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"So how are you going to find a safe place to land?" Everyone had gathered in the control room once the jumping was done. Yoongi just wanted to be on solid ground for a bit before resuming their journey, so he just had to ask.

Hoseok shrugged his shoulders a little at the question. "I don't know. I'll need to scan every planet we come across to find safe land."

"What can you see from scanning a planet?" Jimin was very curious about that. The last time they'd come into space, they hadn't gotten the chance to see any other planets. He and Taehyung didn't even see what Szarvoun looked like since they had stayed on the ship the whole time.

"The ship's scanner can tell us if there is solid ground," Seokjin answered. "It can also show us the general size and shape of inhabitants."

Jungkook loosely wrapped his arm around Yoongi's shoulders. "Of course, there is also a chance that we may find a planet that is uninhabited, and that would be the best chance for us to land and rest."

"How close do you have to be to a planet to scan it?" Taehyung looked at the large window at the front, the only one in the whole ship. "I don't see anything out there to scan."

"See that little blue dot?" Hoseok pointed ahead, into the distance. "That's a planet. I'm not getting closer because I don't know how strong the gravitational pull is, but I can scan it from here. Well, I can scan it just enough to see if there is solid ground to land on."

Jimin squinted his eyes as he looked toward the bright blue dot. "That's a planet? It's so...blue. It's practically glowing."

Hoseok pressed a few buttons and then pointed to a screen that showed the scanning results. "That planet has no solid ground."

"So it's all water?" Taehyung was amazed by that. "So hypothetically, we should go straight through it?"

"Nah, we couldn't do that." This time, Yoongi spoke up. He knew a little on this topic from documentaries he'd seen before. "I've watched some stuff about a planet with no land masses that has a core made of hot ice. This planet is probably similar to that."

Jungkook looked down at Yoongi's face with curiosity and pride at his mate's knowledge. "What is hot ice?"

"Well, I don't know a whole lot about it, but it's basically ice that is created at the center of that planet by the pressure of all the water pressing together from all directions by its gravitational pull," Yoongi explained. "That pressure causes the water in the center to become ice, but it also causes it to be hot from all the force and friction. So it's hot ice. But I'm no scientist. I just know what I learned from what I've seen on documentaries and such."

"With a whole planet of water, just imagine what kinds of creatures could live there." Jimin was definitely interested in that. "Maybe there are creatures there that are similar to ocean life on Earth."

"Perhaps this is where we'll find the meg," Taehyung said in his best Jason Statham impression, which wasn't that good, but at least everyone knew what he was doing.

With a laugh, Seokjin remembered watching the Meg movies with everyone. "I really doubt that, but there is always a possibility of aquatic life being supported on that planet."

"But why is it so bright?" That was something Yoongi wanted to know. "That planet is so bright that we can see it glowing from this far away."

"That's probably just a result of the planet's atmosphere," Jungkook answered. "Earth's atmosphere is what causes the sky to appear blue. This planet's atmosphere is probably what's causing it to appear like it's glowing."

Yoongi smiled at his fiancé's smarts. "That sounds like radiation risk to me, so I vote we stay away from that planet."

"I don't know, Hyung. I think we should greet it and gain our destined superpowers," Jimin joked, earning laughter.

Hoseok shook his head at that silly joke and resumed navigating the ship. "Anyway, my scans picked up another planet not too far from our current location. A planet with solid ground. However, I'm unsure about inhabitants. I didn't see any on the scans, but that doesn't mean that there aren't any. We should be careful."

Seokjin knew his and Hoseok's experience on other worlds could come in handy here. "If there are habitants, they might be too small for the scan to pick up. They could have ways of hiding themselves from scans. Or they may even reside underground."

"We'll only be there long enough to rest." Jungkook figured that would be okay. "If we just land, rest, then leave, there should be no issues."

That was what they had planned, but they had no way of knowing if it would actually go that smoothly. Hopefully, they wouldn't run into any trouble. They could simply land with their ship cloaked as it usually was and catch some rest. If they weren't seen by anything, nothing would happen, and they could just carry on.


Meanwhile, Namjoon was continuing his journey. Even though he didn't know exactly where he was, he knew he was heading in the right direction. That was thanks to the help he'd received previously. Of course, he did wonder how anyone this far into space knew anything about Earth's location, but he didn't want to pry into knowledge that wasn't his to know.

His journey seemed to be going smoothly now. Despite his lack of a working locator and half-working communicator, he was making his way past the stars and planets, his heart set on finding the one world that was home to the ones he loved. There was no way Namjoon could know that his loved ones were in space as well or what was going to happen from here on out. Still, he was determined. That feeling of determination was all he needed to get through this journey alone.

But nothing ever goes as planned, right? Something else is always bound to happen.

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