Chapter One

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Lucifer checked the bottom of the pancakes, a grin on his face then carefully removed it from the pan, placing it onto the plate. "I've never had banana pancakes, I can't wait!" He smiled at his daughter, then went to the counter. "Ah, where's the bananas?"Lucifer asked. "DAAAD!" He turned, finding his son grinning at him. "Bring it"Lucifer chuckled grabbing a wooden spoon. His son sliced a bit of one of the bananas off, and and launched it at him like a hockey puck. "Lucifer has the slice, he hits!"Lucifer grinned. "He scores!"Lucifer laughed. "GOALLL!" Lucifer smiled, looking quite pleased with himself. "Alright, Deigo, Judy and Junior get ready to eat"Lucifer nodded. "DAD!"Judy gasped. Lucifer placed his hand on the pan handle a bit too hard, sending a finished pancake flying through the air. Diego leaped up, catching it on his head, laughing. "Hi Mommy!"Diego smiled. Sarafina stared in alarm, then looked at Lucifer a hand on her hip. "Moms up!"Judy muttered. "Time to flutter~"Junior says. Both turned momentarily into their demon forms, heading over to the living room to watch some TV. "Luci, you gotta be more careful, is your hand burned"Sarafina scolded. "I've taken worse then a burn if you remember My Rose"Lucifer says although amused. "Dad!"Diego smiled holding a soccer ball. "After you eat, little monster"Lucifer chuckled.

A gentle breeze blew through the air, Sarafina sitting outside on the porch, holding up a small heart connected to her necklace. "I don't know how many times I can thank and scold you"Sarafina smiled watching the kids play soccer with Lucifer. "Don't thank me, and please don't scold me again, the last one was pretty scary"Diavolo chuckled. Sarafina laughed quietly, a small smile on her face. "Dia, I owe you everything right now...and I mean it, I don't think I could imagine a life without Lucifer"Sarafina smiled. "Nah, don't thank me, even though it took some convincing to get him to actually run, this guy has way too much pride"Diavolo smiled. "But...if you could see him now it's almost as if he's letting loose his pride isn't getting in the way of him being with family"Sarafina nodded. "That's nice to hear..."Diavolo says his expression softening. Judy, Junior and Diego all dove for the ball, gripping onto it. "LET GO!" "NO I HAD IT FIRST!" "YOU BOTH LET GO!!" The trio yelled at each other, Sarafina looking at them. "Woah, sounds like a three children alarm up there!"Diavolo laughed. "You three, play nice!"Sarafina called. The three kids released the ball, looking bitter. Luke came out of nowhere and kicked the ball away, him and Lucifer teaming up on the three kids. "LOSERS!"Luke laughed. "LITTLE DORKS!"Lucifer grinned. "LUKE, LUCIFER!"Sarafina yelled. The two laughed, running from the three kids. "Wow Sara, didn't know you had five kids"Diavolo teased. "Yes an adult, an angel and three musketeers"Sarafina laughed. "And it's all thanks to you I said I owe you everything..."Sarafina smiled. "And like I said, don't mention it Sara"Diavolo chuckled. "IS THAT UNCLE DIA!" "HI UNCLE DIA!" "Can he hear us?" Sarafina laughed at the three kids, Lucifer coming over. "Yup and now he can see you!"Sarafina smiled taking her necklace off, and turning it around. "Hey kiddos!"Diavolo beamed.

"Uncle Dia!"Judy beamed. "Can you come play with us!"Junior asked. "Not...Not today kids, uncle is really busy I'm sorry..."Diavolo sighed. "How come..."Judy asked sadly. "There's a lot of...things happening around me now, and I gotta make sure they run smoothly"Diavolo responded. "What's more important than us?"Diego asked. "DIEGO!"Sarafina gasped her son getting a small smack to the hand from Lucifer. "Don't be disrespectful"Lucifer scolded. "Sorry..."Diego mumbled. "It's alright Diego!"Diavolo says quickly. "Well, I better be going now...everything is really busy where I am"Diavolo says. "Alright be safe Dia"Sarafina nodded. "Bye"Lucifer nodded. The necklace shut on its own, Diavolo waving goodbye. "Why is Uncle Dia so busy now..."Junior asked. "Should we tell them..."Sarafina asked. "They're still kids, it might traumatize them..."Lucifer sighed. "But they deserve to know the truth Luci, I know it was too much even for us but still"Sarafina muttered. "We wanna know!"Judy yelled. "We're big kids now!"Diego agreed. "You guys gotta listen to Mom remember!"Luke says giving his younger siblings a scolding look. "Sorry Luke.." The necklace started to glow, startling everyone in the yard. "HIYA!"Diavolo grinned laughing. The three kids swarmed Diavolo, laughter filling the air. "Diavolo?! I thought you were busy!"Sarafina gasped. "I'm on lunch break"Diavolo grinned. "You told me you've barely eaten since the attack"Sarafina retorted. "Ah! Your mother caught me kids, isn't she so smart and beautiful"Diavolo smiled. "Yeah!" Sarafina raised a brow, a frown on her face. "Don't sweet talk your way out of this"Sarafina frowned. "She is very beautiful is she, and so young"Lucifer grinned. "Don't start!"Sarafina snorted. "My Rose is so young and lovely, everyone stops to look when she's walking"Lucifer says in a sing a song voice. She started laughing, Lucifer looking smug. "That always wins her over"Lucifer grinned.

