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Time felt like it was passing so slowly, but it was definitely passing. They kept checking their phones for the time, since they couldn't really use them for much else. After a while though, Yoongi suggested that everyone but him should turn their phones off to reserve whatever charge they had left. They would use his phone for the time until his battery would die then move on to the next phone. After all, none of them had thought to bring a portable charger.

"This ship needs some outlets, seriously," Jimin said with a small huff as he leaned his back against the wall, legs stretched out in front of him. He glanced over at Yoongi, who was sleeping on the floor with his head on Jungkook's lap. "I want to be able to charge my phone. I'm bored."

Jungkook, who had come into the room with the others after struggling to find Namjoon's signal, cocked his head a little to the side. "But Yoongi said we can't use our phones much."

"That's because we can't charge them. If we could charge them, we could use them more." Jimin could feel Taehyung's gaze on him. "What?" His tone went flat. He knew the feeling he was getting; Taehyung was about to make him feel very stupid.

Indeed, that was exactly what Taehyung did. "Jimin, we still wouldn't be able to use our phones much. There's no WiFi or mobile data in space. What would you do? Mess around with the calculator? Set alarms for funsies? Take selfies by all the grey walls?"

Each point Taehyung just made caused Jimin to slink down a little. "I don't know. I didn't think of that." He sighed and moved his hands onto his lap, fidgeting out of boredom. "I'm just so used to having my phone and so many things to do on it that I forget that it can't always be available."

"That's okay, Jimin." Seokjin placed a hand onto Jimin's shoulder for an ounce of support. "It's just something you're used to having. It makes sense to forget that you can't use it right now."

"Well, I don't need to be called stupid for forgetting," Jimin huffed halfheartedly.

"Taehyung didn't call you stupid." Seokjin rolled his eyes, knowing this was expected from Jimin.

Taehyung, on the other hand, smiled. "Right, I didn't call you stupid."

"See?" Seokjin was pleased until Taehyung spoke again.

"I just implied it." Knowing what kind of reaction his words would get, Taehyung's smile spread a little wider.

"You think you're so much smarter than me?" Jimin rose to his feet and huffed. "I'll prove you wrong."

"And how do you plan to do that, Jiminie?" Taehyung could see the knowing look on Seokjin's face, feeling quite proud of himself.

Jungkook knew what was going on too. He'd seen this sort of situation before with those two. "Yeah, Jimin, how are you going to prove that he's not smarter than you?" He loved antagonizing the situation because it was never serious.

Jimin placed his hands onto his hips in his own personal power stance to show his confidence. "I challenge you, Taehyung, to go around the whole ship and count how many rooms there are. I'm going to do it too. Whoever counts all the rooms first wins, and they have to have the exact right number. So if you miscount, you lose. And you have to figure out how to count them all faster than me."

Taehyung liked this idea. "We'll both have to come up with a good route to go through the whole ship efficiently to be the fastest while making sure we don't accidentally count any rooms more than once by getting lost."

Seokjin chuckled at the idea. "Jungkook, Hoseok, and I each know how many rooms the ship has. So we'll be able to tell you if you're right."

"Start on the count of three?" Taehyung received a nod from Jimin. "Okay. One. Two. Th--Hey! I didn't say three yet!"

Jimin, who ran out of the room early, laughed as he sprinted down the hall, knowing Taehyung was hot on his heels.

Now that it was quiet in the room, Seokjin turned his gaze to Jungkook and his sleeping mate. "How did you get him to fall asleep? He was so shaky before you came in here."

Jungkook smiled proudly. "Oh I just got him comfortable on me and used the sleep command." He had laughed earlier when Jimin had said that was cheating.

"And he's okay with you doing that?" Seokjin didn't understand. Sure, it wasn't really a big deal in his eyes to use the command to help someone go to sleep or calm them down, but he'd been told by Jimin that it wasn't okay to use their abilities to take advantage of situations.

With a shrug, Jungkook didn't see the issue. "I do it all the time. When he can't sleep, he cuddles on me, and I use it. When he's cranky because he didn't sleep enough, I use it. He's never gotten mad about it, and I'm pretty sure he knows I do it." He just figured it was unspoken confirmation that it was okay to do.

"You should ask him about it later. Just to be sure." Seokjin really didn't want anything to cause more stress on any of them. If Yoongi and Jungkook had any sort of problem between them, that would make this whole trip a bit more uneasy for everyone. Besides, no one liked to see their friends have any sort of discourse.

"I will." Feeling quite relaxed despite knowing that their journey was only just beginning, Jungkook accepted the chance they had to converse. "So who do you think will win the challenge? Jimin or Taehyung?"

This was an easy answer for Seokjin. "Taehyung." He knew he should vote for Jimin, but he also knew better. "Jimin is more likely to play a little dirty by trying to sabotage Taehyung in some way, but Taehyung is also tricky when he wants to win. He usually finds ways to win with the least amount of effort."

"I guess we'll wait and see." And they did wait. But not for too long. Jungkook was surprised to see Taehyung return a lot quicker than he thought was possible. "Did you give up? There's no way you counted all the rooms that fast."

Taehyung smirked with triumph. "Of course I didn't count them all that fast, and I would never give up against Jimin." Seating himself on the floor, he planned to wait for Jimin's return. "But I know how many rooms there are, so I win."

Seokjin glanced at Jungkook before returning his attention to Taehyung. "How do you know? Have you counted them all some other time?"

Shaking his head, Taehyung had to hold back a laugh. "Nope. I simply asked Hoseok-hyung. He doesn't know about the challenge, so he told me. I win."

Jungkook and Seokjin both laughed at Taehyung's sneaky cheat, unable to hold it back even as Yoongi stirred a little.

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