Chapter 16

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Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and still no help came. I lay on the bed barely able to move due to the heavy weight in my stomach, I would eat and drink then lay there for hours on end staring at the ceiling. Soon enough I would have my child and be with him or her for only a fleeting moment before they would be taken and I killed, I rubbed my stomach crying softly to myself. All I could do was cry and wait, my hope for freedom had long since passed. Nobody would care that I went missing, John would probably have thought I left because I thought he was trying to escape from me with every mission. Kelly would probably kill me if she saw me if John was a mess, the twins would probably be helping in any way they could to keep distracted. I gave a sigh knowing they were living better lives then I was, sharp pains began to shoot through my stomach and a liquid soaked the bed. I froze in fear and pain, I couldn't have my child now especially not here. I held back my screams of pain as to not let the director know it was time, a loud commotion sounded nearby but I ignored it and focused on breathing. I gritted my teeth through the pain biting my tongue if I had to so I could stop myself from screaming, loud sounds could be heard which had me on edge but I needed to focus in order to deliver my child safely. I clenched my fists on the edge of the bed trying to ignore the searing pain from my lower areas, the noises soon turned into gunshots which made my heart sink.

[Valora I sense multiple life sources coming towards us! Possibly a rescue?]

Why would they rescue me after so long, I am probably thought to be long dead.

[just a hope I guess]

Can you maybe help me a little!

[RIGHT! Ummm boosting energy levels]

Finally I couldn't bare the pain anymore and let out a shrill scream of agony, whatever was shooting through the place was obviously heading my way now. Suddenly the door burst open and there stood the aqua armoured Cunt of a thing I had shot months ago, she had a smirk on her face before a bullet whizzed past her head catching her attention.

"SHES IN HERE FUCKTARDS!!" She shouted above the noise, she stood guarding my room as the Meta tried to make his way towards it. I tried to breathe but the pain made me hold my breath even more so, Carolina glanced back at me for a second before a second slightly darker blue spartan reached my room. Carolina swapped shifts with them and headed to my side, I could see the remarks I would get during or after this.

"How's this for karma for shooting me in the legs hmm!? Anyways just breathe and push that's all I can say," she encouraged after the smart remark, she then joined the bulkier blue spartan at the door to stop Meta from entering. I gave another scream of pain then it all subsided but a new screaming filled the air, I sat up at an angle and lifted my new angel to my chest. It was a little girl from what I could see through fuzzy vision, sweat dripped down my face as I cuddled her close. Eventually the Meta left annoyed by his new gunshot wounds, Carolina and many new spartans entered the room all adoring the little bundle in my arms.

"Sweet found her just in time, now let's get her back to those Elites and that cranky Cunt before he kills us all," a bright red spartan joked, I stood grabbing a blanket I had used most nights and wrapped my child in it. I only knew two of these people, Agent Carolina and Agent Washington. We hurried outside and the light blinded me, I hadn't been outside in so long it was foreign to me. The quickly hurried me further and further from the base but finally had to stop due to my exhaustion, there was a small river nearby I could clean me and my baby in after the whole ordeal. Everyone took seperate posts and had their backs turned to me so I could clean myself in peace, my little angel began to giggle whenever I would touch her nose and make a silly face.


After I cleaned up we continued on, I began to grow familiar with the forests around me as we neared where I believed the camp was. My heart soared seeing the familiar green armour of John pacing the clearing, upon hearing our return he turned our direction. The others made a "wise" plan to hide me until the last moment so I was put in the middle of the group, luckily my little angel was sound asleep so she wouldn't make any noises to give away our plan. John's eyes seemed to dull as he was unable to see me, the one I knew as Caboose who had the darkest blue armour kept trying to play with the child but I had to swat him away.

"Mister green person we have found your nice lady I think?" Caboose blurted out, the group separated to reveal me holding the small bundle in my arms. John's eyes lit up like a thousand suns as he rushed over to hug me, I couldn't help but smile as he cooed the small child in my arms. I knew that now everything would be ok, nobody would dare mess with an army this size and of this power. John proudly showed me and my little angel off to the camp which earned many congratulations and blessings from passers by, finally we arrived back at our room where we sat down on a far more comfortable bed and snuggled with out child.

"What should we call her?" John questioned unable to stop smiling, I thought for a moment before the perfect name hit my mind.

"I want to call her Faith," I whispered softly, he smiled kissing my forehead.

"Faith is a perfect name," he chuckled pulling me into a close hug with our new daughter, aside from Doctor Halsey probably about to pester us everything was fine. I was home and I was safe but most importantly, I was with the love of my life and my brad new daughter.

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