Hardcore Heaven

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A/N: Before this chapter starts I want everyone reading this now and later after it's published to know that since this book was made in 2022 and takes place in 2022 going forward from this and future chapters/episodes of ECW I will continue to use Jay Briscoe as a tribute to his and his brother Mark's legacy as "Dem Boys" the Briscoe Brothers. They were one of the best teams of this generation and both of their legacies will continue to live on. RIP to an amazing performer and an amazing father. If you don't feel comfortable continuing to read this I completely understand.

*Sunday May 29th 2022*

Paul: Ladies and Gentlemen my name is Paul Heyman and tonight is Hardcore Heaven! We will see some of the best we have putting on amazing matches for each and everyone of you fans! But before we start off this event I want to tell everyone here and watching our next pay per view is in 2 months and it will be Heatwave! So everyone I hope that you get ready because just like this show it will be amazing and we all will put everything we have on the line. Now get ready because it starts now!!!


A video package starts the show off showing highlights of the people in each match before the camera goes all around the arena showing the crowd cheering and jumping around and already having a good time before a single match even happens.

The camera continues to go around the arena showing the fans before stopping on the commentary table as Taz and Joey both listen to the crowd with smiles on their faces.

Joey: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Hardcore Heaven live from the ECW arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania! We welcome you all! I am Joey Styles and as always I am joined by the Human Suplex machine himself Taz!

Taz smiles and nods

Taz: This night is gonna be freaking awesome! We also would like to thank Non Point for Everybody Down the official theme of Hardcore Heaven. Tonight we will see blood spilled. We will hear cheers and boos. We may see championship wins. What we can definitely say is that it will be awesome! Let's start this show off right! Let's go down to the ring with Justin Roberts.

The cameras go down to the ring showing Justin Roberts smiling as he looks around at the crowd.


Joey: Where is he!?

Jon Moxley walks out from the back as the fans around him boo and flick him off as he walks through the crowd with a bottle of water that he takes a drink of before throwing as he continues to walk.

Justin: The following contest is a TEXAS DEATHMATCH!!!!! The match only ends when one person can not reach their feet by the referees ten count. Introducing first from Cincinnati, Ohio weighting in at 225 pounds...JON MOXLEY!!!!!!!

Jon jumps over the barricade and takes off his jacket as he slides into the ring and poses on the ropes as the crowd continues to boo him.

Taz: These fans have turned on Moxley and we all understand why! This match is going to be brutal!


Eddie walks out from the ramp way pushing a shopping cart full of weapons as he looks down at the ring right at Moxley as the fans cheer Eddie who starts to walk.

Justin: And his opponent from Yonkers, New York weighting in at 244 pounds the Mad King .....Eddie Kingston!!!!

Joey: Eddie has not taken his eyes off of Jon Moxley the whole time he's walked down to the ring. These two are not gonna stop until one can't move anymore.

Eddie stops pushing the shopping cart as he gets to the ring and shakes his head as Jon goes to the ropes and flicks off Eddie who spits at him.

Jon slides out of the ring and starts throwing punch after punch with Eddie who does the same before kicking Jon in the nuts and starting to punch him over and over again in the head as the bell rings.


Eddie grabs Jon by the head and runs throwing him into the ring post and then grabbing him again and throwing him into the shopping cart which falls over making all the weapons go everywhere.

Jon grabs his side as he starts to get up while his hand is on the shopping cart before Eddie stomps on it over and over again making Jon yell in pain before being kicked in the head.

Taz: I don't think Eddie is going to stop attacking Jon until he is done breathing!

Eddie grabs a cheese grater off the floor and grabs Jon starting to pull him up as he tries to grate Jon's head but he's able to hit Eddie in the side over and over again with elbows before grabbing the cheese grater smashing it into Eddie's head and standing up as he knees him in the gut before starting to grate Eddie's head.

Eddie yells in pain as Jon grabs him hitting a paradigm shift onto the shopping cart as Eddie is bleeding immediately from the cheese grater as the ref runs over and tries to start a count before Jon pushes him.

Jon: I'm not done with him!

Jon looks at the weapons on the floor before picking up a Kendo stick and smirking as he starts hitting Eddie over and over again on the back and head with it before he breaks it over his knee and pulls up Eddie before hitting him on the head with the broken Kendo stick again and again making him bleed even more.

Jon throws Eddie down and puts his head on the cart before backing up and running trying to hit a stomp but Eddie is able to move out of the way and Jon puts a dent in the cart as he holds his foot before Eddie kicks him in the gut and starts to stand up as he hits him with a slap and then a punch and continues hitting punches and slaps making Jon back up to the barricade before Eddie hits him with a lariat making him fall over the barricade onto the concrete floor.

Joey: The fans are about to see these two close up because I don't think they want to enter that ring this whole match!

Eddie throws his arm up as the crowd cheers him and he picks up a street sign before going over the barricade and waiting for Jon to get up as he hits him with it making him step back and Eddie puts the street sign on Jon's face before punching it making him fall down to his knees as Eddie kicks him in the face and then hits a headlock driver onto the concrete floor.

The ref starts to count but Eddie stops him and shakes his head as he picks up Jon by the head and slams him down onto his knee as Jon is starting to bleed and he holds himself up before being kicked in the gut by Eddie who then stomps on his leg making Jon grab it.

Eddie: I'm not stopping till you're gone!

Eddie grabs a steel railing and leans it against the barricade as he waits for Jon to get up and grabs him hitting a back drop driver onto the railing denting as Eddie holds his head and Jon holds his neck.

Eddie: Fuck you!

Eddie stands up and grabs Jon as he tries to hit him with a piledriver but Jon is able to get out of it and knee Eddie in the gut time after time before Jon hits a bodyslam onto the railing and going over the barricade as he picks up lighter fluid and a lighter as he slides it into the ring.


Eddie starts to get up holding his back as he uses the barricade to stand up and sees Jon put two tables into the ring as he walks over grabbing Eddie and hitting a suplex onto the cart making Eddie yell and grab his back as Jon puts a trash can near Eddie's face and runs kicking it making the trash can fold.

Jon: Start the fucking count!

Jon stands up as the ref starts counting and Eddie holds his back before rolling over trying to get up and grabs the ring apron starting to stand up before Jon hits him with a chair shot to the head as Eddie holds onto the ropes to stay standing up.

Jon: Why won't you stay down!

Eddie continues to hold onto the ropes standing up as Jon hits him with a shot to the side and then hits Eddie again with a chair shot to the head as he let's the ropes go and falls onto the ground as Jon slides into the ring and the ref is hesitant to even start the count as Jon sets up the two tables and smirks.

Joey: What does Jon Moxley have planned!?

Eddie starts to get up as his face is covered in blood and he slides into the ring as Jon starts kicking him over and over again making him stay down before he backs up running trying to hit a stomp but again Eddie moves and trips Jon as his head connects with the side of the table.

Eddie slides into the ring and grabs the lighter fluid as he pours it onto the table and then looks at Jon as he throws the lighter fluid and picks up Jon hitting a spinning back fist as he falls down to the mat and Eddie smirks as he grabs the lighter off the mat and starts to try to get it to light but then stops as he looks at the weapons on the floor outside the ring as he goes to the outside of the ring and grabs a barbed wire chair as he pulls the barbed wire off and gets back into the ring and wrapping the barbed wire around his hand as he waits for Jon to get up and hits another spinning back fist making Jon fall again and him to bleed even more.

Eddie: Ref you better start that fucking count after this!

