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"How much longer is it going to be before I find a clue to my own whereabouts?"

That was the question that plagued Namjoon's mind at the moment. He wasn't finding anything he recognized. "I can always just turn around and go back, but I don't want to. It was so nice there, but without my mates, even peace isn't fully enjoyable." He had been on a world he couldn't even begin to describe, but he hoped he could tell his mates and friends all about it. Sure, they would never get to see it for themselves, but he would share his experience there the best he could.

The memory lived rent-free in his mind of how excited he had been when this szarvounian ship crashed on that world. It had taken quite some time, but he managed to repair it enough to get it in flying condition. He couldn't repair the locator, and his communicator was still a little faulty, but he was using what he had to get through space the best he could, in search for Earth, his true home.

Lucky for Namjoon, he'd been able to make a stop on another planet to find things he could use for fuel and even find something to point him in the right direction from there. However, even that direction wasn't much. He would have to figure out where else to go. But he was determined.

No matter what, Namjoon needed to get back to his mates and friends, his family. Carrying with him the memories of his time apart from them, he chose to make this journey alone, no matter how long it might take. He would miss the world he left, but it wasn't his home.

Goodbye, Elysium, he remembered thinking as he'd flown away. It was time for him to return to the ones he loved.


Yoongi and Jimin clung to their incubi lovers as the ship had suddenly picked up speed. They weren't given any warning and didn't know what had happened until Taehyung burst into the room with a wide grin on his face.

"We found Namjoon's signal again!" Taehyung had announced that so happily, wobbling as he was overrun with emotion and the speed of the ship. So used to being on solid ground, he found the motion of the ship flying at high speeds to be rough, but he had powered through that and managed to run to the room the others were occupying.

"That's awesome news, Tae!" Jimin's whole face lit up at that announcement. He wanted to find Namjoon and take him back home, ready to have his friend back and see his other friends in the joy they would surely feel at having their throuple completed at long last.

Feeling such joy at this news himself, Jungkook pulled Yoongi to his chest and wrapped his arms and legs around the human, grinning like an eager child. "We're going to find him and take him home! Our captain!"

"I can hardly wait to tell him about the things he's missed." Seokjin could already imagine how Namjoon was going to react to everything. "We'll tell him about everything. Lady Chaerin's success as the new leader of Szarvoun. Junhong and Jihoon being on Earth with us."

"I can tell him about my proposal to Yoongi!" That filled Jungkook with so much glee.

Seokjin began to gently play with Jimin's hair. "Yes, and I'll tell him about my progress with Jimin."

At the mention of that, Jimin's face burned red. "No way! You can't tell him that!" But upon seeing Seokjin's excitement to spread the news to their lost friend, he pouted. "Fine but no intimate details."

"The intimate details are the best part." Seeing Jimin get shy always made Seokjin chuckle. He recalled how eager Jimin had been to start trying for a full bond between them then the shift to bashfulness once they got down to the act. It still took some coaxing for Seokjin to become fully ready for intimate acts, but he was doing a lot better and attributed all of the progress to Jimin.

"I wanna know the details~" Jungkook wiggled a little with childish curiosity.

"I don't." Yoongi covered his ears, just in case.

Taehyung shook his head. "Me neither."

Jimin saw this as his chance to shut down the topic. "Majority rules. No details. Now let's talk about something else."


At the controls, Hoseok could hardly contain his desire to find Namjoon. This was so much worse than when he'd been separated from Namjoon for several years after running away from Szarvoun as a teen. Sure, it had hurt to leave Namjoon behind, but it was for important reasons. This current separation was not by their will, and he wanted it to end as soon as possible. Now that he knew it could end, he wouldn't stop until it did.

"We're coming for you, Namjoon," he spoke into the communicator. Though he'd been told that Namjoon most likely couldn't hear their responses to him, he still tried to speak to his lost mate, just in case. Besides, speaking to Namjoon, whether he could be heard or not, made Hoseok feel closer than he was. "You'll be with us again. I promise."

Hoseok put the metaphoric pedal to the metal, picking up speed but not quite star-jumping yet. He knew he was going in the right direction. Namjoon's communication signal was leading him. It was like a dream, racing through space with his lost mate's voice to guide him. It felt so unreal and hypnagogic, but he knew it was real. Even his excitement put him in a sort of somniferous state at the same time as feeling hypervigilant. It was strange to feel this way. It was as if his emotions were running wild and draining his energy at the same time as filling him with a kind of adrenaline. He had to push through and find Namjoon. Then, and only then, he could relax and be at ease again.

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