Chapter Two

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Lucifer stared at the three kids in front of him, Luke silently hoping this wouldn't scar the kids. "I was once an angel kids...a well respected one"Lucifer sighed. "Your mother was the same, she was one of the kindest and most reliable Angel there was...I fell in love with her for that"Lucifer says gently resting his head against Sarafinas. "One day my only sister did something that was forbidden...a war waged and we lost..."Lucifer sighed. "Mom, did you fight too.."Junior asked. "My brother relocated me to a safer place"Sarafina responded. "He and big sis fought in the war"Sarafina responded. "Oh.."Diego stared. Judy looked down, feeling bad. "When I found my sister, she was worse than the rest of us, I swore a loyalty to Diavolo in order to save her life...after that everything just started feeling difference, I felt a piece of me gone with Lilith..I also felt like a hollow shell without your mother too"Lucifer sighed. "What happened on your side Mum"Diego asked. "I felt empty without Lucifer, it was like he was my other half, my brother noticed I was slacking off, and kept asking if I was okay, until one day I had enough after I started getting mocked by my fellow angels...I scared Luke into hating me.."Sarafina sighed.

"Why?! If you loved Luke why'd you force him to hate you!"Judy gasped. "Cause I loved him Judy...I didn't want him taking the fall with me...I wanted Luke to be a great Angel, and if it meant forcing him to hate me then so be it"Sarafina explained. "I never knew why she did that, until Simeon told me...I apologized and started getting closer to Mom again"Luke smiled. He hugged Sarafina, getting a kiss to the forehead. "What happened after that!"Diego asked. Lucifer continued the story about Elu and her twins, about the dangerous adventures, even telling the kids about Belphegor, Sarafina filling in the blanks from her perspective. "Papa...I'm scared now.."Judy says her eyes starting to water. "Don't be scared June bug...use this story to shape your futures, so you don't make the same mistakes, learn from our mistakes and form your path"Lucifer smiled. Judy nodded, rubbing her eyes. "After everything that happened that's where the drama between me and your mother started...Satan gave me a Lust Ring, and I had went out that day too..and brought a random demon woman home, she caught us and we started getting into arguments most of them getting near physical"Lucifer continued. "The rings affect wore off, I remembered what happened and tried to make it right, I feel guilty for letting something so useless take control of me, that darn ring was almost the cause of me loosing your mother"Lucifer sighed. "I felt hurt and betrayed at that I went to Simeon...and got pregnant with Sage and Peony..."Sarafina muttered.

"I neglected Lilith, Sage and Peony telling your mother to no longer come near or speak to me, I was furious but mostly hurt, my pride was wounded..."Lucifer sighed. Luke stared at them, finding this story sad and scary much to his displeasure. "The drama went on for days going from me burning Lucifers letters I sent him to Beelzebub almost taking your father's place as a father figure"Sarafina adds on. "Micheal and Parisa even came and yelled at me for hurting your mother...after the day she burned the letters she became depressed and unable to move...Beelzebub stepped up to the challenge of helping her and he was able to bring Momma Sara back...I felt guilty so I made a plan to apologize"Lucifer continued on. "What'd you do?"Judy asked Luke becoming interested since he never heard this part of the story. "Lilith, Sage and Peony all had races up in the human world, it was father and kids, Barbatos took my place for Lilith but me and him secretly switched, so I had raced with her, I did the same with Simeon, but I needed a bit of help from some mud.."Lucifer explained. "Mud!"Luke stared alarmed. "I didn't wanna use too much magic to attract attention, so I turned into Simeon and waited in the mud pit, when Simeon fell, I came out, and some of the mud covered parts of me and I raced till the end"Lucifer chuckled. "Sage noticed I wasn't Simeon first, they were surprised to see me...I knew apologies wouldn't help, but I still said I was sorry"Lucifer says placing Judy in his lap. "Then he proposed"Sarafina chuckled. "And your mom said yes"Lucifer grinned. "Since then it's been peaceful with the occasional argument here and there"Lucifer continued.

