Secret revealed

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Terrified that the fact hat princess has a uncle made them realize that....

They won't be her family anymore and it stuck in the heart of wolf's heart the most...he can't lose princess...again.

Princess could see in his eyes, this was the most scariest moment in the bad guys life...well second moment considering princess nearly getting killed when Thomas mansion exploded.

Shark was distressed the most, princess was his baby girl.

"No" shark hugged princess close to his chest, "i won't let them take you"

Then webs stepped up, "guys I don't think Arthur has the power to take her away"

"Well we better be on our guard we don't know when he'll attack and for all we know...he could be working for Thomas" wolf says.

Then Diane gets up, "look as long as I'm still running the race I have nothing to lose"

Everyone looks up at Diane with worried, "Diane you heard what he said about you" snake added.

"He's trying to make you sound bad, take it from us, when it comes from competition the competitors will do anything to sabotage your image so they can will and nothing good ever comes from a chesterfield"

"Ahem" wolf cough, getting his attention to princess, "it gave us princess"

"Well that's just one thing, princess is a saint, I don't know how she could be related to Thomas"

"Look it'll be fine, I been running Governor for years now and nothing will change that...let's not let anything change come on it's been a long day, we should get some sleep for the party tomorrow...goodnight"

But after last night, princess was been going through a lot of stress, just the thought of going back to her dad made her feel anxious.

The bad guys were getting ready for the party, wolf was wearing a gray tuxedo, he looked at himself in the reflection trying to fix his tie.

But his ear flick, wolves are known for super hearing, he heard something coming from the closet.

He opens it to find princess wearing a blue backless mini dress.

She was crying hugging her knees, this has him worried.


She looks up at him, her eyes red and watery from crying.

"Hey? What's wrong?"

He takes her hand in his and helps her up and out of the closet.

"Why are you in the closet...what's the matter?"

"I'm just a bit worried, since Arthur is my uncle...what if he calls child services and they take me away...I don't want to leave you guys...I don't want to live with my uncle...cause what if he's as bad as my dad-" princess was stumbling on her words.

"Hey's going to be ok, I'm not going to let him take" he pulls her to his chest and she rest her head on chest, both hugging each other.

Wolf rubs her back in a counterclockwise circle to calm her down.

"Don't worry princess...I promise I won't let anyone take you away from my arms"

After she calmed down, they calmed down, they arrived at the party.

Wolf had Princess close to him just in case Arthur got any ideas.

Diane was getting people on her side using her charm when suddenly....

Coming here way was Arthur chesterfield who was dressed as the devil himself, wearing red.

"Miss Foxington"

Diane turns around to see him smiling and holding his hand out to's never a good sign.

But seeing she was a good sportsmanship and she didn't wanted to look bad she shook his hand.

"Mr. Chesterfield I assure" she fake a smile but his hands her icy cold like the abominable snowman.

"It is such a honor to meet you face to fur"

"That was quiet the impression you put on yesterday" she crossed her arms not showing him any intimidation to him.

Because she knows that's what he wants, "oh that...sorry about that yesterday, I hope you didn't find what I said a threat did you because I don't mean you no harm but you know what they say there's nothing wrong with a little competition"

Then Diane and Arthur walked, "you know Ms. Foxington it's ok to be second best, you did your best to protect this city, you had a good run but I think it's best if you retire, let someone else take the torch...time to step down" Arthur lays a hand on her shoulder.

Diane could she he was trying to manipulate her to step out of the race.

She pulls away from him, "nice try but as long as I'm still standing im not dropping from the race know what they say...You can't teach an old dog new tricks....chesterfield" she frowns at him.

Then she whispered... "I know what you are up to but it's not going to can threaten me all you can try to intimidate can try to make me look bad...but know this I do not back down from a fight....I do not run...I do not hide and I'm not afraid of what you or your brother are up to and there is nothing you can say or do that will change that"

But instead of starting a fight with Arthur, he Jaír smirks at her.

"Oh are right...i can't make you quit...oh speaking of which you seem to left this at my brother's"

He throws something at her, she catches it but she was shocked to find.

The Zumpango diamond, she looks at him with fearful look as he turns from a smirk to a deadly glare.

"But I Can scare you out of the race....I know how you are...Thomas told what you did and you and the bad guys are going to pay for framing my if you know what's good for step out of the race"

But Diane wasn't going to take in on the pressure.

"But since I'm a man of good sportsmanship I'll give you a chose: you can either step out of the race or...I expose your secret that you are the crimson paw and of course you wouldn't want to ruin that do you, seeing the crimson paw was never been caught for years it would sure ruin you and your reputation"

"You have no can't prove I'm the crimson paw"

"So be it then"

She sees him walks up to the stage and he takes the microphone, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Attention everyone...I am some things I like to share...first was want to wish Ms. Diane foxington good luck in the see as you all know Diane-"

All spotlights and attention pointed out or Diane, she waved and smiled nervously.

But then..."a trustworthy fox...but what you don't know is that Diane Foxington is in fact...THE CRIMSON PAW"

The screen pulled up and a video played of Diane breaking the bad guys out of jail.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Princess made a horrid look, "uh wolf?"

It got wolf's attention, he and the others turned around, they see that Diane's horrible secret has been discovered.

Diane was also horrified to see that she has be exposed.

But then she saw how everyone was reacting, they looked at her and stutter.

"Diane framed my brother so she could continue the life of crime, she claims to protect the city when she's freed the once cons the bad guys now let me ask you this: do you want a governor who is an ex con for years we really need a leader who's promise only leads to trouble...Diane tries to clean the city but she increases the crime rate I saw she must Pay her debt to society"

The bad guys, princess and Diane saw how everyone was rallied by Arthur.

She was terrified to see that not only she secret has been revealed but...Arthur has turned the city against her.

"It is time for a new leader...a mayor who won't disappoint a as my first order as mayor I order the crimson paw Diane Foxington arrest for life of crime...SECURITY"

Diane sees the police circling, panicking Diane was afraid, every she has work for...all gone.

The only thing she could do...was run...

She ran away from the cops, they followed her in a car chase but when they trapped her car in alleyway.

They see she was gone, the bad guys and princess were shocked that Diane was now wanted as the crimson paw.

But Arthur wasn't down with them..."now on the litghter note as new mayor I will continue my new role as mayor and it starts with raising my niece: princess chesterfield"

Princess and the bad guys gasped as everyone cheered for him.

This will not end good...

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