Ep 4

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*Thursday May 26th 2022*

ECW starts with a video of Paul Heyman.

Paul: Ladies and Gentlemen my name is Paul Heyman and as you know I love seeing new stars show up here in ECW. Which is why I have signed not one, not two, but many and I mean many new stars. Not only will we see them tonight but we will be seeing them for a long and I mean long time because everyone loves ECW! So please sit back and be ready because we will have wrestling! We will have brawling! We will have our performers pouring their heart and souls out for all of you in that audience and at home watching. So get ready because we start NOW!!

Joey: Hello and welcome to another episode of ECW. We are on the fast track to Hardcore Heaven in two weeks. With me as always my broadcast partner the human suplex machine Taz!

Taz: Joey I love being here and this is the final ECW before Hardcore Heaven this Sunday! Tonight we will see debuts. We will see Britt Baker taking on Toni Storm. We will see Will Hobbs taking on Colin Delaney. We will see it all so stay tuned but tonight we will start off with the debut of two amazing superstars.


Daniel Garcia walks out to a pretty good crowd reaction as he doesn't pay it any attention and starts to walk down to the ring

Justin: The following contest is scheduled for one fall (ONE FALL!) Introducing first from Buffalo, New York weighting in at 187 pounds Daniel Garcia!!!!

Daniel without caring about anything the fans are doing steps on the ring apron and looks around before stepping through the ropes.

Joey: Daniel Garcia here showing a stone face but you have to think that he might have doubts right?

Taz: Joey let me tell you this kid is from New York he doesn't have any doubts or fears. But he probably should with who his opponent is tonight!


Bryan Danielson comes out with a small smile on his face as the crowd pops!

Justin: And his opponent from Aberdeen, Washington weighting in at 210 pounds, He is the American Dragon... Bryan Danielson!!!!!!!

The crowd continues to cheer loudly as Bryan makes his way down to the ring and high fives a few fans before going up the steps and walking along the apron getting onto the ring post and doing a pose.

Taz: I think that's one of the loudest crowd reactions I've ever heard!!!! The fans love Bryan Danielson!!!

Joey: Can you blame them!? This man is one of if not the best wrestler in the world today!

Bryan gets into the ring and continues to hear the crowd cheer him as Justin Roberts gets out of the ring and the bell rings.

Bryan and Daniel start to circle the ring as they watch the other waiting for an opening.

Joey: Both men waiting for the right opportunity.

Bryan and Daniel tie up with Bryan getting Daniel into a waist lock and takes him down before grabbing him in a headlock and keeping it on as they both start to stand up and Daniel goes to the ropes and tries to throw Bryan off them but he keeps the headlock on before letting it go hitting an arm drag making Daniel roll across the ring and stand up.

Taz: A good start to the match so far. Looks like they may be trying to out wrestle the other.

Daniel nods as him and Bryan circle each other again before Bryan puts his hand up asking for a test of strength as Daniel starts to do the same until he tries to kick Bryan in the gut who catches his leg but Daniel is able to trip Bryan and grab his legs trying to put him in a sharpshooter but Bryan is able to grab Daniel's leg and puts him in a heel hook.

Bryan starts to lock in the heel hook right as Daniel grabs the ropes and uses them to try to get out as Bryan let's the heel hook go and runs doing a low drop kick hitting Daniel sending him into the barricade outside the ring as he holds his side and Bryan gets onto the apron and runs jumping off the apron and hitting a knee to Daniel's chest sending him down to the floor.

Taz: This match is already great to see and it's barely even started!

Bryan stands up as he hypes up the crowd as he lifts up Daniel and throws him into the ring apron as Daniel holds his back and sees Bryan run at him but he does a back body drop sending Bryan onto the apron.

Daniel gets onto the apron and grabs Bryan as he lifts him up and starts to pick him up for a suplex but he lands behind Daniel and pushes him into the ring post and falls off the apron as Bryan gets into the ring and starts to run trying to hit a tope but Daniel hits a drop kick to Bryan as he's coming through the ropes.

