Working with a foe

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The bad guys felt broken inside, princess was taken from them...wolf was damaged inside and snake was deeply angry.

The next morning was truly depressing, snake slither to the fridge taking out a bourbon, he pours it in a cup of ice.

He was angry, when people are angry, they go in a deep state of emotions.

And when you go in a deep angry snake is in, you attend to do stupid stuff, but for snake...he is going to be more angry and drunk, and anger and drunk aren't a good combination.

He was hurting deep inside, it wasn't fair to him that princess was taken to him.

He sits on the couch and starts drinking, but shark was feeling hurt the most.

He went in princess room,

And on her bed was her favorite pink sweater with a white collar and sleeves.

He sat on her bed and picked up the sweater softly.

It was the only thing he had left of her, he looks at the sweater as it reminded him of princess.

He hugged the sweater cried, he said he wasn't going to let them take her away...but now he's left like he's lost everything.

The mansion never seem so quiet...with the sound of princess laughter echoing in the halls or filling up the rooms with her bright and warm smiles or bouncing around with her like they were empty inside.

Piranha saw how upset everyone was, but it was wolf that made him realize they can't give up.

As wolf held on tight to the bracelet and whispered: "this is all my fault"

"No hermano, we can't give up now, we are suviver for violent criminal, an army of Guinea pigs and evil people and more , maybe arthur can expose diane ' identify ,maybe Thomas have princess, but that doesn't mean we should give up now this is the more complicated challenge we are facing but somenthig it clear princess need us, diane need us Los Ángeles needs us, and now it this is the moment to act and won't let that impostor of governor get away with it , today will fight ,no only for the faith of the angeles , if not ,for the well-being of those we love, we can't not quit not when princess is depending on us"

Then wolf was encouraged by piranha's as everyone listened In.

"Your right piranha, princess needs us now" wolf says as they all gathered around in the living room.

"Ok we need a plan to get princess back but how..."

Just then...

"Maybe I can help"

They all turned to see the chief of police was there.

She didn't look angry, beck she wasn't even there to try to lure them in a trap to put them in jail.

Instead of is hot-tempered and slightly crazy like she always was...calm and genial and looked a bit concerned then angry.

"Ah...chief...what are you doing here" wolf asked as he was a bit worried as the others.

But the chief held no threat against them because instead of wearing her chief of police uniform like always...she wore normal uniforms like everyone else.

Something was up...

"Relax I don't mean you no harm...I just wanna help"

"And why Would you Wanna help us" snake asked as he slither up.

"Because I'm suffering the same thing Arthur is going to you, no good ever comes to a chesterfield, cause Thank to the new mayor, Arthur had me demoted to rank officer"

She shows them her badger, she was now a regular officer.

"So that means you have no rights to take us out" wolf says.

"Yes but I want to help you take down Arthur"

Then snake added, "oh you just wanna take him down so you can be chief again"

"That or i want to help princess, I think she might be in trouble"

"What makes you say that" wolf asked.

Then the once police chief misty luggings pulls out a napkin with something written on it: help me.

It made the bad guys saw that she was on their side.

"Where did you get this" he asked.

"Yesterday when I went to visit Arthur before he had me demoted, princess gave me this"

"Was she ok? How was she, is she hurt" wolf asked as he was concerned as everyone else.

"No but she did look scared...look we may not like each other but knowing but Thomas is a bad person i can't stand thinking what horrible things he has plan for princess, what he is going to do to her... he is not a good person considering the fact that he tries to murder his daughter, even princess doesn't deserve and if he is still as wicked and evil now as he was before, his brother could just be as bad as he is...look maybe we can help each other"

The bad guys and the chief-or misty may had and history but together, they might as well work together to take down a common fall.

"You help me take down Thomas and find out what he is planning to do to this city and I'll help you get princess back and stop Thomas and his"

She holds his hand out to wolf, but he hesitated.

Can they really trust misty after she spend many years trying to take them down.

On one hand misty could be working undercover to bring them down so she could lure the crimson paw in a trap so she can be the chief again...

But then again misty was very concerned about princess she was even willy to put her hatred against the bad guys.

This left wolf to make a option: he and misty were going to have to work together...

They shook hands, "we get princess back you get your job back"

"So what the plan" misty asked.

"Smash and grabbed" wolf says.

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