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Yoongi was in the kitchen when Jimin and Seokjin got home in the morning. He had thought that they'd already be home and in bed, but he was wrong. "You two stayed out later than usual. Have a good time?" he asked before taking a sip of his coffee.

Jimin grinned as he pulled Seokjin's hand a little closer to him, their fingers intertwined. "The best time."

With a small yawn, Seokjin covered his mouth with his other hand before speaking. "We went to the park, as always." He loved their all-night dates. Spending so much time one-on-one with Jimin was Seokjin's favorite thing to do. "We do have something to show you though. We want to show everyone."

"Seokjinnie saved up money and bought us matching rings." It excited Jimin so much that his loving boyfriend had saved up money to do such a thoughtful thing. After all, it wasn't like Seokjin's job paid much. They were just lucky to find him a place that was willing to hire him without viewing any legal identification documents. Sure, that wasn't legal, but it wasn't uncommon.

With his job at the gas station not paying much, it took some time for Seokjin to save up for the rings. They were worth it though. He extended their clasped hands toward Yoongi to show him the rings. "We've decided that I'll wear mine on my right ring finger, and Jimin will wear his on his left ring finger."

"That way, our rings are together when we hold hands." Jimin thought that was the most romantic thing ever.

Getting a look at the rings, Yoongi had to keep his composure and not fall apart at the cuteness. The rings were silver with the symbol for infinity. Within the two loops of the symbol were gemstones, a sapphire and an opal. "Those rings are perfect for you two." He loved the rings so much. "How much did they cost?"

Seokjin grinned proudly. "158,400₩ each."

"You paid a pretty penny for these. Nice." Yoongi was definitely impressed. Of course, he had never needed to save up for anything before, but he knew it could be difficult to save money. It would be tempting to buy things and not save.

Jimin let out a small squeal of excitement, which caused Yoongi to take a step back. "It's the most awesome thing ever! Seokjinnie loves me~"

That earned a chuckle from the incubus. "Of course I do. I don't always know how to show it, but I knew you would love these rings."

"I'm never going to take it off. Never ever." Jimin knew he actually would have to take off the ring while he would be at work because he couldn't wear jewelry while working at the bakery, but he was hoping he could find a way to still wear his ring. Maybe he could get away with wearing the ring under the gloves he had to wear while handling the sweets.

"Jungkook is going to love those rings too. You should show him later. He's not awake yet." There was no doubt in Yoongi's mind that Jungkook would be impressed with the rings and probably call Seokjin sappy for buying them. It never ceased to warm Yoongi's heart with how sweet and romantic Seokjin and Jimin's relationship was. They were like newlyweds, in Yoongi's opinion.

Seokjin perked an eyebrow and slightly tilted his head. "Jungkook is usually up by now. Were you two up late last night?"

Yoongi shook his head. "No, not really. But he seemed distracted. I woke up once during the night, and he was on his phone. I don't know what he was doing, but he didn't want to talk about it, so I'm just going to wait until he wants to bring it up on his own, if he ever wants to."

"Maybe he's preparing a surprise for you," Jimin suggested. "That would be so cute. I love surprises, and I know you do too, even though you pretend not to."

"It's possible that he's planning a surprise, but I'm not going to jump to any conclusions." Yoongi didn't want to start expecting something if nothing was going to happen. Besides, maybe Jungkook was just bored and unable to relax last night. That was completely possible. "Anyway, you two should get some sleep. You must be really tired after being out all night. Or if you want, I can make breakfast for you two real quick." Yoongi wouldn't mind making breakfast for them. He enjoyed making food for his friends.

They both shook their heads before Seokjin answered. "We already ate breakfast. That little diner down the street was open early, so we went in to try out the new breakfast special."

"It was really good. You and Jungkook should try it sometime." Jimin had clearly really liked the breakfast special. Though, it wasn't hard to impress him with food.

"You should tell Taehyung and Hoseok about it too. They'll like to try it too, if they haven't already." Yoongi got an idea. "I can tell Jihoon and Junhong about it too. I'll see if they want to try it with me and Jungkook. It'll be nice." He loved having little double dates like that. Besides, he also adored Jungkook's little brother.

"I already texted Taehyung about it." Jimin pulled his phone out of his pocket and turned on the screen, showing his text to Taehyung, which was still open. "See? I even sent him a picture of it."

That made Seokjin laugh. "You had already eaten half the food before you took the picture."

"Well, I guess he'll have to get it himself if he wants to see it all then," Jimin said, sticking his tongue out childishly.

"You two are dorks. Go to bed." Yoongi glanced down at the mug of coffee in his hand and wondered if it was still warm. "I need to finish waking up a bit more, then I'm going to visit Jihoon and Junhong."

"Jungkook's not going?" It wasn't unusual for Yoongi to visit the two incubi without Jungkook, but Seokjin did wonder why Jungkook didn't go sometimes.

"Nah. I just need to talk to them. Nothing important and shouldn't take long." Yoongi understood that Jungkook might not want to go every time he visited those two. Sometimes, Jungkook showed a little annoyance at having a younger brother, which was typical sibling behavior.

Jimin gave his and Seokjin's connected hands a small swing. "Okay, have a good time, Hyung."

"Sleep well, you two." Yoongi watched the two leave the kitchen before taking a sip of his coffee, frowning when he tasted that it had gotten down to lukewarm temperature.

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