Joey: Daniel Garcia was ready for the tope from Danielson!!!!!

Daniel slides into the ring and grabs Bryan in a waist lock and taking him down before dropping his knee on his back making Bryan hold his back before Daniel grabs him and tries to hit a piledriver but Bryan is able to get out of it and pushes Daniel back before trying to hit a kick to the side of the head but Daniel ducks it and as Bryan turns around is met with a forearm to face making him step back and hold his jaw.

Bryan nods as he walks forward and grabs Daniel's head and hits him with a forearm over and over again making Daniel step back and nod before he walks forward getting chest to chest with Bryan.

Taz: I think these two are now done trying to out wrestle the other!!

Daniel hits a forearm and then chops Bryan who chops Daniel back before they start hitting each other with forearms and chops before Bryan hits a rolling elbow making Daniel fall back into the ropes and come back with a rebound lariat making Bryan do a flip landing on the mat.


Daniel grabs Bryan and pulls him up before lifting him up into the air then hitting a delayed suplex and grabbing Bryan's arm and lifting up hitting a headbutt making them both stumble around in the ring before Daniel grabs Bryan hitting a back suplex.

Daniel stands up and goes to the corner as he waits for Bryan to start getting up before running trying to hit a lariat but Bryan ducks it and grabs Daniel's arms hitting a tiger suplex as they both lay on the mat before Bryan gets up hitting the mat and hyping up the crowd.

Joey: Bryan getting the crowd behind him as he gets ready to possibly kick Daniel's head off his shoulders!

Daniel starts to get up as Bryan runs going for a knee but Daniel hits a drop kick sending him down onto the mat as Daniel gets up and waits for Bryan to get up and as he does he puts him in a sleeper hold as Bryan starts trying to fight out it as Daniel keeps the sleeper on.

Taz: Bryan is gonna have to get out of this if he wants this match to continue. But let me tell you as a guy who used a modified sleeper hold it isn't easy to get out!

Bryan is able to get his feet on the ropes and tries to kick off of them but Daniel keeps the sleeper hold on as Bryan is finally able to kick off the ropes and make Daniel fall down and Bryan gets Daniel's shoulders on the mat as the ref starts the count.

Ref: 1...2...

Daniel let's the sleeper hold go as Bryan tries to kick Daniel who rolls out of the way and he tries to kick him in the side of the head again but Daniel ducks it and tries to hit Bryan with a release german suplex but he lands on his feet and finally is able to kick Daniel in the side of the head and grabs him in a crucifix before starting to hit him with elbow after elbow.


Bryan let's go of Daniel who has blood coming down his head going onto the mat before Bryan pins him as the ref starts the count.

Ref: 1...2...

Daniel kicks out and Bryan doesn't waste any time grabbing Daniel's arm and putting him in a labell lock pulling back making Daniel yell in pain as he tries to go to the ropes but Bryan pulls back more and more as Daniel puts his hand out trying to grab the ropes as he crawls towards them.

Taz: Daniel knows that the ropes won't save him but he could possibly get out of the ring and out of the labell lock!

Bryan let's go of the labell lock and pulls Daniel to the center of the ring and starts trying to put Daniel into another labell lock but he pushes Bryan down onto the mat and pins him quickly as the ref counts

Ref: 1...2....

Bryan just kicks out and Daniel grabs him hitting a back body driver and getting the blood out of his eyes as he takes Bryan over to the ropes and puts him up on the top and gets onto the apron climbing up the ropes before grabbing Bryan and tries to hit a move off the top rope but Bryan gets out and kicks Daniel in the side of the head.


Bryan climbs up the ropes and grabs Daniel hitting an avalanche back suplex into the ring as he is on the mat breathing heavily as he throws his arm over Daniel on the mat as the ref goes down for the pin fall.

Ref: 1...2....

Daniel just barely kicks out as the crowd is stunned and so is Bryan who crawls over to the ropes and uses them to stand up as he goes over to Daniel and grabs his arms before hitting him with a stomp after stomp before letting his arms go and stepping back as he breathes heavily.