Eddie throws the barbed wire down and lifts up Jon as he puts him in the corner and puts him up on the top turn buckle as he lights the tables on fire and smirks as the crowd starts cheering for Eddie.


Eddie climbs up the ropes and grabs Jon as he tries to do superplex but Jon is able to stop him and hits him with multiple headbutts before grabbing Eddie and jumping off the top rope hitting a Death Rider DDT through both tables as the crowd screams and boos.

Taz: HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!

Jon starts to move as he demands the ref to start counting as the ref starts and Jon grabs the ropes to stand up as his face is covered in blood and the crowd boos him extremely loudly as he flicks them off and laughs as Eddie hasn't moved and the ref continues the count.


The crowd continues to boo Jon as the ref continues the count and finishes it as he calls for the bell and Jon raises his arms.

Justin: Here is the winner of this match JON MOXLEY!!!!!!!!!

Taz: I can't believe what we just saw!

Jon slides out of the ring as he walks up the ramp and sees medics running down to the ring to help Eddie as he continues to walk and gets to the top of the ramp.

Jon: What did you expect!?

Joey: Holy shit that was unbelievable! Ladies and Gentlemen the medics are helping out Eddie Kingston but up next we have Matt Cardona defending his Television championship against a debuting star!

The cameras show Eddie and then go backstage to show Quinn ready to interview someone.

Quinn: We just saw a brutal display from Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley and that us just the beginning of Hardcore Heaven. But standing with me now is Wyatt Danger!

Wyatt walks into camera view as he smiles a little and hears the crowd cheer him as he nods a little.

Wyatt: Quinn thank you for having me I won't waste any of your time so I'll get to my point. I asked for this interview to say that I know Paul Heyman has brought in a bunch of talent and I am one of the first people to say that I want to face whoever wants to show up. I don't care who it is because I lo-

Wyatt stops talking as he sees a familiar face walk into camera view as he looks confused until Adam Cole comes into camera view and takes Quinns mic.

Adam: You're not needed anymore right now. Wyatt Danger wow I never thought I'd see your face again but when Paul Heyman called me asking if I wanted to join I accepted immediately because I knew that I would get the chance to kick your ass again.

Wyatt looks at Adam as he chuckles a little and raises an eyebrow.

Wyatt: I'm sorry Adam but last time I checked I've beaten you more times than you've ever beaten me and that was because you had help from your buddies. Which sorry to tell you but only one of them is here so I don't think there is a chance of you beating me anytime soon. But if you're so confident that you will then maybe you'd like to try and back up your words on ECW.

Adam has a cocky smirk on his face as he nods and looks at Wyatt.

Adam: No because we're gonna have a match on my time and not on yours. So why don't you start getting ready cause when I beat you remember that it was because Adam Cole is better than you.

Adam drops his mic as he walks out of camera view and Wyatt shakes his head as he looks at Quinn who grabs her mic.

Wyatt: Sorry he's kind of a prick.

*Back in the arena*

Joey: Strong words from both men and am I excited to see that match whenever it may happen.

Taz: I have to agree Joey but up next we have our first championship match as Matt Cardona defends his ECW Television championship against a debuting star.


Matt walks out with Chelsea as they both have smirks on their faces and listen as the crowd boo them extremely loudly.

Justin: The following contest is scheduled for one fall (ONE FALL) and is for the ECW Television Championship! Introducing first from Long Island, New York weighing in at 224 pounds he is the ECW Television Champion.....Matt Cardona!!!!!

Taz: Matt Cardona while all the fans may hate him has shown that he can win matches against anyone!

Joey: That's only because of Chelsea! If she wasn't out there we'd see if he can really win!

Matt and Chelsea start to walk down to the ring as Matt goes up the steps and stands on the apron before a pissed off Britt Baker runs down and starts to attack Chelsea Green!



Britt grabs Chelsea and throws her over the barricade as they fight through the crowd and the fans are cheering for Britt as they start to fight to the back and Matt is left in the ring wide eyed.

The ref grabs the Television championship from Matt as he tries to get focused and takes off his jacket as he waits for his opponent.

Taz: Who is it!?


The crowd pops as Alex Kane walks out and looks around as he nods and listens to the crowd.

Justin: And his opponent from Atlanta, Georgia weighting in at 238 pounds he is the suplex assassin......Alex Kane!

Alex starts to walk down to the ring as the crowd cheers him and he walks up the steps and looks at Matt as he steps through the ropes.

Joey: Alex Kane! If you don't know who this man is he is an incredible athlete who reminds me of my broadcast partner. He is a former MLW National openweight champion!

Alex stands in his corner and waits for the bell to ring as Matt is stunned and shocked as he can't believe it as the bell rings.

Taz: I'm excited for this!

Matt immediately runs at Alex who grabs him and hits an over the head belly to belly making Matt grab his back as he lands on the mat before being picked up and hit with a snap suplex as Alex stands up as he looks around at the crowd.

Alex: Count with me! 2!

Alex lifts up Matt as he hits him with a back suplex as the crowd counts along as Alex stands up and grabs Matt hitting a deadlift german suplex and standing back up as the crowd counts.

Joey: This is amazing!

Alex grabs Matt and stands him up as he hits a belly to back suplex and pins him

Ref: 1...2...

Matt kicks out and Alex stands up and grabs Matt as he lifts him up and hits an exploder suplex as the crowd counts it and Matt tries to roll out of the ring but Alex grabs him and pulls him back in before lifting him up and hitting an inverted exploder suplex before pinning Matt again

Ref: 1...2...3!

The crowd cheers as Alex stands up hearing the bell ring and the ref hands him the ECW Television Championship.

Justin: Here is your winner and NEW!!!!!! ECW Television champion ALEX KANE!!!!!

Alex holds the ECW Television Championship as the crowd cheers him and he smiles a little.

Taz: The fans love to see this! Matt Cardona isn't champ anymore and the debuting Alex Kane had a great match! This man has a bright future ahead of him!

Joey: Taz I have to agree but up next we have our women's championship match as Toni Storm takes on the champion Candice Lerae! But for now we need to go backstage as Quinn is interviewing a brand new star!


Quinn: From one debut to another debut I would like to introduce everyone to one of our new signnes Elle Roberts!

A 5'7 woman with a fit build, blondish brunette hair, a few piercings in her ears, and a few tattoos walks into the camera shot and smiles as she nods at Quinn who smiles a little.

Quinn: Elle it's great to meet you and I just have a question and it's what does being in ECW mean for you?

Elle smiles again and can't seem to take the smile off her face.

Elle: It means the absolute world to me. I mean ECW has some of the best wrestlers in the world today and I feel so lucky and just amazing that I may have the opportunity to face some of the best. It's just amazing I can't believe it's real.

Quinn: That's great! Now trying to not get too personal was one of the reasons you signed here because your boyfriend Wyatt Danger being here?

Elle giggles and nods a little as she shrugs.

Elle: Yes it is because we've always made sure to try and stay close to each other as it's better for couples to usually be in the same promotion. Besides that it was only one of the many reasons.

Elle goes to say something until a 5'7 woman with blonde hair who has a noticeably curvy and muscular build that has a few piercings in each ear and in her nose with a few tattoos showing hugs her as Elle looks confused until she turns around and looks excited before hugging back.

Elle: Oh my god Sadie!!!!!

Quinn: Sadie Morgan!?

Sadie smiles and nods as she pulls back from the hug and giggles as she starts to talk with her british accent present in each word she says.

Sadie: Elle it's so great to see you again! Oh my god I haven't seen you face to face in what a year!? Since you left the UK!

Elle smiles at Sadie as she nods and pulls back from the hug and giggles a little.

