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Yoongi was aware that he may have reacted irrationally as he peered at Jungkook, his sincere incubus lover. He knew that this situation was putting him on edge and that they simply needed to talk about things to bring forth the understanding they both wanted. As Jungkook just stared at him, waiting patiently for him to speak, Yoongi didn't know how to express what he was feeling and thinking. He knew what he felt, but how was he supposed to explain it in a way that Jungkook would understand? Sure, the incubi had all improved at understanding the ways of humans over the years, but there were things that were still hard to convey to them. After all, how was Yoongi supposed to fully express his emotions and thought process when that was something humans themselves still failed to completely understand?

Waiting for Yoongi to speak, Jungkook could feel his own thoughts speeding through his brain. He wondered what Yoongi was thinking. He wondered what he could do to fix this situation. And he wondered how he and Yoongi could work through their different ways of thinking about these things. More than anything, Jungkook wanted to understand everything about Yoongi. He was always learning more and more, even after their years as mates; there was always something new to discover. This was one of those things.

Sighing, Yoongi knew he needed to speak. They couldn't just stand here staring at each other and expect answers to appear. "Jungkook, I'm sorry." An apology was probably the best way to start this. "I overreacted." lowering his gaze in shame, Yoongi peered down at the floor now. "When I think of you being with anyone else, even the possibility of that...It upsets me."

"Even if I were to only mate with someone for information?" As that was completely normal for incubi to do, Jungkook needed clarification. He understood cheating and unfaithfulness were bad in an intimate relationship, but were those things different from mating for information? Or did Yoongi view them the same way?

"Even if it was just for information, I don't want you to do it." Yoongi was also a little confused about his own feelings on this topic. "Getting information about people on other planets would be helpful to us, but I just can't handle the thought of you having sex with anyone else. I want to be the only one." He could feel heat rising in his cheeks. "I want to be the only one you touch in that way. I don't want anyone else to know what it's like to be with you like that."

Those words brought a smile to Jungkook's lips. "This is because of our bond and love, right?" Taking a step closer to Yoongi, he couldn't overlook how the human tensed a bit. "What are you feeling right now? I can see that you're uneasy and upset. Tell me how I can reassure you."

Yoongi didn't know why he had tensed up. Was it because of this feeling of upset? Probably. He didn't like showing negative feelings in front of Jungkook, knowing how much the incubus worried about him whenever he was unhappy. "I feel...scared." He had to be honest though. They couldn't work through things if he hid the truth. "I'm scared of the things we might find while we look for Namjoon. I'm scared of something happening to you or the others. I'm scared...of you mating with someone else and preferring them over me because I know I can be a blob of emotion at times."

"You're not a blob." Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle quietly at that. "And even if you were a blob, I'd still want to be with you. You're my mate, and nothing is going to change that." Reaching out, he grabbed Yoongi's hand and lifted it, kissing the ring on his finger. "I already told you exactly how I feel. I know you have doubts that are not your fault. It's because you love me so much that you fear the things that your mind imagines. But I promise that the possibility of me desiring someone else over you is zero."

"You mean that?" Feeling like such a fool, Yoongi could feel the tension in his chest melting away. "I was so happy when you proposed, you know. The happiest I've ever been. But then the talk of mating for language and information brought up my insecurities. And I guess Jimin's right. I'm possessive. You're mine, and I refuse to let anyone else have you."

"I like that." Lifting his other hand, Jungkook began to gently touch Yoongi's hair. "I like it when you're possessive over me. You show that possessiveness a lot more often than you realize."

"I...I do?" Was Yoongi's possessiveness really so obvious and commonplace in their relationship? He hadn't noticed.

All the memories of Yoongi's possessiveness flooded Jungkook's mind. "Yeah, you do. When we go shopping, you stick to my side, especially if you notice anyone looking at us. When you went to the gym with me and Junhong, you got really red and angry when a guy asked me for workout tips. A girl asked for my number once, and you grabbed my hand really quick and pulled me away before I could even say anything." He was so happy as he thought about this. "I can't even count all the times you've physically put yourself between me and other people when you thought they were getting too close. Maybe you don't realize that you're doing it, but you've been a silent defender of our relationship many times."

"It's because..." Yoongi muttered under his breath as his face turned rosy pink.

"What?" Jungkook cocked his head to the side then leaned in a little closer. "I didn't catch that."

Yoongi peeked at Jungkook, his eyes quickly darting away when he saw how close the incubus was. He felt ridiculous for getting so shy like this. After all the time they'd been together, Jungkook still had the ability to shrink him back to a flustered state. "It's because I...love you more than anything." He gulped then mustered up his confidence, finally peering right into Jungkook's beautiful eyes. "Even if it's unofficial, you're going to be my husband someday. My love for you won't stop growing, and it sometimes feels like it's more than I can handle, but...Jungkook, please promise me that you'll help me handle it."

"Of course I promise." Leaning down more, Jungkook pressed his face against Yoongi's chest and spoke some very muffled words.

"What are you doing?" With confusion but also contentment, Yoongi was glad that he and Jungkook could let out how they felt.

Jungkook pulled back just slightly to speak more clearly. "I'm telling your heart that I promise to keep it happy." Pressing his face against Yoongi's chest again, he resumed speaking muffled words.


This journey was going to be difficult for all of them, but at least they had each other. If they stuck together, everything would be fine, right? They had their mates and friends. As a group, they could keep each other safe and calm.

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