Joey: Bryan may be looking to finish this match!

Bryan hears the crowd cheer as he looks around and smiles a little before seeing Daniel starting to get up and he runs hitting a knee to Daniel and pinning him as the ref goes down for the count.

Ref: 1...2...3!

The bell rings as the crowd cheers loudly as Bryan starts to stand up and walks over to the ropes climbing up them as the crowd cheers more and more as he smiles again.

Taz: Bryan Danielson and Daniel Garcia just put on a damn good match!

Bryan gets off the ropes as he sees Daniel getting up and helps him up as he pushes him back and looks at Bryan.

Joey: These two may not be done!

Daniel looks at Bryan who puts his hand out and Daniel looks around at the crowd who cheer as he shakes Bryan's hand making the crowd cheer again.

Taz: A great show of respect by these two! Well up next we have my man Will Hobbs taking on Colin Delaney and I have to tell you I'm gonna enjoy that match.

Joey: But first we have a message from Jon Moxley who at Hardcore Heaven will be taking on Eddie Kingston in a match of his choosing.

*Video starts*

Jon Moxley is sitting in a chair as a fire is in front of him and he looks around before standing up and having a small smirk on his face.

Jon: Eddie..brotha..Whatever the fuck you wanna call yourself that doesn't matter. What does matter is that you don't understand why I did what I did to you. It wasn't because of me being one step closer to possibly becoming the ECW World champion. No and it wasn't because the fans wanted me to. It was because I was sick and tired of you having to use me to keep yourself relevant because let's be honest here you're nothing at all compared to me. So at Hardcore Heaven you and me in a Texas Deathmatch! I am gonna send you to the back of the line or possibly send you out of ECW.

*The video ends*

Joey: A TEXAS DEATHMATCH!!!???? That match is going to be amazing!!!!

Taz rolls his eyes as he starts to smile a little.

Taz: Joey that will be awesome but right now I think I'm gonna enjoy this match as Colin Delaney is already in the ring and he's facing my man! Will Hobbs!!

The camera goes to the ring to show Colin getting ready as he pulls the ropes and waits for Will Hobbs.

Justin: The following contest is scheduled for one fall (ONE FALL!) already in the ring from Rochester, New York weighting in at 172 pounds...Colin Delaney!!!!

Colin does a pose as the crowd actually gives him a few cheers as that recognize him.

Joey: Colin if you didn't know was actually a big part of WWECW and the fans clearly remember him.


Will Hobbs walks out with Ricky Stark and Hook following behind him as the crowd boos him and he starts to walk down to the ring

Justin: And his opponent from East Palo Alto, California weighting in at 271 pounds he is representing Team Taz.....Will Hobbs!!!!!

Will continues to walk down to the ring and walks up the steps as he gets onto the apron and steps through the ropes as he looks at Colin.

Taz: This is gonna be great!

Will waits as he hears the bell ring and Colin runs at him as Will immediately picks him up and hits him with a spine buster and starts punching Colin over and over again before standing up.

Taz is laughing on commentary while watching the match.

Taz: Oh this is already the best match on the card!

Will grabs Colin and starts to lift him up but Colin hits him over and over again in the side and does a standing drop kick as Will steps back and is hit with a forearm as he looks at Colin who tries to run to the ropes but is grabbed and slammed onto the mat.

Joey: Will Hobbs is just not letting up on Colin here.

Will lifts up Colin and hits him with a power slam and stands up before grabbing Colin who isn't moving and puts him onto his shoulders and hits an F5 before pinning him and the ref starts the count.

Ref: 1...2...3!!!

The bell rings as Will stands up and looks down at Colin as Hook and Ricky get into the ring and all of them look at Colin before they all start kicking him and all laugh a little as they pick him up and throw him over to Hook who puts him in a sleeper before hitting a sleeper suplex and standing up.