Elle: Yea! It's so good to see you again!

Quinn looks a little confused but smiles a little as she chuckles.

Quinn: Sadie well I guess I can turn this into a double interview. I asked Elle this what does being in ECW mean to you?

Sadie smiles as she thinks for a second and then looks at Quinn.

Sadie: It means so much to me as this is my first time working in the states and I can't wait to show the audience not just in the areas but watching at home also.

Sadie smiles as she looks at Elle and giggles before she realizes.

Sadie: Hey maybe you and Wyatt can be the power couple of ECW! That would be so awesome for you two.

Elle smiles and nods as she giggles

Elle: That would be awesome! We could both be holding championships!

Quinn looks at Elle and Sadie as she chuckles a little again.

Quinn: Well ladies it was great meeting both of you. I wish you both luck going forward in ECW. Let's go back the arena.

*Back in the arena*

Joey: Always great seeing our new signees. Those two young ladies from what I've seen are amazing talents.

Taz: I gotta say both women will be great I'm sure of it.


Toni walks out as she lowers her glasses looking around the arena as she smiles a little and takes off her glasses as she starts to walk down to the ring.

Joey: Listen this match may steal the show both Toni Storm and Candice Lerae are amazing performers and both deserve this match!

Toni high fives a few fans as she smiles and walks up the steps before posing on the apron and stepping through the ropes as she poses in the middle of the ring and listens to the fans cheer her as she smiles again.


Candice smiles brightly as she comes out with the ECW Womens championship around her waist as she looks around at the crowd before starting to go down to the ring as they cheer for her.

Taz: The pixie herself Candice Lerae I think no matter who wins this match it'll be one for us to remember!

Candice slides into the ring as she holds the ECW Womens championship as she goes to the corner and climbs up it posing with the championship as she smiles and looks around as she hears even more cheers.

Candice gets off the ropes as she hands the championship to the ref as she smiles a little and goes to her corner getting ready for the match.

Justin: The following contest is scheduled for one fall (ONE FALL!!) and is for the ECW Womens championship!!! Introducing first from Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia......Toni Storm!!!!

Toni poses as the crowd cheers for her and she smiles before taking off her jacket as she gets ready.

Justin: And the champion from Riverside, California she is the ECW Womens champion....Candice Lerae!!!!!

Candice takes off the ECW Womens championship and poses with it as she smiles a little and listens to the crowd cheer for her before she hands the championship to the ref.

Joey: Listen this match is gonna be great. Both of these women are amazing competitors and both always put everything they have into their matches.

The ref shows both Candice and Toni the championship before holding it up and then handing it to a ringside official and calls for the bell.

Taz: Here we go!

Candice and Toni both circle the ring looking for an opening before locking up in the middle of the ring and Toni immediately goes behind Candice grabbing her waist and taking her down onto the mat before letting her go and standing up.

Joey: A quick show of respect letting Candice get up.

Candice stands up and looks at Toni as they lock up again with Candice getting Toni in a wrist lock before Toni elbows Candice in the jaw making her let it go and try to hit a lariat but Candice is able to duck it and grab Toni's arm hitting an arm drag before pulling back on it making Toni try to get to the ropes.

Taz: Toni knows there aren't any rope breaks but she could be using that to try and get out of the ring.

Candice lets go of Toni's arm and stands up as Toni looks confused before standing up as Candice puts her hand out and Toni grabs it before kicking Candice in the gut trying to hit a storm zero but Candice gets out of it and hits a forearm making Toni step back and Candice hits a step up enziguri making Toni go through the ropes to the outside of the ring holding her jaw.

Candice runs off the ropes and tries to dive through the ropes but Toni jumps up headbutting her making Candice stop and lay on the middle ropes as Toni gets on the apron and runs hitting a hip attack making Candice fall back into the ring.

Joey: Always unique offense from Toni Storm!

Toni steps back into the ring and picks up Candice who she throws to the ropes and hits a standing drop kick to before immediately pinning her as the ref quickly goes down for the count.

Ref: 1...

Candice kicks out as Toni doesn't waste any time and puts her in a cross face as she pulls back on Candices head making her scream in pain as she attempts to grab the ropes but Toni just pulls back even more before Candice is able to swing her body over using her foot to kick off the ropes and pin Toni

Ref: 1...

Toni kicks out letting the cross face go as Candice kicks her in the side making Toni immediately grab her side as Candice grabs her arm and twists it before lifting up Toni and holding her arm as she runs up to the corner letting Toni's arm go as she runs up the ropes to the top and jumps off trying to hit a poisonrana but Toni is able to reverse it and hit a reverse Alabama slam into the corner.

Taz: Goddamn!

Candice holds her head as Toni pulls her out of the corner and kicks her in the gut making her sit up before running back to the ropes and hitting a low drop kick sending Candice back down to the mat as Toni doesn't even pin her but hypes up the crowd as she starts to lift up Candice.

Joey: What Toni Storm is getting ready to do may just end this match!

Toni holds Candice up and hits a forearm sending her down to the mat and grabs her head as she hits a hip attack to Candice and holds her head as she hits another one.


Toni goes to hit another hip attack but Candice grabs her arm and stands up hitting a back suplex and hitting the mat as she starts to get up to hype up the crowd.


Candice picks up Toni and throws her into the corner as she runs up hitting a flying forearm before throwing Toni out of the corner onto the mat as Candice uses the ropes to hit a springboard moonsault and pins Toni as the ref goes down for the count.

Ref: 1...2..

Toni kicks out and Candice sits up looking confused as she stands up and grabs Toni by the hair pulling her up as she chops her before Toni chops back and they start chopping each other time after time before Candice headbutts Toni making her stumble back as Toni hits the ropes and comes back with a lariat knocking down Candice who rolls out of the ring onto the apron.

Taz: Either Candice needed a break or she knew that Toni may pin her after that brutal lariat!

Candice catches her breath as Toni runs hitting a baseball slide drop kick sending Candice down to the mat outside the ring as she grabs the barricade using it to get up as in the ring Toni is hyping up the crowd as she runs going for a tope suicida and as she's coming through the ropes Candice is able to move and Toni hits her side into the barricade as she falls on the mat holding it immediately.

Joey: Candice Lerae saving herself and Toni Storm hitting the barricade all I can say is I hope she's able to continue!

Candice picks up Toni and lifts her up in a suplex position before dropping her on the apron and backing up before running hitting a kick to the side of her head making Toni fall off the barricade onto the mat and lay holding her side.

Candice leans against the apron before walking up picking up Toni and sliding her into the ring as she steps onto the apron and uses the ropes to hit a slingshot leg drop and pins Toni as the ref immediately goes for the count.

Ref: 1...2...

Toni kicks out and Candice looks shocked as she lifts up Toni and hits her with a few forearms before running to the ropes and going for a springboard moonsault but Toni is able to catch Candice and throw her down onto the mat and as Candice hits the mat and stands up Toni immediately hits her with a piledriver and pins Candice as the ref goes down for the count.

Ref: 1...2.....

Candice just kicks out and Toni looks stunned as she looks at the camera and shakes her head as she hits the mat a few times in frustration.

Joey: Toni Storm was this close to winning the ECW Womens championship! We almost had a new champion!

Toni stands up and holds the ropes as she can't believe that Candice kicked out as she shakes her head and looks at Candice who she lifts up and throws into the corner running hitting a lariat in the corner making Candice fall down into a seating position as Toni runs to the over side of the ring.

Taz: What could Toni have in mind!?

