Chapter 15

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I awoke to a pain in my stomach, it had been a few months and I had put on plenty of weight. I hated being just about useless and being forced to stay away from prying eyes, the twins had escaped Freelancer and joined up with the Swords Of Sanghelios but York hadn't been so lucky. Carolina and Tex had vanished off to some unknown place as had the remaining Freelancers who weren't killed by something that seemed to hunt them, whatever it was hadn't come for me or the twins yet so I took that as a good sign. I gave a yawn as I rubbed my round stomach, John was away on a mission for a few days leaving me to do most things with only the aid of myself and an occasional Elite who had spare time. I left my sleeping quarters and went outside to get some fresh air, I wanted nothing more then to go on a mission again but was forced to stay wherever the main camp resided due to my fragile state as Halsey claimed it. Most of the time I locked myself away whenever John wasn't around because I still didn't fit in here, two tall figures in black armour walked over smiles on their faces and helmets by their sides.

"Morning Valora, hows the extra weight doing ya?" Larry teased playfully, I chuckled and rubbed my stomach softly.

"Eh could lose a few pounds don't ya think?" I joked, we all laughed before they had to continue on their way. I headed down to a small river that flowed nearby, it always calmed me to hear the constant flowing water and the wildlife that lived around it. I smiled as I splashed my feet in the refreshing water, I felt at peace here where it was close enough to camp to be safe but quiet enough to be peaceful. A flash of white caught my eye though which made me sit up from my lean back state, my heart sank when I realised it was the thing the twins had called the Meta. I tried to stand but couldn't stand fast enough, it had its hand around my throat in an instance. He looked me over a few times before dropping me as dragging me by my arm, every time I went to scream his grip tightened and he threatened to punch my stomach which made me stop. I looked at the fading camp knowing someone would notice I was missing, they would notice wouldn't they?

"Where are you taking me?" I whimpered trying to pry my arm from its grip, the only answer I got was a grunt as it continued to drag me after it.


After about thirty minutes of walking we stopped by a small pond, this Meta knew I had to rest due to my limited energy supply since I couldn't use my armour anymore. Scarlett had also been extremely quiet, probably as to not alert the Meta of her presence. Leaning against a tree I took deep breaths, the Meta never took its eyes off of me waiting for me to make some sort of escape. I was too tired to even talk at this point, he gave me roughly twenty minutes before he was dragging me along again. I could feel he was using as little pressure as he could as to not snap my arm clean off, I couldn't understand how a spartan could get so strong.


Many hours later we finally arrived at a large concrete building, I recognised some of it as Freelancer construction but some was completely foreign to me. The Meta dragged me through hallways and into a dark room that had a large screen in it, I looked around trying to see when the lights all turned on.

"Ahhh Agent Australia good to see you again, oh how much we've all missed you!" A voice called through a megaphone, my eyes narrowed recognising it as the director.

"What the fuck do you want with me, I'm useless at the moment as you can probably see asshole!" I shouted angrily, a laugh was heard as well.

"Easy now we are merely using you as an experiment, you see spartans can never have children but you are a rare sight to see, once that child is born you will be stripped of it and it will grow into a great super weapon I can use to finally finish off those creatures you call friends," he explained plain and simple, my heart sank at the thought of being separated from my child.

"And what will you do with me afterwards?" I questioned my voice shaking slightly, there was pure silence for a moment before he replied.

"Easy, dispose of the you, make it look like you fell to your death, it's not hard really there are many cliffs near where you were camped," he chuckled, the Meta grabbed my arm and dragged me towards a much smaller room. This room held a single bed and a toilet incase I needed it, the door closed and I sat on the bed and burst into tears. My child would be seperate from me and would never grow up knowing a kind loving family, the thought broke me completely.


Four hours I paced and sobbed in that tiny room, I wished I was back in the camp with John by my side. The moment he found out I was missing the whole camp would have a search party going, Meta probably hid our tracks well but know John he would find them anyway. I paced and I paced and I paced, my hope for help was slowly fading away. If only they hadn't sent John on that stupid mission for a few days then I would be still at the camp safe and sound, finally I gave up pacing and lay on the uncomfortable bed. I missed John, the twins, York, hell I even missed Arbiter, with a sobbing sigh I drifted off into a restless slumber.

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