The lost hope

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Three days later in the bad guys kitchen, on the tv was the news from the night of the party...

"It's been three days since the once Governor diane Foxington was exposed as the crimson paw and the police are still searching for her, there is still no trace of where she disappeared...Diane Foxington is now out of the race due to being arrest as the crimson...leaving Arthur as then new governor but in other news mayor Arthur has announced that he is going to be getting his brother Thomas chesterfield out of prison after finding out he was framed...that being said-"

Wolf growled and he turns off the tv after seeing Arthur speaking on the speaker phone in front of a large crowd.

He didn't wanted to hear anymore...after everything that has happened the bad guys had to hide diane.

She came out of hiding from behind the couch as wolf entered.

"Ok this is a new low" he growled.

"I know"

Then webs came in, "and with the reward Arthur placed over your head to turn in the crimson paw you can't show your face in town anymore"

"I should've know Thomas would plan something like this" snake slithered in.

"I can't believe all my hard work, everything I worked for...gone" Diane slumped and sulked into the couch, seeing how the crimson paw was finally caught, she realized her life was No over.

Then wolf placed a hand on her shoulder, "it's not over yet Diane we will fix this...we find out what Thomas is up to then we stop him and his  brother then after that we will try to find a way to clear your name I promise"

Diane looks up and smiles, she had high hopes for the bad guys, hoping they would clear her name and stop Thomas.

"Until then I think the best thing for you to do is to stay out of sight, no doubt the search for the crimson paw is still on, the last thing we need is for you to get arrested"

"Yeah but that just draws attention to you guys"

"Huh?" Wolf was puzzled.

"Since everyone knows you know me well and I see you guys a lot, the police are going to come here"

Diane climbs out the window, "but what about you"

"Don't worry I got a nice place to stay just till this all blow over"

"We'll keep in careful" wolf say.

And when she left wolf heads to the kitchen to see shark trying to get princess to eat.

She had her chin resting on the table, refusing to eat the porridge.

After what happened princess has being going through a lot of stress recently...but deep down she was scared.

"Come on princess you love oatmeal it's your favorite" shark begged but princess just sulked avoiding eye contact.

Wolf was a bit concerned as he now took over for shark.

Shark leaves them both by as wolf sits down beside her and pushes the bowl a little back to here.

"Come on princess you got to eat something, it's been three days, please"

He could see she really stressed out this as everyone else was.

"Princess I know your afraid without but I need you to be brave for me"

"I'm just worried wolf" she gets up approaching him.

"Look i know your stressed about Diane being exposed-"

Don't you remember what happened-everyone knows Arthur is my uncle and I'm afraid he's gonna try to take me"

"Princess I promise everything will be fine"

"Don't make any promises you know you can't keep" she crossers her arms.

Then wolf uses the big guns, "hey?" He tilted her chin up with his finger and she looks up at him.

" I promise I'm not going to let anyone take you away from me...I promise" wolf pulls her in and they both hugged.

But when princess has her eyes closed to savor his warmth, wolf was a bit worried.

But what he didn't know was that he was about to break his promise.

He heard the doorbell ring, he answered it..and that's when he saw a chubby dark skinned women in a blue dresssuit and a blonde women with a dress undershirt dress beige suit.

"Oh can i help you" wolf asked.

"Yes hi Mr. Wolf, we are from child services"

Wolf saw getting a bad feeling when he looks back to see princess peeking behind the kitchen door.

"What can i do you for"

"Well you see something came up in our system, we found that princess is related to the mayor Arthur and with that being said she is no longer in your care anymore"

Princess overheard her heart started to shatter, " I don't understand"

"Arthur wants to see his niece and now that princess has a living relative you won't be her legal guardian anymore"


Princess then snapped Interrupting the adult's conversation.

"What no, i Don't want to go back to my dad"

One of the child service workers bend down to her.

"Princess we are here to take you to your uncle"

"NO I Don't want to stay with my uncle...I want the bad guys, they are my only family"

"I'm sorry sweetie if it were up to me I let you choose"

"Well-well" she grabbed on tightly wolf, he holds on to her as much as he can...

"Don't I get a say in this, shouldn't I choose who I want to be with"

"I'm sorry but according to Arthur's new law: a child with an actually relative must return to their real family, they aren't giving a chose"

The bad guys heard, beginning to panicked, wolf grabbed princess shoulders and see her eyes watery.

"Don't worry princess I promise everything will be ok, I won't let go"

"No I don't want to leave...I don't want to go back to my father please DON'T DO THIS" ptsobved as the child service workers grabbed her hands and pulled her away.

Wolf tries to hold on, he didn't wanted to let go but when he held on her bracelet.

His hand and the bracket slipped, he fell hearing princess screaming and crying for him.

The others watched, wolf was on his knees, he opened his eyes to see her bracelet...all that was left to remind them of princess.

He held it closed as he realized...he lost princess...he's never been more hurt or broken in his life.

Everyone was worked up about this as he was, they begin to get emotional that princess was gone"

"I can't believe it my little girl...gone"

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