Toni runs hitting a hip attack on Candice in the corner as she smiles while looking around at the crowd who cheers for her as she pulls Candice out of the corner and hits a release german suplex as Candice rolls across the ring into the other corner.

Toni looks at Candice and smiles again as she runs trying to hit another hip attack but Candice is able to move out of the way as Toni connects with the turnbuckle and steps forward and Candice who rolled onto the apron does a springboard drop kick to the back of Toni's head sending her forward onto the mat.

Candice hits the mat as she stands up and hypes herself up while also listening to the crowd as she runs kicking Toni who's starting to get up and picks her up lifting her up onto the top rope and she starts to climb up until Toni starts to fight back and Candice lands on the apron.

Taz: Toni able to stop Candice for now but what does she even have in mind!?

Candice uses the ropes to hit a thrust kick stunning Toni as she climbs up to the top rope and looks around as the crowd is in anticipation as Candice grabs Toni and hits Ms. LeRaes Wild Ride making the crowd pop as both Candice and Toni are laying on the mat breathing heavily.

Joey: OHHH MY GOD!!!!!!

Candice starts to move first and throws her arm over Toni as the ref immediately goes down for the count.

Ref: 1...2......

Toni just barley is able to kick out as the crowd is stunned and so is Candice who starts to crawl over and lays against the ropes stunned and wide eyed.

Taz: What is it gonna take for either of these women to win this match!?

Candice starts to get up as she is stunned and looks at Toni who is still laying on the mat but starts to move as she crawls over to the ropes to use them to get up.

Joey: Neither of these women will stay down!

Candice starts to walk to the middle of the ring as Toni is still getting up as she turns looking at her.

Candice: Get the hell over here!

The crowd cheers as Toni walks over and hits Candice with a forearm who returns with a forearm of her own as they start trading strikes before Candice hits chops and forearms on Toni who backs up before Candice hits a rolling elbow sending Toni down to a knee as Candice runs and springboards off the ropes for a poisonrana but Toni stops her and keeps her in an electric chair position before dropping her catching her hitting a german suplex.

Taz: This match has been good!

Toni gets up quickly and picks up Candice as she hits a Storm Zero and pins her as the ref goes down for the count.

Ref: 1...2.....

Candice just kicks out as the ref goes to count three and everyone is stunned as Toni goes wide eyed and looks a mixture of angry and stunned as she stands up and looks at the top rope starting to climb up and looks down at Candice.

Joey: What Toni does next may just finish this match!


Toni looks around the arena before looking like she's seen a ghost as she looks at the entrance ramp seeing her old rival Kay Lee Ray walk out and smile a little as she waves at Toni.


Candice gets up and notices Toni is distracted runs up the ropes and is able to hit an avalanche poisonrana as they both hit the mat and she throws her arm over Toni's body while the ref immediately goes for the count.

Ref: 1...2...3!

The bell rings as the ref walks over and is given the ECW Womens championship.

Justin: Here is your winner and STILL!!!!! ECW Womens champion Candice Lerae!!!!!

Joey: A great win for Candice Lerae but what the hell is happening with our new signee Kay Lee Ray.

Candice is handed the ECW Womens championship that she immediately holds up as the crowd is stunned about KLR but cheers for Candice.

Kay smiles as she waves at Toni again before walking backstage as Candice continues to hold up the championship listening to the crowd cheer her.

Taz: Well folks that match was good if you ask me. We also got to see another signee. Let's go backstage with one of our new interviewers Gia Miller!


Gia: Hey y'all! Like Taz said I'm new here and I'm so happy to be here! I mean it's so fun!

Gia smiles as into the camera view walks Danhausen with a mic of his own as he looks at Gia and then at the camera.

Danhausen: Ahhh yes it is I! Danhausen. It's Danhausen! I am here to make the lots of monies!

Danhausen looks at Gia who is smiling a little bit.

Gia: It's so good to meet you.

Danhausen: Ah likewise GiaHausen. I'm very happy to have another member to join my interviewing crew! That dastardly QuinnHausen keeps trying to say I'm not a real interviewer!

Gia looks confused as she looks at Danhausen

Gia: What? Quinn is very nice. What do you mean?

Danhausen: No! She is EVIL! More evil than me! She keeps accusing me of being a faker!! Danhausen is no faker Ms. GiaHausen!

Gia: Obviously you're no faker Mr. Hausen you're a very good interviewer from what I've seen.

Danhausen: FINALLY! Someone notices this! I've been trying to tell QuinnHa-

???: No...No No No!

Quinn walks into the camera's view as she looks at Danhausen with a raised eyebrow

Gia: Oh hey Quinn. Me and Danhausen were just actually talking about you.

Quinn: Yeah I know. Do NOT! Listen to him. He has been trying to steal my job! Now! Gimmie this! You stole it!

Quinn grabs the mic but Danhausen holds onto it

Danhausen: No! It's Danhausens!!!

Gia: Well anyway back to Joey and Taz with our next match.

*Back in the arena*

Taz: Well then nice to meet Gia. Also always good seeing Danhausen and Quinns friendship.

Joey: You said it! Up next though we have Will Hobbs vs Brian Cage for a championship that my broadcast partner made famous the FTW World championship!


Will Hobbs walks out as he hears boos from the crowd as Hook and Ricky Starks follow behind him as he doesn't pay any attention to the crowd and starts to walk down to the ring.

Justin: The following contest is scheduled for one fall (ONE FALL!) and is for the FTW World championship! Introducing first from East Palo Alto, California weighting in at 271 pounds he is representing Team Taz.....Will Hobbs!!!!!

Taz: Hey you listen here at Team Taz we build assassins and Brian Cage he wasn't cutting it so we had to get him out and now we're gonna show why he wasn't needed anymore.

Will walks up the steps as he looks around at the crowd as he motions for Hook and Ricky to go backstage as they do and Will steps through the ropes.

Joey: Taz your thoughts on Cage and Hobbs will be different than mine and I am ready to hear all your thoughts throughout this match.


Brian walks out with the FTW World championship around his waist as he looks over at Taz on commentary and doesn't take his eyes off him before he poses on the entrance ramp before walking down to the ring.

Justin: Introducing the champion! From Chico, California weighting in at 272 pounds he is the FTW World champion....Brian Cage!!!

Brian looks pissed as he walks up the steps and steps through the ropes before taking off the FTW World championship and throwing it to the ref before running up tackling Will into the corner and driving his elbow into his mid section time after time before hitting a belly to belly suplex.

Joey: Cage not even waiting for the belt he is out for revenge against Hobbs!

The bell rings as Brian picks up Will and tries to gorilla press him but Will is able to get down and grab Brian by the waist hitting a german suplex but Brian rolls backwards standing up as Will is getting up and turns around to see Cage already up.

Will: What the fuck!

Brian runs up and hits Will with a lariat making him step back as Brian hits another lariat and then backs up going for a discus lariat but Will ducks it and grabs Brian by the head and slamming it down onto his knee and running back to the ropes before hitting a forearm to the back of Brian's head making him fall down onto the mat.


Will picks up Brian and lifts him up in a bear hug before running him into the corner and backing up as he starts hitting punch after punch before grabbing him hitting a over the head belly to belly as he poses.

Joey: That is just impressive power by Will Hobbs!

Brian holds his back as he starts to get up and Will walks over grabbing him and hitting forearm after forearm before picking him up and hitting a body slam and holding onto Cage as he picks him up again and hits another body slam.

Will looks down at Cage and steps over him as he goes over to the corner and starts to climb up the ropes as he looks down at Cage and gets ready to hit a frog splash and right as he jumps Cage pops up and catches him as he puts Will on his shoulder and hits a running powerslam and doesn't even pin him as he stands up.

