Chapter 9

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I awoke as sunlight blinded me through the tent entrance, I felt strong arms wrapped around me and I looked sideways to see Chief shirtless which made me blush greatly. I realised I was naked and what we did which made my face only go redder, I wanted to move and get dressed but Chiefs strong arms refused to let me leave without a fight. I slowly pried myself from his arms and got dressed, luckily it was dawn so I would be able to sneak out without being noticed. I went to leave when I felt an arm snake around my waist, I froze and turned my head slightly to see Chief in his boxers holding me. He had a smirk on his face as he kissed my neck softly, I couldn't hold back my smile as I turned to face him.
"Get dressed before anyone sees us," I whispered in his ear making him smile, he obeyed and got dressed but not into his armour. I left mine on the ground as well as we sat there in a tight embrace, we pulled apart when Arbiter walked in. He had an amused look on his face, we both rubbed the back of our heads at the awkward moment.
"So the mighty Chief found himself a mate I see, well don't let me interrupt I was only coming to check on you since I hadn't seen you since yesterday afternoon," Arbiter chuckled walking back out, Chief raised an eyebrow at me making me blush again.
"You know he's going to tell the whole camp right?" Chief mentioned making me look into his now bright eyes, I gave an embarrassed smile. He pulled me in for a final hug and kiss before we stood and left the tent, a few who were awake turned to look at us with curious gazes which only made my face heat up. We saw Arbiter joking with a few elites not far away, he gave us a smirk as we passed which made Chief pull me closer to him. I couldn't stop thinking about what I did last night, I blushed a deep red which earned a few heads to turn my way with raised eyebrows. Suddenly I was pulled back to my thoughts when Kelly walked over, I could see anger hinting at the edge of her gaze.
"Could I speak to Valora?" Kelly questioned, I could hear a hiss in her voice that Chief didn't seem to notice.
"Sure just bring her back in one piece," Chief chuckled, I could hear a warning in his voice and I could tell he knew Kelly wouldn't exactly be thrilled about our relationship. She grabbed my arm lightly and I looked to Chief for help, he gave me an encouraging smile before we disappeared around behind some tents.
"Look Valora, after what happened to Chief last time he got this involved with someone I am going to warn you, break his heart, and I will shoot you myself," she hissed in my ear, I froze but pulled back my eyes filled with determination.
"I won't break his heart, I will stick by him no matter what, the Freelancers mean nothing to me anymore, they never came back for me which shows how much they care and Chief has been there for me even though I threatened to stab and kill the whole camp," I chuckled, Kelly didn't do anything.
"Good," she growled before storming off, I gulped at her anger. I shook it off and went to go find Chief, he was talking with Arbiter and he seemed to be happier now then what he was a few days ago. I hesitated before making my way over, I was greeted by a tight hug from Chief.
"How was the chat with Kelly?" Chief whispered in my ear before standing up straight, I shrugged and smiled.
"The usual," I say with a shrug, Chief smiled back before turning to Arbiter whom I still felt uncomfortable around.
"Well now that you are both here I can finally explain the mission, we are to enter an abandoned facility and flush out any and all of the remaining loyalists to the covenant and steal whatever data we can gather, isn't too much a problem for you is it?" Arbiter questioned looking at us with amusement, I blushed slightly but shook it off.
"That won't be too much for us to handle Arbiter," Chief chuckled and we turned to go put our armour on, finally whenever someone gave me a strange look I could hide my red face. We headed for the few pelicans that we had, I jumped in and sat next to Chief which caused a few marines to chuckle and whisper to themselves. I rolled my eyes when I felt Chief pull me close to him making me blush under my helmet, I had never known how strong he was since he never sparred with me but I could feel his strength even with the soft hug he gave me.


After what seemed like an hour of travel we arrived at the checkpoint, from here on out we had to be on foot as to not give ourselves away just yet. I held my assault rifle steady as I pushed through the undergrowth, the remaining covenant were smart to use such thick shrubbery to hide their remaining hideout. I kept an eye out for any patrolling covenant, the forest was alive with animals all singing in the glorious sun which made me smile under my helmet. Something shiny blinded me from the right, I turned my head to see an oddly shiny structure which I assumed to be the covenants hiding place. I gestured towards the structure and everyone nodded, either way we were going to examine this place. After making sure the perimeter was clear we began to head inside, I made sure to note down everything I saw incase I needed it later. I turned a corner a found myself standing in front of a very bulky door meant for hiding or holding something inside, I grabbed a handy grenade from my belt and chucked it in the air catching it again softly.

"Valora whatever it is your thinking, you best not do it," I heard Chief warn, I groaned and put the grenade back on my belt. I waited patiently while a marine worked away at the door with a blow torch, soon enough the locks gave way and the door swung open slowly. I stepped into the room my gun at the ready, variations of spartan suits lined the walls. I looked around confused as to why some looked completely different in many ways from mine while others looked similar in build, Chief didn't show any signs that he was familiar with this room at all so I guessed it belonged to the freelancers.

[I am picking up multiple life sources outside this room Valora]

The voice that sounded in my ear shocked me, I turned around to face the door and there stood the twins and Carolina.

What do we do?
[I recommend letting Chief handle this]

I stood there as Chief stepped forwards, the twins raised their guns to aim at Chief.
"Valora did he get this information from you?" Agent Canada questioned his voice sounded rather angry, I didn't know how to react.
"I did nothing of the sort, I would never harm or force anything of her," Chief growled back, the twins look at each other as if catching on to what was going on between me and Chief.

[Valora I suggest finding some cover immediately this might get ugly]

Not giving a second thought I backed away startled as the twins began to walk closer as Carolina watched blocking our exit, I was horrified that the twins were acting stranger then I thought they would.
"It was you who erased her memories wasn't it!" Larry snapped, I could hear sadness edging at his voice.
"It was you who turned her against us!" Harry snapped as well, I looked at Chief with fear but he stood tall his gun ready to shoot.
"You freelancers think you own everything when it was you who caused the covenant to glass Reach when Caden and I were gathering intel all because she was a threat to your organisation!" Chief roared as he began to fire, my heart almost stopped when I saw what happened next.

Chief fell to his knees his head low and I could hear his sobbing, I couldn't move as the twins walked up to him ready to kill him in an instant.
"You will no longer be a demon to this world or any other," Harry sneered getting ready to shoot, not thinking I charged at them shoving Chief aside as Harry pulled the trigger. I rolled across the ground pain shooting through my chest, I heard Chief shout my name but I couldn't even sit up. Every heart beat was painful and every breath was agony, the last thing I saw was Chief kneeling at my side shouting something I couldn't hear then everything went black.

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