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When speed of the ship picked up again, they all assumed they were about to start jumping, and that was a little too much for Yoongi. He clung to Jungkook and trembled. He wished Jungkook could just put him to sleep right now, but he also knew that it wouldn't do them any good in this situation. As much as he just wanted to sleep and not worry, he also wanted to stay awake and not miss anything, just in case things went wrong. He needed to be able to help his friends in any way that he could. Also, if they did start jumping, the changing of force would be too much for his body to handle, and it would most definitely wake him up with all the nausea it would cause.

Taehyung tried to steady himself but ended up sinking down to his knees on the floor, already starting to feel the nausea coming. He felt awful for not being able to offer any comfort to Yoongi during this time. It would have been better if Yoongi had stayed home, but he also knew that Yoongi wanted to bring Namjoon back home with everyone else. Despite the fear of space and what unknown things may await them, bringing Namjoon back home was something they all wanted.

Jimin pressed his face into Seokjin's chest and gripped tight handfuls of his shirt. "S-Seokjinnie..." His voice came out shaky and unstable. "Sorry in advance...if I...puke on you..."

With a soft smile, Seokjin gave Jimin's hair a few strokes. "It's okay. I won't mind. Besides, we can change into suits later, so I won't be wearing this for our whole journey."

"Seokjin." Jungkook got his best friend's attention then flicked his eyes toward Taehyung, knowing Seokjin would know what he meant.

And Seokjin understood. "Taehyung, can you come over here? I'll help you and Jimin through this as best as I can."

Jungkook wanted to make sure everyone had support through the star-jumping, but he couldn't help Taehyung, not while Yoongi needed his full attention. His precious mate was his top priority, and he knew Taehyung and Jimin were in good hands with Seokjin.

It was when the star-jumping started that Yoongi's full panic set it. He wrapped his arms around Jungkook as tightly as he could, squeezing as he was beginning to hyperventilate. His heart pounded rapidly, and tears poured down his cheeks. He curled his legs up on Jungkook's lap, needing security.

Maybe this sight of an utterly terrified Yoongi captivated everyone's attention so much that nausea was forgotten for a brief moment, but it was not something anyone wanted to see. Yet they couldn't look away. Yoongi, who always tried so hard to take care of everyone around him, was a traumatized mess. It brought tears to their eyes, and Jimin was the first to cry. He promised in his mind that he would be the first person to hug Yoongi once the jumping would be over.

Seokjin was worried for Yoongi's well-being during their trip as he saw how much this was affecting him. However, he also couldn't help but feel proud of Jungkook in this moment. He could see that the younger incubus was doing his best to calm Yoongi, stroking his hair and whispering to him gently. He was proud of Jungkook for being such a good protector for his mate.

Keeping himself calm in the presence of his scared mate, Jungkook patiently held Yoongi, not bothered at all by the tight hold the human had on him. "Everything is okay," he whispered to Yoongi. "You're safe. I've got you."

"When this...jumping...is over..." Taehyung could hardly speak through the nausea and dizziness. "We should...f-find...a place...to...land..." He really wanted them all to have a chance to rest with the ship on solid ground. He knew that might be easier said than done, but with so much traveling through space, they were bound to find a place to land, right? At least he hoped so.

"Yes, you're right," Seokjin agreed. "Once we are able to land somewhere stable and safe, we'll take a rest and have something to eat." He just hoped they would find a world with either no inhabitants or friendly inhabitants. He hoped more for no inhabitants. After all, it might be difficult to take a rest on a planet with other inhabitants they most likely would no be able to understand. And if the inhabitants were too different from them, they would not even be able to communicate by body language or motions either. Yes, no inhabitants would definitely be for the best.


"Dryhg oui vun ymm iv ouin ramb." Namjoon had been so surprised to find a world with inhabitants that spoke a language he knew. Another planet's inhabitants must have journeyed here sometime in the past, before their world had been taken by Szarvounians under Minseok's rule. He supposed it wasn't entirely unlikely for creatures to travel between worlds as his kind did. Still, he had been lucky to find some he could understand.

"Fa yna bmaycat du ramb." The inhabitants of this world gave what could be interpreted as a bow of their heads, like they all moved in unison, a singular mind. "Dryhg oui vun dammehk iu fru oui yna. Fa ybbnaleyda ouin ruhacdo."

More than the language though, Namjoon was surprised that these creatures were so friendly and forgiving toward him upon knowing where he was from and what he had done to one of their sister planets. He had not known before that such a level of forgiveness could even exist. Even as he got back onto his ship, he looked back at the inhabitants of this world with a smile. "Vynafamm, so haf vneahtc. Syopa fa'mm saad ykyeh cusatyo." With the ability to continue his journey after a much-needed stop, Namjoon was off. This world would never leave his memory as one he was happy to find.

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