Taz: That's right! This is what happens when you face off against Team T-


Brian Cage starts to run down to the ring as Taz sighs on commentary and Team Taz see Brian as they all get out of the ring and start to go through the crowd as they are all booed.

Brian helps up Colin who uses the ropes to stand up as he puts his hand out and Brian looks at it before grabbing Colin and hitting him with a Drill Claw.

Brian walks around the ring before he grabs a mic and looks at Team Taz.

Brian: Hey Hobbs! I'm talking to you! You want my FTW championship come try and take it from me right now!

Hobbs flicks off Brian as him and Team Taz continue to make their way through the crowd who continue to boo them.

Taz: No one is scared of you Cage! At Hardcore Heaven Hobbs is gonna take back the FTW championship and you won't be able to do anything!

Joey: If no one is scared then why did Team Taz run as soon as Cage came out to the ring?

Taz looks at Joey pissed as the show starts to go to commercial break.


Quinn: Well I have to say so far ECW has been great and we have seen an amazing match earlier tonight.

Danhausen walks into the cameras shot and looks around before grabbing a mic.

Danhausen: Hello? Yes!

Quinn: Not again.....

Danhausen: It is I! Danhausen!

Quinn sighs and looks around.

Quinn: Wh...What are y-

Danhausen: You! Fellow!

Danhausen points at the cameraman.

Danhausen: Let's move a bit!

Quinn: Hey! That's my mic! Hey!

Danhausen: Oh yes! Quinnhausen it is! But I need to borrow it real quick so I can earn some monies!

*Back in the arena*

Joey: Hey who else but Danhausen. We have a lot of interesting people here in ECW. But up next is a match between two amazing women superstars as we have Toni Storm taking on Britt Baker for a chance to face Candice Lerae for the ECW Womens championship at Hardcore Heaven!


Britt walks out with a cocky smirk on her face as the crowd boos her and she poses on the top of the ramp while looking around the arena.

Justin: The following contest is scheduled for one fall (ONE FALL!) and is a number one contenders match up!! Introducing first from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania..... Dr. Britt Baker DMD!!!

Britt smirks again as she starts to walk down to the ring and goes up the steps as she steps through the ropes and poses again in the ring as the crowd continues to boo her as she takes off her jacket.


Toni Storm walks out and lowers her glasses as the crowd cheers for her and she starts to walk down to ring.

Justin: And her opponent from Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia......Toni Storm!!!!

Toni slides into the ring and poses as the crowd cheers for her and she smiles as she takes off her jacket and glasses.

Joey: These two women are amazing and will show why they believe they deserve to be not just number one contender but hopefully be ECW womens champion by the time Hardcore Heaven this Sunday ends.

The bell rings!

Britt and Toni circle the ring before they tie up and Britt gets Toni in a side headlock before Toni grabs her by the waist and tries to hit a back body driver but Britt lands on her feet behind Toni and grabbing her head pulling her down into her knee making Toni fall onto the mat.

Britt pins Toni and the ref starts to go down to the mat to count but Toni kicks out before the ref can even count one.

Britt grabs Toni in a headlock and stands her up as she is gonna go for a headlock driver but Toni gets out of it and goes for a super kick but Britt ducks it and she goes for a super kick of her own that Toni ducks.

Toni hits Britt with a chop and then grabs her as she does arm drag and pulls back on Britt's arm as she yells in pain and Toni chops her over and over again.

Taz: Toni Storm showing a more ruthless side as she isn't even letting up on the chops to Britt!

Toni stands Britt up and hits her with a forearm across the face making her step back and Toni continues to hold on as she tries to hit a ripcord lariat but Britt ducks it and as she ducks grabs Toni hitting a neck breaker as she stands up holding her chest.

Britt pulls Toni to the corner and kicks her over and over again before backing up and running trying to hit a knee in the corner but Toni moves and Britt's knee hits the turn buckle making her step back holding it.

Joey: Ohhh Toni Storm may have just given herself a huge advantage because Britt is now holding her knee!