Brian: I'm a machine!

Brian looks at Will and picks him up as he looks over at Taz before kicking Will in the gut and lifting him up hitting a sit out powerbomb and pinning him as the ref goes down for a count.

Ref: 1...2..

Will kicks out and Brian almost smiles as he stands up and picks up Will again before throwing him into the corner and running hitting a drop kick making Will fall down onto the mat before Brian pulls Will to the middle of the ring and looks at Taz.

Brian: He's not anything compared to me!

Taz: Yeah well fuck you!

Brian stands on the ropes and taunts Taz as he doesn't notice Will standing up behind him and as Brian turns around he's grabbed by Will who lifts him up by the throat hitting a sit out chokebomb as he stands up and looks at Brian as he laughs while pulling down the straps on his singlet.

Taz: My man Hobbs getting ready to finish that obsolete machine!

Will lifts up Brian as he picks him up in a press position before dropping Cage down onto the mat and taunting the crowd who boo him before he looks does at Brian again as he once again lifts him up putting him up on his shoulders as he tries to hit an F5 but Brian is able to get down and hit a german suplex on Will.


Joey: Brian Cage with a possible last chance move!

Brian gets up and looks over before sliding out of the ring and grabbing the FTW World championship from a ring staff and sliding into the ring as he looks at Will getting up and runs hitting him with the championship sending him down to the mat.


Brian runs to the ropes as he throws down the FTW World championship and hits a springboard moonsault before pinning Hobbs as the ref quickly goes down for the count.

Ref: 1...2...

Will kicks out and Brian sighs as he looks pissed while standing up and walking up to the ropes as he flicks off Taz who flicks him off back.

Joey: My broadcast partner and Brian showing their hatred for the other.

Brian looks at Will and stands next to him before trying to do a standing moonsault but Will kicks Brian in mid air making him go forward and slam down onto the mat as Will uses the ropes to stand up as he smiles a little looking at Brian down on the mat.

Taz: Finish him!

Will picks up Brian and puts him in the corner as he backs up and runs hitting a splash in the corner and backing up again and as he runs this time Brian hits a last minute kick making Will step back and Brian grabs him trying to use the ropes to hit a tornado but Will stops him and holds on before hitting a spinebuster and shaking his head as he stands up.

Joey: This could be it!

Will grabs Brian deadlifting him and putting him up on his shoulders before hitting an F5 and pinning him as the ref goes down for the count.

Ref: 1...2...3!

The bell rings as Will stands up and listens to the crowd boo him as he picks up the FTW World championship off the mat and holds it up with a smirk on his face.

Justin: Here is your winner and NEW!!!! FTW World champion Will Hobbs!!!!!

Taz: MY MAN! Will Hobbs showed why Team Taz is just the best!

Will continue to hold up the FTW World championship as he gets on the ropes and listens to the crowd booing him as he shakes his head.

Joey: Well folks up next we have our Co main event a Tag Team match as our champions FTR defend against the Briscoes! But before that we will go backstage one more time to Gia Miller!


Gia smiles as she looks at the camera and raises her microphone

Gia: Ladies and Gentlemen we just saw Will Hobbs bring the FTW World championship back to Team Taz! Also as you can see Quinn Mckay and Danhausen stopped their.....Argument. On a better note though I am happy to introduce our former ECW Television champion Matt Cardona!

Matt walks into camera view pissed as he's holding his arm and the back of his head.

Gia: So Matt you earlier today lost your ECW Television Championship to the debuting Alex Kane what's ne-

Matt: I'm gonna stop you right there because I don't want to hear the rest of your question because I don't care at all. What I do care about is next Thursday starting my winning streak again when I face one of Paul Heymans new signees I want any of you to show up to that ring because I'll easily beat you 1...2...3. Now if you'll excuse me I need to find Chelsea because someone who will not be named attacked her!

Matt walks out of camera frame pissed and Gia just looks at the camera as she shrugs.

Gia: Taz....Joey back to you two!

*Back in the arena*

Taz: Well Matt Cardona just immediately throwing out a challenge and we'll see what happens during that next Thursday on ECW.

Joey: Yes we will but up next we have the CO Main Event as The Briscoes take on FTR for the ECW Tag Team championships!


The Briscoes come out ready for a fight as the crowd cheers for them and Mark starts hyping up the crowd as Jay follows behind him just looking around before taking off his jacket putting it on the steps as Mark is basically bouncing around as he's high fiving fans before getting on the apron.

Taz: These men both always ready for a fight! I mean Jay just looks ready for a fight and will Mark is a bit crazy he's ready whenever!

Joey: Taz I have to agree these men are one of the best tag teams of this whole generation!

Mark and Jay both stand in the ring as they look around both getting focused for this match as they wait for FTR to come out.


FTR walk out with the ECW Tag Team championships around their waists and the crowd starts booing them as they ignore them before starting to walk down to the ring.

Taz: The self proclaimed "Top Guys" are not getting love from the ECW faithful.

Joey: Can you blame the fans when both of these men have stated that they don't want to play to the extreme side of this promotion!

FTR walk up the steps as they stare at the Briscoes and start to take off the ECW Tag Team championships.

Justin: The following contest is scheduled for one fall (ONE FALL!!!!!) and is to be contested under Old School Rules meaning that there will be no weapon use, the match must end in the ring, and there are no tornado rules.

FTR smirk as the crowd boos hearing the rules of the match as Dax shrugs and looks around still smirking.

Justin: Introducing first the challengers at a combined weight of 460 pounds they are Dem Boys! Mark and Jay Briscoe....The Briscoes!!!!!!!

Mark hypes up the crowd as Jay looks at FTR staring them down as he gets ready for a fight.

Justin: And introducing the champions at a combined weight of 446 pounds they are the ECW Tag Team champions! Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler.....FTR!!!

FTR hold up their championships before handing them to the ref who shows it to both teams and then showing the championships to the ref before handing them off to a ring side official.

Dax and Mark get out of the ring leaving Jay and Cash as the ref calls for the bell and they immediately just stare at each other not moving an inch as the crowd cheers waiting for them to start.

Taz: The crowd is hyped for this match and so am I Joey!

Joey: Taz I have to agree both of these teams are amazing and this match has incredible potential!

Cash and Jay walk to the center of the ring talking trash to the other before Cash pushes Jay back who grins a little and nods before hitting a punch to Cash making him step back and return with a punch of his own as the crowd is cheering for the Briscoes.

Jay and Cash throw punch after punch before Cash goes for a kick to the gut but Jay catches it and shakes his head.

Jay chops Cash and then punches him before doing punches and chops over and over again before grabbing Cash throwing him to the ropes and goes for a big boot but Cash grabs the ropes before sliding out of the ring as he takes a second.

Taz: It seems to me like Cash needs a second to catch his breath I don't think that will help him though.

Jay walks over and tags in Mark who gets in the ring as Jay gets onto the apron.

Jay: CHICKEN! Get that bastard!

Mark runs doing a baseball slide kick hitting Cash into the barricade as he holds it and Mark gets on the apron as he runs hitting Cash with a flying lariat sending him into the crowd as Mark stands up hyping up the crowd.

Joey: Mark Briscoe decided maybe Cash doesn't need a time out!

Mark grabs Cash pulling him out of the crowd and throwing him into the ring as he steps onto the apron and grabbing the ropes hitting a slingshot senton before pinning Cash as the ref immediately counting.

Ref: 1...

