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After Jungkook marked their location on the ship, he and Yoongi returned to Earth to let the others know what had happened. It was definitely a difficult thing to explain. They all knew Namjoon had died on Szarvoun; he was murdered by that jerk Minhyuk, who was also no longer living. So how had they heard Namjoon's voice through the communicator? How could he be searching for Earth?

"If it really is him, why does he need help finding Earth?" That was Seokjin's first question. Sure, it had taken him a moment to voice that question, probably going over everything in his mind before speaking. "Namjoon would know Earth's coordinates."

Jungkook shook his head. "He said his locator is broken. He can't follow coordinates or input coordinates without it. So he might not even know where he is."

As they spoke, Hoseok held tightly onto Taehyung's hand. This was a very hard conversation for them. Hoseok had been the one to make sure Namjoon had a proper burial on Szarvoun, so how could he just suddenly hear that the man he'd believed was dead was now looking for Earth?

"Seokie..." Taehyung whimpered as he thought about all of this. Namjoon was alive but lost? How were they going to find him? Was it even possible? If Namjoon didn't know his own location, how were they going to find him?

Jimin reached over and grabbed Taehyung's other hand to offer support. "We need to go out there. We know he's out there somewhere. So let's find him."

"We don't even know where he could possibly be. We could search forever and never find him among the infinite galaxies." Yoongi didn't want to be a downer, but he knew that it was going to be a tough search that might never end.

"We can try to follow the frequency," Jungkook suggested. "If he keeps trying to communicate, we can follow the stray signals to get closer to him. If we can manage to get close enough, he might hear us over the communicator."

"It's already amazing that you got his signal before." Seokjin wanted to believe that they could find Namjoon, but he was also aware that it would be a long journey into space. They were bound to see things they had never seen before. They could get lost themselves. "We'll have to hope that we can pick up on his frequency again since you've come back to Earth."

"That's why I marked where Yoongi and I were located. We'll go back to that same spot and try to catch the signal again." Jungkook only had a partial plan, but it was better than nothing. "Once we get his frequency again, we'll follow it."

Hoseok gave a small nod. "It's not much, but it's a start. Who all should go?"

"I'm going." Taehyung spoke up immediately. "Sure, space is scary, and I hate it, but I need to go. I can't just sit around while my other mate is out there alone."

With a soft smile on his lips, Hoseok was in agreement. "Normally, I would want you to stay home and be safe, Tae, but I know you need to go. You and I will stick together as we search for our missing mate."

"Well, there's no way I'm sitting out," Jimin added. "Where my best friends go, I go. Taehyung's going, and I know Yoongi-hyung won't just sit around either, so count me in."

"Just say we're all going." Seokjin knew how this was going to play out if they tried to get anyone to stay behind. "We are a family through our bonds of love and friendship. We'll stick together and bring Namjoon home."

That was a good enough answer for Jungkook. "Alright. We're all going. I'll call Junhong and let him know that we need him and Jihoon to watch over things while we're gone." As he was about to head to another room to make the call, he stopped when he felt a hand on his wrist. "Yoongi?"

Yoongi peered at Jungkook with concern and worry in his eyes and expression. "Kookie, make sure you tell them that we love them." He didn't want to leave without that being said to Junhong and Jihoon, just in case the worst case scenario happened.

"I will." Jungkook gave Yoongi's head a small pat before exiting the room.

Once Jungkook was out of the room, Taehyung spoke up again. "Yoongi-hyung, no one will judge you if you decide to stay home." He felt like that needed to be said.

"Yeah, Tae's right," Jimin chimed in next. "If you can't handle going back into space like this, we all understand."

It had been so rough for them to see the way Yoongi changed since they returned from space. They all saw the way Yoongi avoided feeling vulnerable in certain ways. Whenever Yoongi needed to change clothes, he either had Jungkook with him or locked himself in the bathroom. He wouldn't watch any movie or show that involved space travel. The sight of blood caused panic attacks. And any unexpected touch to his back seemed to make him flinch.

"It will be perfectly understandable if you stay home." Hoseok didn't want to put Yoongi through anymore unnecessary fear or pain.

"You're going, aren't you?" Seokjin could see it. He could see the way Yoongi's shoulders tensed as these words of understanding and care were spoken to him.

"Of course I'm going." Yoongi didn't even need to consider the options. "You are all going. Jungkook is going. Namjoon is out there, and he needs us. I know it's going to be hard. I'm terrified of traveling through space again, but...I want to bring Namjoon home too. And I don't want to stay here without any of you guys." He knew Junhong and Jihoon would gladly stay with him and keep him safe, but if he stayed with them, he wouldn't be able to stop worrying about his friends in space, wondering if they found Namjoon or ended up getting lost forever. He couldn't go through that. "I'm going."

Seokjin reached toward Yoongi slowly, making sure his hand was seen so as to not startle him with a touch. Placing his hand onto Yoongi's shoulder, he smiled. "We'll all keep each other safe. No matter what, we'll return home together, with Namjoon."

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