Toni runs sweeping Britt's leg out from underneath her making Britt fall back onto the mat and Toni immediately starts grabbing her leg but Britt fights back kicking Toni in the side and hits Toni in the leg making her fall to a knee and Britt hits a kick to the side of the head and starts to get up grabbing Toni trying for a suplex but Toni reverses it into a suplex of her own.

Joey: A great reversal by Storm!

Toni grabs Britt and pulls her up as she throws her into the corner and runs hitting a drop kick in the corner as Britt falls down into a seating position as Toni backs up and runs hitting a hip attack to Britt and steps back again and runs again hitting another hip attack before pulling Britt out of the corner and pinning her as the ref goes to the mat starting to count.

Ref: 1...2.

Britt kicks out and Toni looks down at her as she stands up and grabs Britt's arm making her stand up and she twists it as she starts to walk her to the corner but Britt fights back and pulls Toni into a heavy forearm making her step back and come back with a forearm of her own.

Britt steps back and hits a super kick making Toni step back and hit the ropes befues coming back hitting a headbutt that stumbles both of them as they use the other to stand up before Toni hits another headbutt making Britt step back again but Britt comes back with a discus lariat making Toni fall down before Britt grabs her throwing her onto the apron as she steps through the ropes.

Taz: She's gonna go for a stomp onto the apron! Britt is gonna try and stomp Toni into the apron!

Britt waits for Toni to start to get up before running but stopping halfway as she flicks off the crowd making them boo her as she lifts Toni up onto her shoulders before putting her on her back and running hitting an air raid crash onto the floor outside the ring making them both feel the pain.

Joey: OH MY GOD! That may have been even worse than the stomp did you see how Toni Storm hit the floor!?

Britt holds her knee as she starts to get up still holding her knee as she taunts the crowd and does her DMD taunt making them boo her even more as she smirks.

Britt stops holding her knee as she looks under the ring and pulls out a chair that she sets up and looks at Toni holding her back as she pulls her up by the hair and is gonna for a DDT onto the chair but Toni gets out of it and hits a elbow to Britt making her stumble before Toni hits a rolling elbow making Britt stumble again falling into the chair.

Toni backs up and hypes up the crowd before running hitting a jumping hip attack on Britt making her fall back out of the chair.

Taz: Very unique offense by Toni Storm as always!

Toni grabs the chair and folds it up as she puts it in the ring and lifts up Britt rolling her into the ring before hyping up the crowd again as she looks under the ring pulling out another chair that she puts in the ring before rolling in and setting up the chairs facing each other.

Joey: Toni Storm has something in mind here!

Toni looks at Britt who is crawling to the ropes and using them to get up as Toni grabs her and throws her off the ropes and as Britt comes back Toni goes for a super kick but Britt ducks it and hits a lariat to Toni making her fall down as Britt goes down with her and pins her as the ref goes down for the count.

Ref: 1...2..

Toni kicks out and Britt looks annoyed as she stands up and waits for Toni to get up and steps back before running going for a stomp but Toni moves and Britt goes for another stomp but Toni misses again and stands up grabbing Britt by the waist and hitting a german suplex and holding onto Britt as she stands up and goes for another german suplex but Britt lands on her feet and hits the ropes before hitting a stomp!


Britt pins Toni as the ref goes down for the count

Ref: 1...2...

Toni kicks out and Britt is stunned as she looks at Toni as the crowd cheers for Toni while Britt is getting up and is still stunned before she grabs Toni and starts to put on the lock jaw but Toni is able to do a crucifix pin as the ref counts it

Ref: 1...2...

Britt just kicks out in time as she starts to get up but is met by a drop kick from Toni who uses the ropes to run hitting a rolling senton before standing up as she lifts up Britt and goes for a Storm Zero but Britt gets out of it and goes for a forearm but Toni ducks it and kicks Britt in her leg making her drop to a knee and Toni hits a DDT and hypes up the crowd.

Taz: Toni may be looking to finish this match!