Cash kicks out and Mark grabs him by the hair pulling him up and throws him into his corner as he starts to punch and chop him before tagging in Jay who gets in the ring and they both grab Cash doing a double biel throw sending him across the ring.

Taz: OH! Double Biel throw on Cash sending him to his corner!

Cash rolls into his corner and tags in Dax who looks at Jay as he steps through the ropes not taking his eyes off him.

Joey: Oh these two have been waiting for this moment!

Jay and Dax walk to the center of the ring before immediately starting to chop each other over and over again neither one backing down before Dax grabs Jay's head and elbows him over and over again making him step back.

Dax grabs Jay again and hits another elbow making Jay once again step back before pushing Dax back and trying to hit a superkick but he catches it and goes for a forearm but Jay ducks it and hits a step up enziguri before standing up grabbing a stunned Dax hitting a suplex and grabbing him punching over and over again in the head before pulling him to corner and kicking him over and over again.


Jay pulls Dax up and irish whips him into the corner on the other side of the ring and runs trying to hit a spinning back elbow but Dax gets out of the corner and hit Jay with forearms before getting him into FTRs corner and Dax tags in Cash as he picks up Jay in a powerbomb position and using the ropes hitting a slingshot powerbomb onto the mat and sliding out of the ring as Cash climbs up the ropes hitting a splash before pinning Jay as the ref goes down for the count.

Ref: 1...2..

Jay kicks out and Cash looks at Jay hitting him with forearm after brutal forearms before picking him up and bringing him to the center of the ring and lifts him up for a vertical suplex but Jay is able to get down and land behind Cash as he does a bell clap and grabs him hitting an inverted DDT and crawling over jumping tagging in Mark who immediately gets in the ring and runs hitting Dax off the apron and runs hitting a drop kick on Cash who's starting to get up.


Mark gets up as he hears the crowd cheering for the Briscoes and he picks up Cash and hits an exploder suplex as Cash crawls to a corner and as he gets up Mark runs hitting him with a flying forearm in the corner and grabbing him hitting a neckbreaker before pinning him as the ref counts the pin.

Ref: 1...2..

Cash kicks out as Mark wastes no time going over and tagging in Jay who's up now and comes into the ring grabbing Cash lifting him up going to hit a Jay Driller as Mark climbs up the ropes and as he gets to the top Dax jumps onto the apron and pushes Mark off the top rope making him fall all the way down onto the floor outside the ring and he flicks off Jay.


Jay let's Cash go as he goes over to his corner and sees Mark on the ground holding his side.


Cash gets up and goes over grabbing Jay hitting a german suplex and holding onto him while standing up and hitting a release german suplex as he gets up and grabs Jay again who's on the mat and lifts him up hitting a bodyslam before doing a jumping elbow drop as Dax gets on FTRs corner as Cash tags him in.

Dax gets in as he motions for Cash to go to the top rope as he lifts up Jay picking him up on his shoulders in an electric chair position.


Cash gets on the top rope and flicks off all the crowd as they boo and he jumps but right as he does Jay is able to hit a poisonrana on Dax and Cash misses landing on the ring mat and rolling out of the ring.

Jay grabs the ropes as he gets up and looks at Dax who crawls to the ropes and as he does Jay runs hitting a big boot sending him back onto the mat as Jay grabs Daxs head before starting to throw punch after punch cutting open Dax over his eye as he lifts him up and irish whips him to the ropes and goes for a lariat but Dax ducks it before being hit in the back with a lariat sending him forward into the ropes.


Jay sees Cash getting into the ring and as he runs at him trying to hit a lariat Jay ducks it and hits a neckbreaker on Cash as he stands up and grabs Dax hitting an exploder suplex and pinning him as the ref goes for the count.

Ref: 1...2...

Cash breaks up the pin as he starts punching Jay over and over again as the ref tells him to get out of the ring and he finally does as Dax is starting to get up as he flicks off the crowd who boo FTR.

Taz: The crowd showing that they don't want FTR to leave tonight as champions!

Dax takes Jay over to FTRs corner and starts hitting him with punch after punch before he basically pulls the ref back to talk to him as Cash grabs Jay and jumps off the apron making Jay hit the ropes and step back as Dax hits him in the back of the head sending him down to the mat.

Dax looks around at the crowd before telling Cash to grab their championships as he lifts up Jay for a piledriver but Jay is able to send Dax out of the ring to the floor outside and the crowd cheers for Jay.

Cash sees this and slides into the ring but right as he does Jay grabs him hitting forearms before running throwing Cash over the ropes onto Dax who's getting up as the crowd cheers extremely loudly as Mark is starting to get up and he gets in the ring with Jay before Jay points to the top rope as Mark climbs up it and seeing FTR starting to get up he hits a whisper in the wind from the top rope onto them outside the ring.


Jay slides out of the ring and grabs Dax from outside the ring and helps up Mark as they both throw Dax into the ring and Jay gets in before lifting up Dax and hitting a Jay Driller on him before pinning him as the crowd cheers as the ref starts the count.

Ref: 1...2....

Dax just barley kicks out as Jay is stunned and he looks at Mark who's getting onto the apron as Jay stands up tagging him in as Mark gets in the ring and Jay sees Cash getting up outside the ring and he runs trying to hit a tope con hilo but Cash is just able to catch Jay and swing him into the ring apron and then into the barricade before letting him go and lifting him up for a piledriver but Jay with adrenaline going through him runs Cash into the barricade and hits a suplex onto the apron as they both lay on the floor.

Mark is waiting for Dax to get up before he runs hitting him with a kick to the side of the head sending Dax to the ropes making him hold them as Mark gets on the apron and sees Cash run over but is hit in the back by Jay who lifts him up onto the apron dropping him on it.

Mark pulls Dax through the ropes and throws him into the ring post sending him onto the floor outside the ring as Jay climbs onto the apron and picks up Cash putting him on his shoulders as he runs hitting a death valley driver off the apron onto the floor outside the ring and Mark seeing Dax getting up runs hitting a blockbuster off the apron on Dax.


Mark picks up Dax throwing him into the ring before sliding in as Jay goes to his corner and puts his hand out as Mark tags him in and Jay gets in picking up Dax who he hits over and over again with punches before hitting a rolling elbow making Dax fall backwards into the ropes and he grabs him hitting a DDT.

Joey: I think I know what the Briscoes are gonna try for now!

Jay tags in Mark as he grabs Dax and lifts him up as Mark gets on the top rope and Jay lifts up Dax on his shoulders in an electric chair position before Mark jumps hitting a Doomsday Device as Jay gets on the apron and Mark pins Dax immediately as the ref goes down for the count.

Ref: 1...2.....

Cash at the last second breaks up the pin as he hits Mark with elbows before Jay gets in the ring and grabs Cash to throw him out of the ring but Cash reverses throwing Jay through the ropes making him hit the barricade.

Cash lifts up Dax as they both beat up Mark before throwing him into the corner and they both going for hits but Mark throws his legs up kicking them both making them step back as Mark gets on the top rope and jumps for a cross body but FTR catch him with a Big Rig as Dax immediately pins Mark and Cash smirks as the ref counts the pin.

Ref: 1...2......

Mark kicks out at the last second making the crowd explode with cheers as FTR are stunned at this as they didn't expect Mark to kick out at all.


Jay gets in the ring and hits a superkick to Cash sending him out of the ring and Jay immediately runs hitting a tope con hilo on Cash as Dax is stunned while getting up not expecting Mark to kick out and not expecting Jay to do that.

