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The Konoha civilian council was in an uproar. The old Uzushiogakure was rebuilt and re-known, more powerful than before, and here they are, like big fat pigs, demanding for the control over Uzushio. Tsunade rubbed her migraine as they bickered back and forth like snotty and stupid kids. The Shinobi council can feel her pain.

Tsunade groaned. 'No matter how much i want to rip their throats off, i can't. Not yet.'

Suddenly, the doors exploded open, making the whole room tense. In walked a figure wearing white robes, with a red marked Kitsune mask, and a traditional Kage hat.

"Oh i'm sorry, was i interrupting your shit eating competition?" They asked with a sweet voice, and Tsunade immediately knew who was behind the mask. 'Gaki!'

The council roared in fury and demanded him dead, before Tsunade silenced them. She turned to her surrogate godson and answered calmly.

"Oh, no worries, Uzukage-sama, we were just about to start." She inwardly smirked at the faces those pigs made. 'This is fun!'


"Uhwahhh!! I'm so excited!! Wonder what the exam will be like!" Shoyo gushed as he, Tobio and Yogi walked towards the Shinobi academy.

"Maybe we'll fight other villages. I can't wait." Tobio said with a grin.

Yogi laughed at his teammates' antics. They're so adorable.

"Shoyo and Tobio sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-" In no time, a ball made of hard-pressed Wind Chakra cracked the dirt before Denki and Eijiro. They fearfully looked ahead, and almost screamed at Tobio's "King's glare" and Shoyo's "Predator eyes".

Mina laughed loudly. This is comedy gold right there.

"Ne ne, maybe we should hurry up, Kousuke-sensei and Kuro-sensei are waiting!" Yogi cut off their glares, and immediately, Shoyo ran. The others struggled to catch up except Tobio, those two are stamina monsters...


"WHERE THE FUCK YOU AT, YA MOTHERFUCKING ICY-HOT!!" A bomb exploded near the outskirts of the Land of Fire.

"C-calm down, Kacchan! He's coming ba-" The broccoli one tried to reason his friend.

"I AM CALM YOU SHITTY DEKU!!" The bomb roared, but the cinnamon bun sighed, used to it by now...

"Katsuki, stay away from Izuku." A wall of ice separated the ash blonde and the freckled greenette.

"Shoto-kun, you're back!"

"Fucking finally, shitface, so how's the damn bonus mission."

"It was ok." Shoto said plainly, agitating the blonde more.

"We should hurry to Konoha! We did promise Shoyo-kun and Eijiro-kun we'd go." Izuku pushed the two boys apart.

"Whatever, let's go, shitty Deku, Half-n-Half bastard." Katsuki 'tch'ed. Izuku laughed before following, Shoto close behing.

But what i forgot to mention earlier, was that behind them lay dozens of corpses. Some burnt, some frozen blocks of limbs, some were only ashes, and some were smushed body parts and puddles of blood and intestines.

But what they all have in common was that they all wear blank masks.

"Oh, i forgot! Shoto-kun, could you please incinerate them? I'd hate to leave too much of a mess."


"Fine, do it. Just hurry the fuck up."


"Ah, what a pleasure to meet the Konoha Shinobi council. Civilians?.. eh, not so much." The Uzukage casually walked around the meeting room, ignoring the screams sent his way.

"I'm surprised you even survived till today, using the money that belongs to the Namikaze clan, i presume?" He smirked, knowing he hit a nerve.

"How dare you accuse us of such thing! You will obey us! Give us Uzushiogakure, and you'll be spared!" The maggot sneered, getting agreements from the other scumbags.


Naruto rolled on the ground, thoroughly enjoying the steaming in rage faces of the council.

Tsunade roared in laughter. Finally, some stress relief!

"Firstly, Tunade-dono has kept track of every single coin you spent over the years. She would know when something is fishy about you lot.

Secondly, you expect me to just hand over Uzushio? The village where i started my life, where i fight for, where i worked hard on rebuilding, where i rule, not just as a Kage, but as a King? The village where my friends and family live, my home, our home... and you expect me to just up and give it all to you on a silver platter because i will 'die' if i don't?" He sneered maliciously. "Do you honestly underestimate my loyalty that much, dear civilians?"

The civilian pigs sputtered for a retort. "And why does the Namikaze clan matter concern you?"

"Easy, i'm the heir, which makes me clan head." Naruto smirked at their exploding fit.

"Ridiculous! We would have known if Minato had a child! You are just an inposter! Show yourself!" Danzo barked like a dog he is.

"Gladly~." Naruto slowly removed the Kitsune mask, revealing long spiky red-blonde hair, pale skin and heterochromatic azure and crimson eyes.

"Surprise, mudafukas!"


It is i, the author, who has brought to this book yet another story for you to enjoy!!

BNHA:..., Todoroki Shoto, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku

Have a good day/night!!!

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