Chapter 8

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We had returned back to Sanghelios where Chief and I made our way to the Commanders room, Chief had made sure I never left his side after I had hugged him which shocked me slightly as usually he avoided me as best as possible.
"Master Chief, Agent Australia, do you have the chip?" Commander Will questioned, I nodded to Chief who pulled it out of the back of his helmet and placed it on the table.
"She looks intact though this many years without any tweaks to help any glitches or even rampancy which I highly think she has can be dangerous, she needs a strong spartan to take care of her and...." the Commander began, I looked at Chief and took a step closer.
"I will take her," I cut in, everyone looks at me like I was crazy.
"Are you sure Agent Australia?" The Commander questioned cautiously, I nodded as I was handed the chip.
"I haven't had an AI unlike the rest of the Spartans and I feel like I'm drawn to her in a weird sense," I explain plugging her into my helmet, encrypting words pop up on my visor as Scarlett began to wake up.

[where am I?]
You are safe now, I am Agent Australia a former Freelancer, we got your message when we found you, who was your old spartan?
[that was Spartan 113 otherwise known as Caden, she and Chief were the closest of friends and she sacrificed herself to get Chief off Reach alive since she was dying to a virus called the Serpent, it's an incurable disease that eats its host alive slowly shutting down the human body until it dies, I have been stuck in a slumber for so long, thank you for saving me]
No problem Scarlett.

"Can she come out?" I heard Chief whisper, I nodded and Scarlett showed herself which caused Chief to freeze again.
"Hello Chief, been a while," Scarlett chuckled knowing the pain he was in, everyone in the room fell quiet as Scarlett replayed the scene from earlier. I could see Chief was on the verge of breaking down so I hugged him again, I felt him relax slightly as he returned my hug. It felt good to hug him in his time of need, I didn't know Caden but I felt bad for Chief since he did love her. I knew what it was like to lose someone I loved, after getting some more of my memories back I remembered I once had a great friend called North Dakota or as he liked to be called North. He and his sister had been killed before I vanished, that was when I learned my true reason for giving in that fateful night. I quickly let go realising what I was doing, blushing I turned and walked out my head low. I could hear someone following me but I kept walking, I felt so embarrassed that I had just hugged Chief in front of so many people. I stopped when I was far enough away from the camp and sat down in a small field filled with flowers, I smiled looking down at all the colours that the flowers came in. I jumped when I felt a hand on my back, I turned my head to see Chief had taken his helmet off and was smiling at me with sad eyes.

(This next bit is how I think Master Chief looks under his helmet so no judging me)

His brown hair was dark like a freshly washed patch of dirt, his eyes were a dark green and his skin was tan like a sunset sky. I had to look away so I could think, he sat down beside me and I leant against him. He tensed up slightly but relaxed after a few seconds, I had taken my helmet off as we watched the sun as it began to set turning the sky a pink and blue. I smiled but froze when I felt an arm go around me, I barely knew Chief but I couldn't help but feel like I knew him better then anyone despite the fact we usually fight. I could feel his eyes watching me which made me blush slightly, I began to doze off when I felt him shift slightly which shook me back to being fully awake.

[oh just kiss him already!]

I heard Scarlett chuckle, I wanted to scold her but Chief would think I was mad at him. He raised an eyebrow as he noticed me studying his face, I looked away quickly my face growing redder. We sat there for a while before he pulled me closer to his chest, I could sense all his bottled up emotions and I looked at him.
"Chief?" I whispered, he looked at me curiously.
"What is it?" He breathed in my ear, I felt safe in his arms.
"I-I know you miss her, I won't be able to replace her but I can try and fill the whole in your heart at least a little," I sighed, his heart sped up and I heard him let out a soft sigh in my ear.
"Nothing can replace her, you look almost exactly like her and I can't keep my eyes off you, she had the same blonde hair as you and she had those pretty pale blue eyes just like you do, it's been years and she would want me to move on but I don't know if I can risk my heart being torn from me again just like before," he mumbled half to himself, I pulled back and looked him in the eyes seeing the sadness he held within him. Without thinking I pulled him into a soft but passionate kiss, he froze for a few seconds before returning my kiss. He pulled me closer not wanting to let me go, I felt my heart melt at the touch of his lips. I was shocked when he pushed me over pinning me, I could see a passion in his eyes I had never seen before and I knew what he was asking me.

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