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Things were mostly calm during the start of their venture into space. Yoongi was sleeping. Jungkook and Seokjin were discussing various things about space and possible travel routes that made no sense to Jimin or Taehyung; they eventually got tired of not knowing what was going on and left the room to check on Hoseok at the controls.

In the control room, Hoseok was anything but bored. He was focused, so focused that he didn't notice the two humans enter the room. He was twisting dials and pressing necessary buttons to control the ship's functions and adjust the communicator, which wasn't catching a whole lot of signals. "No, no," he muttered to himself. "Come on, you piece of junk." He needed to follow Namjoon's signal, but he couldn't do that if he couldn't find it again.

"Hyung, is everything okay?" Taehyung approached the chair in which Hoseok was seated and lightly touched his shoulder when he didn't get a response. "Hoseokie-hyung?"

Hoseok paused his movements and sighed. "I lost the signal." He dared not look at Taehyung, not wanting to see any disappointment or sadness that may come over his boyfriend's face at that news. "It was very faint, and I was managing to follow it, but then..."

"It's not your fault, Hoseok-hyung." Jimin moved over by Hoseok's other side. "Maybe Namjoon stopped communicating because he's taking a break. We don't know how long he's been out there, so he might be resting now."

"Jimin's right." Taehyung could find some hope in that, even though he was also worried about the lost signal. "When Namjoon starts communicating again, you'll find the signal. Until then, we should probably keep going in the direction the signal last came from."

That was enough to help Hoseok calm down a bit. "You two are right." He knew this was something he should have already known. Normally, he would have known that, but perhaps he wasn't thinking as rationally as he should be. After all, he was flying them across space to find the one they'd all believed to be dead.

"I just want to make one request," Jimin said, holding up his index finger. "Please give us a warning before you jump. You know it makes us sick."

Taehyung groaned quietly. "Oh man, I wasn't thinking about that at all. We're going to need to plan out when we're going to eat and when the jumping will happen so that we don't waste food by eating then throwing it all up soon after."

With a small nod, Hoseok accepted the small request. "I'll make sure you all know when a jump is about to happen. However, I don't know how well you'll be able to plan when to eat. Since we don't really know where we're going or where Namjoon is, I won't be able to tell you much in advance when we'll need to jump. This is a journey with no set course or destination, so we just need to figure things out as we go." He knew that was going to be difficult for the humans since they weren't really used to surviving in space, but he and the other incubi would help them.

"I'm really glad that we have you, Seokjin, and Jungkook to help us. We'd be lost and clueless without you guys." Jimin knew that went extra for himself. He knew nothing about space or travel. He'd never really paid attention to such subjects and never took the opportunities to learn about them. He had always just focused on whatever was happening for him in the current moment. That was just the way Jimin was. He focused on the present and didn't plan for the future; he believed that constantly thinking about the future would give him too much stress. Still, he was seeing how that way of living had caused him to be unprepared for unexpected events.

Taehyung, on the other hand, had done his best to learn. Not about space though. He learned how to center himself, stay calm in uncertain situations. Of course that wasn't going to help if they ended up in a truly horrific situation, but it would help him think a bit more clearly in the moments leading up to anything such times. Not only that, but he'd also been training with Jihoon and Junhong, learning how to fight. He was nowhere as good as them, obviously, but he was improving. He'd refused to train with Hoseok, knowing his loving boyfriend would go easy on him. He could laugh at the memory of how Hoseok had reacted to Taehyung getting his first black eye from Jihoon. "Hoseokie-hyung, is it okay if I stay in here with you for a while? I want to wait for the signal with you. That's okay, right?"

"Yeah, of course you can." Hoseok felt the corners of his lips curl slightly into the tiniest of smiles as Jimin left the room, clearly reading the vibe. "You haven't gotten the chance to hear it yet. It would be good for you to hear his voice after so much time."

"I miss his voice." Taehyung would never forget how Namjoon's voice sounded. He heard it in his dreams sometimes. But to hear it with his own ears, in reality, would be far better than just in his dreams. Just hearing his voice and getting that audible confirmation of his life himself would be undoubtedly greater than seeing, hearing, and touching Namjoon in his dreams. "And I know this is hard for you, as it is for me. You shouldn't be in here by yourself the whole time. We need to find him together."

Grabbing one of Taehyung's hands, Hoseok held it firmly to give and receive support. "As boyfriends and mates, we'll find our lost one. And even though it is long-broken, I'll trust in our bond to Namjoon to help us find him."

"I can't use that bond, but I'll trust in it too." Taehyung wished he could feel bonds the same way as the incubi.

"You can feel it." Hoseok moved his other hand up to lightly press it against Taehyung's chest. "Humans haven't really tapped into it as a species, but I believe you do have a sixth sense. Just like the way humans can feel when someone is looking at them, you must be able to feel when you're loved ones are nearby. It's a feeling, a spiritual connection. Trust your heart, Tae, to let you feel Namjoon."

Putting his free hand over Hoseok's, Taehyung gave a nod. "I'll do my best."

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