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Despite saying he was okay with going back into space, Yoongi found himself sitting in a tight ball on the floor with his eyes squeezed shut once they headed out. Sure, he had gone to space with Jungkook already today, but this was worse. He had managed to remain somewhat calm enough earlier because he knew they weren't going to leave Earth's orbit, and Jungkook had successfully distracted him with something emotionally huge.

Now they were planning to venture far into space. They were leaving the planet and its orbit. Who knew how far they would go? They may even star jump again, and Yoongi was definitely not looking forward to that, nor were Jimin or Taehyung. Seokjin was sitting with the humans, helping them stay relatively calm as Hoseok and Jungkook were getting the ship back to where it had been before when Namjoon's voice was last heard. Hoseok was insisting on being the first to fly the ship, but he had needed Jungkook to guide him to where the signal had been heard.

"Do you think it's really him?" Taehyung was hopeful, but he was also a bit unsure. He'd been told that Namjoon was dead. He'd gone through the stages of grief then acceptance. He was finally at a place in his mentality where he could think of Namjoon and not break down. Now his late boyfriend might be alive, lost somewhere?

"Jungkook and I both heard his voice." Even Yoongi was still having a tough time grasping that this was happening. Keeping his eyes shut, he tried to steady his nerves as he attempted to converse with his friends. "I don't know how it's possible, but it's him. It has to be him."

Jimin, for emotional support, grabbed Seokjin's hand. He missed Namjoon immensely, but he knew this was harder for the others. After all, though Namjoon was his friend, he kept in mind that Namjoon was Taehyung's and Hoseok's mate, and he was also Seokjin's and Jungkook's captain and close friend. "We'll just have to ask him once we find him." He wanted to have a positive outlook. That was his strength. Positivity kept him going, even in bad times. Though his ability to be positive and lighthearted hadn't been enough to keep him unwavering the last time they'd all been in space, Jimin had to believe that this time wasn't going to be like that at all.

"Do you think he's really lost?" Taehyung was worried about that. "Namjoon had been to other planets before. Maybe he will find one he has been to before and figure out where he is."

Seokjin let out a soft sigh. He wished it was that easy. "You have to take into consideration that there is no way of knowing how many planets exist. There are countless universes and solar systems. And within them, there are so many planets that might still be completely undiscovered by anyone. Some planets might be uninhabited. Some might be overrun by strange creatures. We don't know what he might find while trying to figure out where he is."

"And we're going to see new things too as we look for him." Jimin paused what he was going to say when he saw Yoongi lower his head to put his forehead against his knees, curling his arms over his head. "Hyung? Are you okay?" Maybe their discussion of what could possibly be awaiting them on their journey into space was upsetting Yoongi.

Indeed, Yoongi was trying very hard to clear his mind of negative thoughts about what they might find as they search for Namjoon. Surely, they would need to make stops on or near other planets. They had brought some food with them, but they didn't know how long they were going to be gone. Would they need to find something to eat on other planets? What if no other planets had food that they could safely eat? What if something happened to their ship that caused them to need to land on a planet with hostile inhabitants?

Perhaps this was a good time for them to change the topic of conversation. But what should they talk about? Jimin and Taehyung glanced at each other, as if they were somehow communicating the need for a lighter topic telepathically. Before either of them could think of anything though, Seokjin's voice caught their attention.

"That's a really pretty ring you have on, Yoongi," Seokjin complimented. He'd never seen that ring before. "Is it new?"

Having not really paid much attention to Yoongi's fingers, Jimin hadn't noticed the ring, and he could be sure that Taehyung hadn't noticed it either. Turning his attention to said ring, they now had a nicer topic to discuss. "Hyung, is that what I think it is?"

Taehyung joined in. "Is that an engagement ring?"

When Yoongi gave a nod in response without lifting his head at all, Seokjin was confused. "What's that? Is it a special type of ring?"

"Oh right." Jimin realized that this topic had never come up for them. "You and I have never talked about marriage or anything like that, so I guess you don't know. It would be hard to explain right now since I can't just show you videos and stuff online while we're in space, but on Earth, lots of humans who fall in love get married to each other." Jimin didn't know if he could explain this in a way Seokjin would understand, but he was going to try. "Getting married is a legal bond. It means the government and law recognize that those two humans are together."

Seokjin tilted his head a little. "But what does that have to do with the ring?"

Jimin wished he could have witnessed the moment Jungkook presented the ring to Yoongi. "When humans get married, they get special rings called wedding rings that show everyone that they are married. Before they actually get married though, they wear engagement rings, like the one Yoongi-hyung is wearing. That ring means he belongs to someone, but they aren't married yet. It means one of them has asked the other to get married." A giddy smile spread over his lips. "In this case, I'm assuming Jungkook is the one who asked Yoongi-hyung to marry him. I just can't see Hyung having the guts to properly propose."

At that last statement, Taehyung chuckled. "Yoongi-Hyung would probably throw the ring at Jungkook and just demand a wedding."

Taking everyone by surprise, Yoongi swiftly uncurled and practically threw himself into Taehyung, wrapping his arms around him. He had such a mix of emotions right now. He was terrified of being in space and imagining all the things that could go wrong, but the talk of marriage also made him happy at the same time. He clung to Taehyung, scared and joyous, a confusing combination. "Jungkookie...proposed..." He didn't know if this was the right time to talk about this, but he was glad that his friends now knew. At least, most of them did. He didn't know if Jungkook had told Hoseok or not while they were in the control room. "That brat...proposed in space..."

Jimin gave Seokjin's hand a light squeeze and smiled at him. "I'm guessing that's what Jungkook was doing on his phone all the time, learning about proposing and marriage. How else would he know about it?" He was so relieved that Jungkook's time spent on his phone was for something so sweet.

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