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"Tae. Baby." Hoseok stepped into their bedroom and saw Taehyung prepping their blankets and pillows on the bed. "Can I ask you something weird?"

Looking toward the doorway, Taehyung spotted Hoseok fidgeting with his fingers. "What is it?" He hoped nothing was wrong. He knew Hoseok didn't fidget often, so that was a sign to him that something was bothering his boyfriend.

Hoseok leaned his shoulder against the door frame and sighed softly. "Do you ever wish for impossible things? Like, when you make a wish on your birthday or when you see a shooting star or something like that."

"Sometimes. I've wished to be rich. Who hasn't?" Taehyung had also wished for other impossible things, but he wasn't going to jump the gun and say something that might make Hoseok upset. He could see where this was going, and he wanted to let Hoseok say it first.

"But I wished for something that we all know can't happen." Hoseok's bottom lip quivered a little as he thought about his wish and how impossible it was. "Becoming rich can happen. I mean, there are super low chances, but you could play the lottery or something. My wish isn't like that." He had to talk about it. He knew Taehyung was the right person for this confession. After all, he was the person who would understand the most, who might also be guilty of making the same impossible wish.

"Would you like to tell me what your wish is?" There was no way Taehyung was going to push. If Hoseok wanted to tell him, he knew what was coming, but if Hoseok would rather keep the wish to himself, he wouldn't pry.

Hoseok gave a small, shaky nod before stepped over to the bed and sitting on it. "Tae, I wished...For the past two years, on my birthday, I've wished that...Namjoon would come back to us..." His vision grew blurry as he thought about how impossible his wish was. "I know it's a stupid wish...It's impossible. He's gone. I...I saw his body...I arranged his funeral on Szarvoun. There's no way he can come back, but I keep wishing for it."

"It's not a stupid wish." Taehyung squatted down in front of Hoseok and gently placed his hands onto his boyfriend's lap, peering up at his face. "Hoseokie, I make the same wish all the time," he admitted. "On my birthday, when we go for late walks, when I am laying awake because I can't fall asleep. I wish for him to come back to us. There's nothing I want more than for the three of us to be whole again." It made his heart ache to feel a tear fall down onto his hand as Hoseok began to cry.

"Tae..." Knowing that Taehyung made the same wish, Hoseok felt like cursing the world for not making their wish come true. They both wished for it wholeheartedly, and it wasn't coming true. The world was cruel for not letting them have their beloved Namjoon back.

"I have an idea." Wanting to cheer Hoseok up before they would go to bed, Taehyung knew what to do. "We have some leftover birthday candles in the kitchen. Let's light a couple of them. We'll both blow one out at the same time and wish our hardest. Okay?"

Through tears and sniffles, Hoseok agreed, liking that idea. "Okay."

They both stood, and Taehyung grabbed Hoseok's hand. He walked to the kitchen with his precious boyfriend and opened a small drawer where they kept batteries, candles, and other miscellaneous things. He pulled out two birthday candles and a lighter. "Do you want to light one?"

"Yeah." When a candle was handed to him, Hoseok couldn't stop himself from hoping that this would work. He knew it wouldn't; wishes never came true, but he really wanted this. After Taehyung lit his candle, Hoseok accepted the lighter and lit his own. "On the count of three?"

Taehyung gave a small nod. "One."



In sync, they blew out their candles, wishing as hard as they possibly could. If wishes never came true, why was their hope so big? Could this wish be different? Did they wish hard enough?

"Let's go to bed. A wish doesn't come true if it's being watched." Once they threw away the candles and put the lighter back into the drawer, Taehyung walked back to the bedroom with Hoseok, ready to cuddle and get some sleep.

Though he was still teary, Hoseok felt a little better. "You always know how to comfort me."

"Well, I've certainly been in love with you long enough to know that." As they both got into bed and made themselves comfortable, Taehyung couldn't shake the feeling that something was different. Something happened tonight that he didn't know. It was just something he felt. "Good night, Hoseokie. I love you."

"I love you, Tae. Sleep well." Hoseok snuggled to Taehyung and felt a warmth in his chest. It always made him feel warm and fuzzy inside whenever Taehyung showed such love for him.


But something was happening. Far away, very far, something was preparing. Upon a wrecked ship, a plan was being made. It was on a planet in a galaxy that had never been reached before. This planet remained undiscovered, unbothered, until now. For the first time, someone was leaving.

"Are you sure these are Earth's coordinates?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

Though leaving this planet had never been done before, it had to be done now. With a way to leave finally available, how could it just go ignored? Sure, leaving was forbidden, but that wasn't going to get in the way. No rules or laws could stop what was about to happen.

"You should head back. We both know you can't go with me."

"One of us getting in trouble is enough."

"What kind of trouble could I possibly get in though? Are you all going to vote me out of the group?" With a chuckle, it was time to go. No more waiting. With an opportunity like this, it had to be seized or lost forever. There was no way this was getting passed up. "Here I come, Earth."

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