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It was pretty quiet when Yoongi returned home with Jungkook. It was late, and he was ready to get some sleep. However, as he was getting ready for bed, he noticed that Jungkook was acting strange. Was something on his mind? Yoongi kept glancing over at Jungkook as they both brushed their teeth. Sure, they didn't normally talk a lot while brushing their teeth, but Jungkook would often playfully bump his hip against Yoongi's to goof around a little before bed. That didn't happen this time. Even last night, Jungkook had initiated a toothbrush swordfight.

He was so still tonight. He was definitely thinking about something.

When they went into their bedroom, Yoongi changed into his pajamas as Jungkook simply stripped and got into bed. The silence was unusual. What was going on? Was something wrong? Did something about Hoseok's birthday party upset Jungkook? Once he was comfortable in his pajamas, Yoongi turned toward the bed to see that Jungkook was sitting there with his phone in his hands. "Is something wrong?" he asked as he approached the bed.

Jungkook didn't even look up from his phone screen. "No, nothing's wrong." Jeez, he even sounded distracted.

Getting onto the bed, Yoongi sat beside Jungkook and adjusted the blanket a bit. "Are you looking something up? Maybe I can help." He figured Jungkook might be looking up something he wanted or didn't understand.

At that, Jungkook turned off the screen and set his phone onto the nightstand. "It's nothing." He leaned down and grabbed the charger cord from the floor to plug in his phone. "Are Seokjin and Jimin not coming home tonight?" he asked to change the topic.

Knowing that a sudden topic change meant that Jungkook didn't want to talk about whatever was on his mind, he didn't push it; he accepted the topic change. "No, they're having a date night. And we both know how their date nights go. They always stay out all night and come home in the morning to sleep all day."

"That sounds nice. I wonder what they do all night." Jungkook loved Seokjin and Jimin's relationship. Those two were always so calm and happy together, like the world was at peace every time they held hands. They were a rather quiet couple, basking in each other's presence instead of using words. Sure, with Jimin's influence, Seokjin had been caught being chaotic a few times, but their time spent together was usually in comfortable silence, Jungkook had noticed.

"Jimin once told me that they spend the whole night in the park." Yoongi smiled softly as he thought about this. "He said they look up at the stars, and Seokjin tells him stories about Szarvoun and other planets he's seen or heard about. They talk all night then watch the sunrise before they come home."

That brought a smile to Jungkook's lips as well. "That sounds nice. We should go out for an all-night date sometime." Then, Jungkook got an idea. "We should take the ship. We can have a date in space, among the stars. What do you think?"

"I don't know, Kookie. The last time we were in space, it ended in a war." Yoongi tried not to think back to that time. He was still going through changes from it. After all, he'd been forced to have a breath mixer as part of him. That was something he could never erase. His body was forever altered by it. Due to the breath mixer, he could breathe easily in harsh environments, and he couldn't even remember the last time he got sick. But that proved that he was a little less human than he was before that happened. That breath mixer had changed him, messed with his organs and made him different. Yoongi sometimes thought about what might happen when he eventually dies, what might be found if an autopsy is done.

"I won't force you to go if you really don't want to, but please give it some thought." There was no way Jungkook would pressure Yoongi into going to space after what they had all endured last time. But he really wanted to have a date among the stars. He thought it would be romantic. "If we do go, we won't go far. We'll go just a bit beyond Earth's orbit and relax."

Yoongi wanted to suggest that they just enter the orbit and let the ship float around Earth, but that wouldn't be a good idea. With satellites and garbage floating around in the orbit, the ship would be at risk of getting damaged. "I'll think about it. Before we go--if we go, you have to promise that we'll let the others know where we're going, just in case something goes wrong. We have to be safe about it."

Jungkook scooted slightly closer to Yoongi and gave a small nod. "I promise. We'll tell them where we're going and let them know when we get back, so they'll know we're safe. And nothing is going to happen while we're out there. I'll be right beside you. I won't let anything happen to you." Gently, Jungkook hooked his fingers into the collar of Yoongi's pajama shirt and pulled it down a little, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. "I know you're scared because of what happened. It's okay if you don't want to go. I just want to take you on a special date. How many people get to casually fly out to space for a date?"

"I understand that you want to go on a special date, but there are special things we can do on Earth." With a sigh, Yoongi slumped his shoulders. "But I'll think about it. I'll let you know when I make up my mind."

"Do you want me to call someone over tomorrow?" Jungkook knew as well as anyone that Yoongi liked to have someone to discuss his options with whenever he needed to make up his mind about anything.

Yoongi shook his head then shifted to lay down. "No, I'll just visit Junhong and Jihoon. I'll talk to them about it." Seeing Jungkook perk an eyebrow at that, he rolled his eyes. "Who did you think I was going to talk to? Jimin and Seokjin are going to be sleeping all day after their all-nighter. I can't just discuss this with Hoseok or Taehyung because you-know-why. Besides, I like chatting with Jihoon and your brother. I'll go to their place tomorrow."

Lying down as well, Jungkook pulled up the blanket and cuddled close to his boyfriend. "There's no rush on deciding whether you want to go or not. But it means a lot to me that you're going to consider it."

"Only because I love you so damn much." Yoongi snuggled to Jungkook but immediately backed off when the incubus tried to kiss him. "Ew, no way. You used the fruity toothpaste tonight, I saw. Your fruity with my minty doesn't mix well." He squirmed and tried so hard to not giggle as Jungkook peppered kisses all over his face. "You're crazy, Kookie."

"Crazy for you." Jungkook gave one final kiss to Yoongi's forehead.


"Your brat."

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