Dax gets back to his focus and lifts up Mark who hits a uppercut on him before hitting a palm strike right on Daxs chin making him step back as Mark grabs him hitting an Alabama slam as he sees Jay getting onto the apron and he runs over tagging him as Jay gets in the ring and lifts up Dax who he puts in the corner before starting to punch and chop him over and over again before he tags Mark who's on the apron.


Jay lifts up Dax as Mark goes to the other side of the ring starting to climb up the ropes as Jay puts Dax on the top rope and climbs up grabbing him hitting a Jay Driller off the top rope onto the ring mat.

Taz: HOLY SHIT!!!!!

Mark yells as he jumps off the top rope hitting a Froggy Bow on Dax as he pins him and Jay watches the ring to make sure Cash doesn't stop the pin as the ref counts the pin.

Ref: 1...2...3!

The crowd explodes with cheers again as the bell rings and Mark stands up as him and Jay share a quick hug before they both get onto the ropes hyping up the crowd as the ref gets the ECW Tag Team championships.


The Briscoes grab the ECW Tag Team championships and hold them up as the crowd continues to cheer them and they smile while listening to the crowd.



The Briscoes slide out of the ring as they both get in the crowd celebrating with the fans as they hold up the tag team championships while the crowd cheers them!

Taz: That was an amazing Co-Main event but up next we have our main event of the evening as Tommaso Ciampa takes on reigning ECW World champion Malakai Black! But first I'm being told that Tommaso has a few words so let's go back to him!


A dark room filled with candles is shown by the camera as Tommaso Ciampa is no where to be seen before a cane can be heard hitting the floor as into camera view walks Father James Mitchell as he sits down wearing a red suit and holding onto his cane as he laughs into the camera.

FJM: Didn't think you'd ever see my face again? I've done a lot in ECW I managed The Unholy Alliance of Yoshihiro Tajiri and Mikey Whipwreck. I've managed monsters like Abyss and Judas Mesias. But now I have a new monster. A monster that is a true embodiment of Wrath. Everyone should be scared because you have never seen anything like this man. He's hardly a man at all he's a monster....There's someone in that locker room he has his eyes on...They will know soon enough who they are.

Father James Mitchell laughs again at the camera as it fades to black.


Tommaso Ciampa looks at the camera in front of him as he's sitting in his gear with a bandage on his forehead and fixing his knee brace as he gets ready for the match.

Tommaso: Only a few days ago I was attacked by Malakai Black a man I've beaten before multiple times and no matter what he does tonight I will leave as champion. Nothing can stop me from going out to that ring tonight and beating Malakai Black 1...2...3 and becoming the brand new ECW World champion.

Tommaso looks at the camera as he picks up a crutch looking at it before standing up and starting to walk away from the camera as he has a serious expression on his face.

*Back in the arena*

Taz: You saw what I saw right Joey. I just saw Father James Mitchell I'm not insane right.

Joey: I saw him too and while we'd love to talk more about what he could mean-


Tommaso walks out dragging the crutch behind him as he looks around at the crowd who's cheering for him as he starts walking down to the ring.

Taz: Getting back on track Tommaso Ciampa looks like he's ready for a fight and I believe he could possibly end the reign of Malakai Black.

Tommaso walks up the steps as he puts the crutch over his shoulder before stepping through the ropes as he doesn't pose or anything just is focused on the match.

Joey: Ciampa is an amazing performer and as he's said before he has faced Malakai Black before so we'll see how this all turns out!


All the lights in the arena turn off until a red light goes to the top of the rampway showing Malakai Black sitting with the ECW World championship around his waist and his mask on as he stands up looking around the arena.

Taz: The atmosphere always changes when Malakai Black enters the arena. It's almost cold.

Malakai starts to walk down to the ring as he focuses on Ciampa in the ring and he walks up the steps before climbing onto the top rope and taking off his mask as the camera zooms in on his face before he gets in the ring and stares at Ciampa.

Joey: This match is gonna be interesting when that bell rings because neither of these men are gonna stop until they win.

Malakai takes off the ECW World championship and looks at it as he then stares at Tommaso again.

Justin: The following contest is scheduled for one fall (ONE FALL!!) and is for the ECW World championship! Introducing first from Milwaukee, Wisconsin weighting in at 201 pounds.....TOMMASO CIAMPA!!!!!!

Tommaso raises the crutch he's holding as he stares across the ring at Malakai and the crowd is cheering for him.

Justin: Introducing the champion from Amsterdam, Holland weighting in at 215 pounds he is the ECW World Heavyweight Champion.....MALAKAI BLACK!!!

Malakai looks around the arena as he raises the ECW World championship hearing the crowd boo him before he hands the championship to the ref.

The ref shows both Malakai and Tommaso the ECW World championship then holds it up for the crowd to see it before handing it off to a ring side official.

Taz: This match is gonna be great!

The bell rings

Malakai and Tommaso look at each other before Malakai runs forward going for a jumping knee strike but Tommaso moves out of the way grabbing Malakai by his head as he tries to hit an inverted DDT but Malakai kicks him in the head and gets out before kicking Tommaso in the side over and over again then hitting a knee strike making Tommaso step back holding his nose.

Malakai goes for a roundhouse kick but Tommaso is able to catch it and trip Malakai down before starting to punch and kick at him before Malakai grabs the ropes sliding out of the ring.

Joey: A smart move by Malakai using the ropes to get out.

Malakai shakes his head as Tommaso gets out of the ring and grabs Malakai by the back of the head throwing him into the ring post and stepping back as he runs kicking him sending him back into the ring post as Malakai grabs the ring post and Tommaso gets a chair from under the ring and swings it but Malakai is able to move out of the way as Tommaso hits the ring post.

Malakai kicks the chair up into Tommasos faces before he does a jumping spin kick sending the chair back into Tommasos face as Malakai grabs him hitting an exploder suplex right into the barricade as he kips up.

Taz: Malakai Black hitting a Van Daminator then sending Tommaso into the barricade!

Malakai grabs Tommaso pulling him up as he rips the bandage off his forehead and starting to punch him over and over again busting open Tommaso as he sets him up against the ring post.

Malakai steps back and runs forward going for a thrust kick but Tommaso just moves out of the way and Malakais leg gets caught in the ropes as Tommaso punches him over and over again before grabbing his head and hitting a jumping knee sending Malakai to the floor.

Joey: That knee could have easily broken Malakais nose!

Tommaso looks under the ring as he pulls out a few chairs putting them in the ring and then pulls out a table that he sets up outside the ring and also grabs his crutch from inside the ring and smirks at it.

Tommaso swings the crutch at Malakai hitting him in the side and puts it under Malakais chin as he lifts him up and grins before swinging the crutch as Malakai ducks it and Tommaso hits the ring post breaking the crutch as Malakai goes for a forearm but Tommaso kicks him in the gut and then grabs him hitting a swinging neck breaker on the floor outside making them both hold their heads.

Taz: That floor is unforgiving trust me I know!

Tommaso uses the table to get up and once again looks under the ring pulling out a Singapore cane as he looks at it before hitting Malakai over and over again on the back leaving marks before Tommaso breaks the cane over his knee and pulls up Malakai as he tries to stick the broken cane in Malakais head but he catches it and does a low blow making Tommaso step back and hold the apron as Malakai kicks him in the face before sweeping his legs out making Tommaso fall back onto the floor and hold his head.

Joey: DAMN! Tommasos head may have just cracked open!

Malakai walks around the ring and pulls the steps closer to the ring as he listens to the crowd booing him before he looks over at Tommaso pulling him up and throwing him into the ring and sliding in as he looks at the ring steps and lifts up Tommaso in a suplex position and gets close to the ropes.

