before hitting a drop kick to Matt's chest and pins him


Matt kicks out and Danhausen hits him over the head again and again before Matt stands up and elbows Danhausen in the gut making him back up.

Matt runs and tries to hit a radio silence but Danhausen counters it and hits a power bomb on Matt.

Joey: This match has started off quick!

Danhausen grabs the jar of teeth and turns around to be hit with a kick to the leg by Matt who stands up and hits a DDT on Danhausen.

Matt stands back up and grabs the jar of teeth and pulls Danhausen up and tries to hit him with the jar but Danhausen grabs Matt by the throat and stands up as Matt drops the jar.

Danhausen tries to hit a chokeslam but can't lift up Matt as he gets hit with elbows to the jaw over and over again.

Taz: Matt Cardona showing a ruthless side as he elbows Danhausen again and again.

Matt backs up and runs to the ropes and hits a big boot to Danhausen making him fall down before he goes to the top rope and hits a elbow drop as he pins Danhausen.


Danhausen kicks out and Matt looks mad as he walks up to the ref and pushes him.

Matt: That was three! That's bullshit!

Danhausen sits up and looks over at Matt as he stands up and waits for Matt to turn around and as he does he gets grabbed by the throat.

Danhausen: NO SWEARING!!!

Danhausen hits Matt with a chokeslamer and pins Matt


Matt kicks out and Danhausen looks at the camera with a weird smile as he stands up and looks over at the jar of teeth and opens it as he pulls Matt up and dumps the teeth into his mouth and backs up.

Matt starts to spit out the teeth as Danhausen looks at the camera and shrugs before running up and kicking Matt in the jaw making him spit out the teeth and fall down.

Matt grabs the ropes as Chelsea slides something to him and he picks it up as Danhausen grabs him but gets punched by Matt who had a roll of quarters that makes the quarters go all around the ring.

Joey: Damn! That was brutal Danhausen may be out!

Matt smiles at Chelsea as he waits for Danhausen to get up as he runs and hits a destroyer as he pins him.


Danhausen kicks out and Matt looks pissed as he stands up and hits the mat.

Matt: Damnit!!!

Taz: Oh that may wake up Danhausen again!

Matt pulls Danhausen up and gets lifted onto Danhausens shoulders as he tries to hit a GTS but Matt gets down and hits a low blow making Danhausen step forward.

Matt runs and as Danhausen turns around he hits him with a radio silence and pins him.


Taz: Matt Cardona winning the match and the fans aren't happy!

The fans boo as Matt stands up and is given the ECW Television championship by Chelsea as they smile at each other.

Joey: Ladies and Gentlemen that was another episode of ECW. We'll see you all next week.

Matt holds the ECW Television championship as the camera fades to black.


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