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Lucifer slept beside Sarafina, his hand on her growing belly. He pulled her closer, her back pressed against his chest. He heard an explosion, causing his eyes to widen. Sarafina propped herself up, looking startled. He hurried out of the room, finding the others already awake. "What's going on?!"Elu asked startled. "Is Mom okay?"Belphie asked. "SOMEONE'S ATTACKING DEVILDOM AND THE CELESTRIAL REALM!"Mammon yelled his eyes wide. "What?!"Lucifer flinched startled. He turned into his demon form, hurrying outside, finding ghosts swarming the place, buildings caught on fire, demons running for their lives or fighting back. "Lucifer, get Sarafina out of here!"Diavolo ordered landing beside him. "I'm gonna help fight"Lucifer retorted. "And what happens if she dies in the process, your brothers are also gonna be fighting who will bring her to safety!"Diavolo retorted sharply right back at Lucifer. "The portal is open to anyone who wants to escape into the human realm, go now, take her with you!"Diavolo glared. "What about the rest of my kids?!"Lucifer demanded. "They're helping Simeon and the others, you know Michael and Parisa will help protect their sisters children, including Raphael"Diavolo responded. "Fine..."Lucifer sighed. "GOOD, NOW HURRY!"Diavolo nodded. Mammon flew past Lucifer, going at it with one of the ghosts, Satan below using his tail as a weapon.

"Sara, lets go!"Lucifer ordered picking her up. "Shouldn't you help fight?!"Sarafina demanded hanging onto him. "You're already close to giving birth, I'm not gonna loose you or our children"Lucifer responded. He ran out of the room, keeping a secure grip on her. A ghost crashed through the roof, Marianna circling above outside. "Lucifer, I cleared a pathway"Barbatos says beckoning to him. Barbatos hurried away, finding them an easy path to the portal. Mammon flew past, crashing through the window of one of the shops. "MAMMON!"Lucifer yelled stopping. "I'm fine!"Mammon says as his daughter, Cassia, landed beside him. Cassia pulled Mammon up, both taking off back into the air. "Lucifer!"Barbatos called looking back at him. Lucifer stared silently, then handed Sarafina to Barbatos. "The portal is open to anyone who wants to escape, take her to safety!"Lucifer yelled turning into his demon form. He lifted into the air, attacking a ghost behind Mammon. "Lucifer!"Mammon gasped surprised. "Nobody hurts my brothers!"Lucifer yelled throwing the ghost down. Barbatos stared his eyes wide in alarm, Diavolo moving around not far. "Barbatos..."Sarafina gasped a hand on her stomach. "Crap!"Barbatos gasped. He turned, hurrying away heading towards the portal. Diavolo sent several ghosts flying to the ground, looking scary. "LUCIFER!"Diavolo yelled shoving him back. "I told you to run, that was an order"Diavolo glared. "I'm not letting you nor my brothers get hurt, I swore loyalty to you Diavolo"Lucifer snarled. "You also have a loyalty to your wife and unborn children, what happens if she dies, what then...I told you to run cause I don't want you to make the mistake of not surviving..and never be being able to see your children be born"Diavolo retorted. "Do you not trust me Lucifer..."Diavolo asked. "No..I do..."Lucifer sighed. "Then do me a favor and run...don't look back or up, we got me and your brothers"Diavolo smiled. He hugged Lucifer, then turned away. "Take care my friend"Diavolo nodded. Lucifer hurried away, spotting Barbatos. He snatched Sarafina from him, running swiftly through the crowd.

Mammon watched Lucifer, Cassia beside him. "LOOK!"Cassia beamed pointing up. Simeon arrived, several angels including Raphael following him. Lilith waved, flying down to join the fight. "You guys be careful!"Diavolo ordered. "Did my father escape?"Lilith asked. "Luke, go with Sarafina and Lucifer too"Simeon ordered. "But shouldn't I stay?!"Luke gasped. "Sarafina is your adoptive mother...she's gonna need your help raising your siblings, are you gonna let her down"Simeon responded. "NO! NEVER!"Luke yelled. "Go!"Simeon ordered. Luke hurried away, managing to catch up with Lucifer before he vanished into the portal. "I'm coming with, Mom will need me!"Luke insisted. "Fine, but keep your snout shut"Lucifer sighed. Luke held onto him, both vanishing into the portal, coming out at a fancy house. "Woah!"Luke gasped. "This was usually me and Sarafinas vacation spot, but it's gonna have to be our place for now"Lucifer sighed. Luke nodded, looking surprised till Sarafina let out a cry of pain. "How far is the hospital!"Luke asked alarmed. "Four minutes away"Lucifer responded. "I can run ahead, tell them to be ready!"Luke nodded. "Be fast then!"Lucifer glared. Luke dashed away, Lucifer managing to grab a few things from the house, before hurrying after the angel boy.

Lilith yelled in pain, a ghost slamming her through a wall. "OFF MY NIECE YOU THING!!"Asmo yelled looking furious. Beelzebub slammed several ghosts into the ground, Belphie swatting away several behind him. "Did Lucifer and Momma Sara make it?!"Satan demanded. "They did, made sure, Luke is with them too!"Simeon responded. "Good now we can really go all out!"Satan yelled letting his rage take over. Asmo let out a banshee shrieking scream, using Sarafinas ability she managed to teach him. Satan had to hold Asmo back for a moment, since the man was gonna go nuts on the ghosts. He released Asmo, watching him attack the ghosts coming their way. Asmo tore into them, Barbatos arriving to help at last. Raphael threw a spear, several other angels moving around. "PARISA!"Satan yelled. Parisa fell out of the air, her wings broken. He caught the angel, his eyes wide in alarm. "Go crazy Satan!"Diavolo called noticing Satan was trembling with rage. "With pleasure, I'll make sure they don't keep coming!!"Satan bellowed rage erupting from inside him. Diavolo froze his eyes wide in alarm, looking down to find a spear sticking out of his side. He threw off several ghosts grabbing him, Beelzebub falling to the ground a spear sticking out of his back. "BEELZEBUB!"Belphie yelled. Belphie hit the ground, arrows sticking out from his right shoulder, his back and legs. "Diavolo, we're gonna loose this, even with the angels help, whoever is behind this seems good at controlling these things and powering them up"Barbatos frowned. "I feel as if these are no ghosts...."Diavolo nodded. Asmo crashed to the ground, an arrow sticking out of his chest. "Asmodeus!"Satan yelled startled. "We gotta retreat, I promised Lucifer his brothers would be alright"Diavolo sighed. Simeon nodded, and yelled for his fellow angels to retreat, Diavolo doing the same for the demons fighting back. "TOO MANY OF US HAVE FALLEN, CARRY YOUR WOUNDED ALLIES AND RETREAT!"Diavolo yelled. He looked up, spotting a hooded figure standing on top of one of the wrecked building walls. He turned, carrying Beelzebub, Barbatos helping Belphie. "I can walk"Asmo insisted touching his chest. "How do we keep in contact with Lucifer"Diavolo asked. "My Lord, remember that necklace I gifted Sarafina and how Lucifer reported that she's been talking to herself?"Barbatos asked. "Good thinking Barbs...I already know the answer to that question"Diavolo nodded. The figure leaped down, chuckling silently watching the demons run. They lowered their hood, a white haired male grinning smugly. "Wow Baby sis...I thought demons were better than this."

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