Tommaso is able to get down but Malakai kicks him in the gut and grabs him hitting a few forearms to the face and then doing a elbow making Tommaso step back and Malakai runs forward going for a stomp but Tommaso catches him and holds him up before running to the ropes but Malakai is able to reverse it into a flip sending them both onto the apron.

Taz: Ohhhh what's about to happen!?

Tommaso and Malakai both stand up as they start punching the other over and over again before Malakai hits a kick to Tommasos side and grabs him as he goes for an exploder suplex but Tommaso is able to reverse it and hits a brutal elbow to Malakai making him step back as Tommaso lifts him up in an air raid crash position and runs jumping off the apron hitting an air raid crash onto the steps as Malakai immediately holds his back.

Joey: OH MY GOD!!!!!!


Tommaso sits on the floor as he holds his back before looking at Malakai and getting onto the apron sitting down and starting to clap and then pats himself on the back as he chuckles a little.

Joey: Tommaso Ciampa applauding himself for what he just did!!

Tommaso listens to the crowd who cheers him as he grabs Malakai picking him up and throwing him into the ring before looking under the ring pulling out a table and sliding it into the ring as he starts to set it up.

Malakai starts to get up as he grabs the ropes using them to get up as he holds his back in pain as Tommaso sees this and runs trying to hit a knee to the back of Malakais head but he slides under Tommaso and stands up hitting a roundhouse kick sending both down to the mat as Malakai continues to hold his back in pain.

Malakai is able to throw his arm over Tommaso as the ref immediately starts counting the pin.

Ref: 1...2...

Tommaso kicks out and Malakai grabs the ropes immediately starting stand up as he looks at the pile of chairs in the ring and starts to set them up next to each other.

Malakai continues to hold his back as he lifts up Tommaso and goes for a suplex but his back gives out and he drops Tommaso forward onto his face as Malakai goes to a knee holding his back.

Joey: Malakais back giving out Tommaso Ciampa may have a great chance of winning this!

Malakai stands up and grabs Tommaso once again going for a suplex but Tommaso lands behind him and again goes for an inverted DDT but Malakai elbows him in the gut and starts punching him over and over again making Tommaso step back before Malakai jumps up hitting a mushroom stomp on Tommaso making him hit all the chairs set up sending them down.

Malakai immediately pins Tommaso as the ref starts a count.

Ref: 1...2....

Tommaso just kicks out as Malakai looks stunned before standing up still holding his back as he kicks Tommaso multiple times while he's on the ground and moves all the chairs out of his way as he lifts up Tommaso hitting multiple elbows and forearms stunning him.

Joey: What could Malakai be going for here!?

Malakai runs to the ropes going for a springboard moonsault but Tommaso as a last effort hits a Malakai with a knee using his braced knee sending Malakai right to the mat holding his face as blood starts to drip out from his fingers and Tommaso walks up holding his back as he lifts up Malakais face showing that he's busted open.


Tommaso starts hitting punch after punch opening up Malakais cut even more as blood drips down onto the mat before he pulls Malakai up and drops to his knee slamming Malakais head down right on his knee.

Tommaso uses the ropes to stand up before he starts taking off his knee brace and walking up to Malakai using his knee brace to do a cross face immediately making Malakai go wide eyed as he reaches for the ropes to get out of the ring.

Tommaso pulls back more making Malakai yell in pain as he puts his hand up before trying to grab the ropes again before he is able to elbow Tommaso over and over again in the side making him release pressure before he pulls back more and Malakai is able to grab the ropes and use them to push back doing a crucifix pin on Tommaso as the ref starts counting.

Ref: 1...2...

Tommaso kicks out and Malakai throws his knee brace out of the ring as he grabs Tommasos head and hits a brutal headbutt stunning them both as Malakai stands up and grabs Tommaso putting him against the table in the ring and putting him up on it as he gets on it as well.

Malakai pulls up Tommaso and goes to headbutt him again but Tommaso is able to hit a forearm and immediately grabs Malakai hitting a piledriver through the table they're standing on.

Taz: HOLY SHIT!!!!!!

Tommaso throws his arm over Malakai as the ref starts the count.

Ref: 1...2......

Malakai just barley kicks out as Tommaso is stunned and shakes his head as he starts to get up and grabs the ropes to stay standing up.


Tommaso rolls out of the ring and looks under it not seeing anything he wants as he goes to a different side of the ring and pulls out a ladder as he smirks a little and the crowd cheers for him as he slides the ladder in the ring.

Tommaso gets in the ring and lifts up Malakai who seems out and he starts to lift him up into a powerbomb position and right as he does Malakai spits mist into his face making Tommaso drop Malakai and him to grab at his face as he rolls out of the ring holding his face and using the table outside  to stand up as he is just able to get the mist out of his face he starts to get on the apron but Malakai kicks him the head making him fall down.

Malakai gets on the apron and sees Tommaso starting to get up he runs hitting a meteora making Tommaso go through the table set up and Malakai rolls as he hits the floor holding his back as he stands up.


Malakai pins Tommaso outside the ring as the ref has to get out of the ring and start the count immediately.

Ref: 1...2....

Tommaso just barley gets his shoulder up and Malakai looks at the ref who says it was 2 as he stands up pissed off and lifts up Tommaso using his foot and going for a Black Mass but Tommaso falls down to the floor out on his feet.

Malakai grabs Tommaso and lifts him up tossing him into the ring and getting onto the apron jumping over the ropes landing in the ring as he holds his back.

Taz: I don't know what else Tommaso Ciampa can take! This match may end very soon!

Malakai lifts up Tommaso by his head as he throws him forward and goes for a Black Mass but Tommaso is just able to duck it and run Malakai back into the corner and then hits a belly to belly suplex onto the ladder in the ring as Tommaso goes for a pin but Malakai rolls away and goes into the corner.

Tommaso using broken pieces of a table to stand up runs forward and knees Malakai in the head and lifts him up before going over to the ladder and hitting a fairytale ending on it as he pins Malakai and the ref starts counting and the fans count as well.

Ref: 1...2......

Malakai just barley gets his shoulder up as the refs hand goes down for the three and crowd boos as Tommaso is absolutely speechless and gets the blood out of his eyes as he sits there for a second just thinking of what he needs to do.


Tommaso starts to get up and goes out of the ring as he looks under it and pulls out a barbed wire 2×4 and slides into the ring as he lifts up Malakai onto his knees and lifts up the 2×4 as he notices Malakai starts laughing.

Tommaso: What the fuck are you laughing at!?

Tommaso goes to swing the 2×4 until the lights go out all around the arena.

Joey: What happened!? Did he hit him with the 2×4 or not!?

The lights come back on and standing behind Tommaso Ciampa is Brody King!


Tommaso turns around and Brody hits a brutal lariat sending Tommaso down to the mat before Brody picks him up and lifts him up onto his shoulder and hits a Gonzo Bomb!!!

Joey: GONZO BOMB!!!!!!

Brody rolls out of the ring as Malakai is laughing and stands up before he puts his boot under Tommasos chin and slowly lifts him up before hitting a Black Mass and pinning Tommaso as the crowd boos and the ref starts the count.

Ref: 1...2...3!

The bell rings as the crowd boos even louder and Brody gets into the ring and the ref grabs the ECW World championship.

Justin: Here is your winner and STILL!!! ECW World champion MALAKAI BLACK!!!!

Malakai grabs the ECW World championship from the ref as Brody stands next to him and he slowly lifts up the championship listening to the crowd boo them both.



The camera focuses on Malakai Black still holding up the ECW World championship as the camera slowly fades to black ending Hardcore Heaven!


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