"You also have several older siblings too, you'll get to meet them one day too"Sarafina smiled nodding. "WOAH, SEVERAL OLDER SIBLINGS HOW MANY!!"Judy gasped. "Lilith, Peony, Amanda, Mizuki, Angel, Marianna, Sage, Akio, Jay, Andrew, and Scamp, oh counting Luke as well"Lucifer responded. The four stared at them, Luke as stunned as his younger siblings. "Mom, Dad how old are you both"Diego asked. Sarafina bursted out into laughter, a big smile on her face. "Thank your Dad kids, he always got me into bed as his way of apologizing for being so busy"Sarafina grinned. "AH! MY ROSE!"Lucifer gasped startled she threw him under the bus like that. "But it does take two to tango kids, which is why you have another sibling on the way"Sarafina grinned. Silence washed up, causing the woman to laugh. "I have got to stop knocking you up"Lucifer chuckled placing a hand on her stomach. Sarafina poked his nose, earning a poke to the nose back. "GUESS WHO'S HERE!!" Cheering started up, the three kids running over to a smiling Solomon coming in through the backyard door, Thirteen following him. "You kids ready to make some traps!"Thirteen grinned. "YEAH!" She ran off with the three kids, Luke sighing wondering what he did wrong as an older brother. "Being the eldest eldest brother is hard"Luke sighed. "I'm gonna be honest, even I forgot Luke was the eldest of all your children, Sarafina adopted him when she was still an angel correct"Solomon says. "That's right, he was such a sweetheart too"Sarafina chuckled. "Annoying as well...he wouldn't stop bothering Sarafina when I was around"Lucifer chuckled. "HEY, I WAS JUST A BABY, I WAS NEEDY!"Luke gasped. Lucifer got up, and picked Luke up chuckling. "AH- DAD PUT ME DOWN!"Luke yelled.

Lucifer stared at Luke, looking stunned. "Dad?"Lucifer grinned. "THAT SLIPPED OUT! YOU'RE NOT MY DAD!"Luke yelled. "Well SON, I'm glad you called me that accidentally makes me feel accomplished"Lucifer chuckled. "Can you put me down now?" "No." Solomon chuckled, looking amused. "Oh also, I heard what you said, congrats Sarafina"Solomon smiled. Lucifer set Luke down, watching the angel head upstairs to his room. "Can you two come outside with me, I know it started snowing but I'm sure you two will be a bit happy"Solomon adds more seriously. Sarafina walked after Solomon, Lucifer placing his coat on her shoulders. The trio stepped outside, two figures standing there. "BEELZEBUB, BELPHIE!!"Sarafina yelled running over to them. "Momma Sara"Beelzebub smiled starting to cry as she hugged him. Belphie smiled silently, Sarafina kissing his cheek. "Oh my babies..."Sarafina says. "We're not the only one"Belphie smiled. Asmo walked over, shivering from the cold. "Asmodeus!"Sarafina smiled tears falling down her cheeks. "Come inside all of you!"Lucifer ordered quickly. Luke hurried over with blankets, having seen everyone from his room window. "Thanks Chihuahua"Belphie says. "Do not call my son that ever again"Lucifer scolded shaking his head. Belphie looked at Lucifer in surprise, but bundled up in his blanket as Sarafina started a fire in the fireplace. "How'd you three get here?"Lucifer asked. "Diavolo shoved us through a portal...when those things came for Round 2, he gathered us all up, your children included Lucifer, then forced us all through the portal, we were, Beelzebub and Belphie found ourselves two blocks from here...Solomon found us and let us stay with him"Asmo explained. "Thank you Solomon"Sarafina smiled. An explosion came from upstairs, Lukes scream of shock following. Thirteen ran downstairs, Diego, Judy and Junior following her all of them cackling as Luke came downstairs, black dust on his face. They all stopped staring at the new guests, their eyes wide. "UNCLE BEELZEBUB, BELPHIE AND ASMO!"

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