"You two take a walk, I'll watch over the kids"Diavolo insisted. "Yeah Mom, go ahead"Luke smiled nodding. "Alright, kids can we get some hugs and kisses for temporary goodbye"Sarafina nodded. "No we don't want to! We want Uncle Diavolo to have our hugs and kisses!"Diego responded. "I understand"Lucifer sighed. "Can't believe we're leaving without any precious hugs or kisses from our dear triplets!"Sarafina says pretending to cry. "Don't cry My Rose, they have simply grown away from us"Lucifer says patting her back. "MOMMY, DADDY WAIT!" Diego hugged Lucifers leg, giving him a kiss on the cheek when his father kneeled down. Sarafina hugged Junior and Judy, kissing their foreheads. "Be good for Uncle Dia okay?"Sarafina smiled. "Okay Mom!"Junior beamed. She and Lucifer walked away, Diavolo waving. "The thing?"Junior smiled. "Oh yeah, the thing"Diavolo grinned. He turned into his demon form, and started tossing the kids high up into the air, catching them when they came down. "This can't be safe for kids"Luke sighed.

Sarafina stood beside Lucifer, staring silently at the lake the sunset shining on it. "We should tell them about what happened, the more we hide it the more it'll hurt them once it's time"Sarafina sighed. "I don't wanna scare them, they're still kids Sarafina...besides we don't know what happened to everyone else after the ghosts came around for round 2, Diavolo said everyone split apart..."Lucifer sighed. "I know...but they should know, about your brothers, about where they would've grown up, and everything else our kids had"Sarafina sighed. "So we're gonna tell them"Lucifer adds. "Yeah, it's better if they know now than later when the truth can hurt..."Sarafina nodded. "All three are strong Sara, just like us back then"Lucifer smiled. "Oh are you saying we're getting weaker!"Sarafina grinned. "You know what I meant!"Lucifer smirked. She tackled him down, both laughing. "You know there is one good thing about telling them"Lucifer smiled. "Yeah...they can use this story to shape their futures...and probably become better than we were"Sarafina nodded. He kissed her forehead, pulling her close. "Also if you haven't noticed you've lost your demon pride!"Sarafina teased. "Hey! I still have it, it's just deep down in there!"Lucifer laughed. "Yeah right former Avatar of Pride!"Sarafina teased. "Come here you troublemaker!"Lucifer grinned as Sarafina ran away. He chased her around the lake, both laughing, Sarafina teasing Lucifer each time he missed her.

Night fell upon the human world, both walking home small smiles on their faces. "Kids, Diavolo!"Lucifer called. The duo glanced at each other, and walled inside. "Luke, where are Diavolo and the kids?"Lucifer demanded. Luke smiled and pointed upstairs, not letting Lucifers bossiness get to him anymore. Sarafina went up first, Lucifer following her. The door to the kids room was ajar, the two demons stepping inside. Diavolo laid asleep in Juniors bed, a blanket wrapped around the four of them, cups of hot coco on the nightstand. "They look so precious..."Sarafina smiled. "You two made your choice?"Diavolo asked. "We're gonna tell them...starting all the way at the beginning"Lucifer nodded. Diavolo nodded, looking approving then got up, letting the two take his place. He bundled them all up, and stepped back. "Thanks Dia...what...would we do...without you"Sarafina yawned. She fell asleep, Lucifer beside her, the kids between the two sleeping adults. "You'd be able to do a lot without me..."Diavolo says quietly. He stared at Sarafina, then looked away. "I love you Sara...I always have..."Diavolo mumbled taking her necklace with him, so she wouldn't be able to contact him. "For now we part ways"Diavolo mumbled going back to the temporary home for the demons and angels.

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