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"So you came to us with this?" Jihoon sighed as he saw Yoongi lower his gaze at that question. "What I mean is...Well, maybe we're not the best people to ask for advice on this."

Junhong decided to speak up to keep Jihoon from unintentionally wording things in an offensive way by accident, as he seemed to be almost doing already. "Jihoon and I have gone on a couple, as you say, dates on the ship with Hoseok's permission, and we have enjoyed it a lot. We love being in space, so I don't know if we can fully understand your perspective."

"Yeah, I get that." Yoongi, realizing that he had been lightly picking at the carpet, moved his hands onto his lap. He was sitting on the floor in the living room of Jihoon and Junhong's apartment. He had helped them get this place so that they could live on their own. He had even paid their bills until they managed to get a steady income, both of them working at the same gas station as Seokjin. "I just don't have anyone else I can talk to about this. I don't want to upset them with the topic."

That made sense to the incubi. They could understand why Yoongi wouldn't want to talk about this to his closer friends. "You don't want to talk about your hesitance to go to space because you don't want to mention the stuff that happened the last time you were in space." Junhong hit the nail right on the head with that statement.

Jihoon leaned back just a little, placing his hands flat onto the carpet for support. They didn't have any furniture in their apartment. No chairs or tables or couches. Not even a bed. They didn't want them. After growing up on Szarvoun, they were used to not having such things and didn't think it was necessary to adjust to having furniture. They did have some comfort things though, like pillows and blankets. "You don't want to bring up Namjoon. Am I right?"

"I don't even want to think about something like that happening again. I don't want to lose anyone else." That was something that scared Yoongi. He didn't want any of his friends to get hurt. He wanted them to remain safe, himself included. "I'm scared. What if I go to space with Jungkook for a date and something horrible happens? What if the ship gets damaged and we end up stranded out there? What if some other alien lifeform sees us and decides to attack? I mean, Szarvounians spent their lives, until recently, taking over and destroying other planets. What if there's another race out there that has the same destructive goal?"

"We get that you're scared of something happening, but I don't think the chances are high at all," Jihoon said with a shrug. "Earth has existed this long without being seized or destroyed. Sure, Earth is still a baby planet in comparison to many others, but there are lots of older planets that haven't been touched by outside races."

Junhong was in agreement with his mate. "I think it would be okay for you and Jungkook to go to space for a date. Don't forget that Jungkook is a highly-skilled warrior, no matter how complacent he has become here on Earth. You'll be safe with him."

"And the ship has a cloak. Don't forget about that either." Jihoon always kept the ship's cloak activated while they were in space, just in case. "Make sure it's charged before you go out, and everything will be fine."

"You know I don't know how to charge the ship. It's not like it takes the same cord as my phone." Seeing Jihoon perk an eyebrow at him and Junhong hold back a laugh, Yoongi sighed. "I know, I know. Jungkook can deal with that."

Junhong scooted a little closer to Yoongi and reached out to touch his hand. "I won't tell you to stop being afraid. I know it's not that easy. But I do know that Jungkook would do anything to keep you safe. He would never put you at risk."

"You're right. Jungkook would never intentionally put me in harm's way." Yoongi knew that. He just also knew that bad things could happen with no warning. Still, maybe he should go on a space date with Jungkook. Though he was scared of the possibilities, he did know that Jungkook missed going to space. "Maybe it'll be okay. I'll let Jungkook know that we can go."

Jihoon lightly clapped his hands together once, as if he was concluding the discussion. "Great. Anyway, I'm glad you decided to come over today. Junhong and I were going to invite you and Jungkook over for dinner tonight."

That made Yoongi smile. "I would like that, and I know Jungkook loves eating here. What's for dinner?"

Junhong became giddy at the mention of dinner. "We're going to be trying lasagna for the first time. We bought a big frozen one at the store. Ever since Seokjin and Jimin showed us how to use the oven, we've been trying a lot of new foods."

"We didn't know what it was, but a nice store employee told us how to pronounce it. She said lots of people like it, so we want to try it." Jihoon and Junhong were still getting used to coming in contact with nice women after growing up around vicious, cruel succubi, but they were seeing how nice people in general could be.

"Jungkook will definitely come over now," Yoongi said with a small laugh, thinking about how Jungkook was going to react. "He loves lasagna."

"He does?" Junhong grew a little excited. "I hope I will like it too." It was clear that he wanted to find more things he and Jungkook had in common. He wanted to bond more and be like his big brother.

Getting up from the floor, Yoongi stretched his legs and back. He wanted to get back to the comfort of his sofa at home. "Oh, I almost forgot. Jimin and Seokjin tried the new breakfast special at that diner down the road, and they really liked it. We should all go and try it sometime."

"We should." Junhong loved double dates. He saw it as more time to bond with his brother and Yoongi. He adored them and wanted to have many excuses to be around them.

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