Toni pulls up Britt and kicks her in the gut and goes for a Storm Zero again but Britt gets out of it again and grabs Toni hitting an STO onto the set up chairs and doesn't even go for a pin as she grabs Toni and puts her in a lock jaw as Toni goes wide eyed.

Britt: TAP OUT!

Britt keeps the lock jaw on as Toni yells in pain and tries to get out but can't as Britt laughs and looks around at the crowd as she does a cocky smirk.


Toni puts her hand out as if she's going to tap out until Britt let's the lock jaw go as someone grabbed her and hits her with an unprettier!


The camera goes to the person to show Chelsea Green with a grin on her face as she taunts Britt who is knocked out on the mat before she leaves the ring.


The crowd boos Chelsea as she shrugs and walks up the ramp as both women in the ring are on the mat.

Taz: I don't know why she did it but I don't think she cared to help Toni at all!

Toni starts to get up using the ropes and sees Britt on the mat as she walks over and lifts her up hitting a piledriver before pinning her as the ref goes down for the count.

Ref: 1...2...3!

The bell rings as the crowd cheers for Toni who starts to get up and has her arm raised by the ref.

Justin: Here is your winner and number one contender for the ECW womens championship Toni Storm!!!

Toni poses as the crowd continues to cheer her before she steps out of the ring high fiving the fans as she goes up the ramp.

Joey: Toni won the match but I don't believe that she knows what happened at all!

Toni poses on top of the ramp as she smiles and hears the crowd continue to cheer her.

Taz: Folks that was the last match of tonight but we are not done at all because up next we will be hearing from one of our newest signings!

*After commercial break*

No one is in the ring as the camera shows the crowds who are cheering and are hyped up.


Tommaso Ciampa walks out with a mic as the crowd cheers for him and he smiles before start to walk down to the ring.

Joey: TOMMASO CIAMPA!!!!! Ladies and Gentlemen this man is probably one of the best wrestlers today and we have him in ECW! A place where he will shine!!

Tommaso goes up the steps as he stands on the apron listening to the crowd before going through the ropes and smiling again as he starts to tell the crowd to quiet down.

Tommaso: Incase you all don't know who I am, My name is Tommaso Ciampa! I am the Blackheart and I was handpicked by Paul Heyman himself to face Malakai Black this Sunday. My goal is to bring the ECW Championship back to the light and bring it home to me. Malakai Black has a hold on that title but Malakai has a new task and that is me. I am not to be taken lightly. I have torn my ACL, broken my fuckin neck, and still came back!! I never give up and I will win the ECW championship!!! Malakai Black is a manipulative snake who will let his ego and views get in his way. Malakai, I know you are watching, we have faced off many times. I beat you every single time. I won the NXT championship from you and the result will be the same again! I beat you three times, and at Hardcore Heaven, it will be four and there is nothing you can d-

The lights go out all around the arena as the crowd was enjoying and cheering for Tommaso.

Joey: Have we lost power!?

The lights come back on and standing behind Tommaso in a all black suit is Malakai Black who takes off his jacket as Tommaso turns around and is hit with a jumping knee strike sending him down and making him hold the ropes.


Malakai grabs Tomasso and pushes him against the ropes as he starts to punch him over and over again before pushing him down as Tommaso rolls out of the ring and Malakai follows him out before grabbing him and throwing him into the ring post as Tommaso holds the post and tries to stay on his feet.


Malakai waits for Tommaso to turn around with blood coming down his face and hits a black mass kick sending Tommaso down to the floor and he stands there looking at him as he then looks around at the crowd who boos him and a smirk starts to form on his face as he rolls into the ring and goes to the middle of it as he sits down and listens to the crowd boo him.

Taz: Malakai Black showed up, attacked Tommaso, and busted him open all to the hatred of these fans here!

Malakai chuckles as he continues to sit in the ring listening to the crowd as the show starts to end.

Joey: Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for watching and showing up for ECW we will see you Sunday but don't stop watching because up next we have the debut of our new show ECW After Dark!

The cameras start to turn off as they're all on Tommaso on the outside of the ring and Malakai sitting in the middle of the ring.

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