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Jungkook couldn't help but smile fondly as he watched Yoongi and Junhong in the kitchen. Yoongi was helping Junhong see if the lasagna was ready. He was being so helpful, explaining how the cooked lasagna should look and what it should do when poked with a fork. Jungkook could hardly wait to eat some of the lasagna, so he was hoping it would be ready soon. It was a large frozen lasagna and had needed to be baked for a whole hour.

"Thanks for coming by the way," Jihoon spoke beside Jungkook. "Junhong has been very excited all day for you and Yoongi to come over for dinner."

"And what about you? Were you not excited for us to be here," Jungkook asked with a teasing tone.

That made Jihoon smile a little. He wasn't really the smiley type, but there were certain things that brought it out of him. "Of course I was excited as well. I enjoy having you two over. The whole time we were training to become warriors, you were the one Junhong and I looked up to. We worked so hard to be like you, just as fast and strong. I'm sure we're still not up to your level, but now we don't need to be. Still, to be in the presence of someone we admired for so long, to be friends, it makes me very happy."

Jungkook chuckled and pretended to dust off his shoulder, as he'd seen some celebrities do when acting cool. "I know, I'm awesome." He was pleased when a light laugh came from Jihoon.

"You're a lot nicer than we imagined. We thought you'd be rough and hard to talk to, but..." Jihoon let out a small sigh of content. "Then, we got to know the people around you. Your team was always odd, compared to others. Your leader was softer than other collectors but still did his job the best. And Seokjin, he's quite stoic most of the time, I've noticed, but he's also kind. I don't know how a team of Szarvounians ended up so kind and together, but I am glad that it happened."

"I think it was largely because of Hoseok." That was what Jungkook always thought. "He played with me before he started training. We were friends, even back then. He was different from other incubi because of his previous time here on Earth. His kindness became mine, as it soon also became Namjoon's." He spoke Namjoon's name quieter than the rest of his words, not wanting Yoongi to hear. He didn't want his mate to think about Namjoon right now and become sad. "And my kindness also spread to Seokjin as he and I trained together and became part of the same team."

Jihoon liked the sound of that. "One person's kindness spread through the team. I know the feeling, kind of. Junhong's kindness taught me to be kind, and we helped each other learn how to feel. Junhong's kindness didn't come from a friend though. His came from sadness." He sighed as he thought it that. "Junhong began to feel when his first mate was carrying their child. After she died in childbirth, I had to help him hide his feelings while we trained and joined a team. Seeing his feelings made me feel."

"What about his child?" Jungkook had heard about Junhong's first mate dying during childbirth before, but he had never asked about the child. How could he possibly ask his little brother such a thing?

With a small shrug of his shoulders, Jihoon answered the best he could. "No one knows. Junhong was pushed through his training, and his child was seized to be raised by another succubus. No one knows his child's gender or name. But Junhong has come to terms with this."

Holding back how that made him feel, Jungkook turned his attention back to Junhong and Yoongi, who were now scooping lasagna onto plates, ready for it to be served and eaten. "Thanks for helping him, Yoongi."

"It's no problem." Yoongi smiled happily, always joyful at any opportunity to spend time with the people close to him. Sure, he loved to spend time alone often too, but he also adored his friends with all his heart.

"It's really cool that you two are here." Junhong could never hide his excitement about Yoongi and Jungkook being with them. "I can hardly wait to try lasagna for the first time. It smells so good."

"I love lasagna." Jungkook was ready to devour his portion, holding out his hands to Yoongi. "Plate please?"

With a roll of his eyes at Jungkook's impatience and eagerness to eat, Yoongi gave him a plate of lasagna. "Don't eat it yet. Let Junhong and Jihoon try it first."

"Fine." Jungkook huffed softly, though he really didn't mind, and seated himself on the floor. He wasn't bothered at all by the lack of furniture here, though he had become accustomed to eating at a table.

Once everyone got a plate of lasagna, they joined Jungkook on the floor. "Ready?" Jihoon got a piece of lasagna onto his fork then looked at Junhong. "Let's try it at the same time."

Junhong also got a piece onto his own fork. "Okay. I'm ready."

Yoongi watched with slight anticipation as the two stuck the food in their mouth at the same time. He was eager to know if they liked it or not, though he knew Jungkook just wanted to eat. "What do you two think? Is it good?"

With a look of surprise, Junhong clearly hadn't expected the lasagna to be this good. "It's delicious!"

"I agree." Jihoon's answer was much calmer but equal in enjoyment.

"So I can eat now?" Jungkook got a nod from Yoongi and began to devour his food. He wasn't particularly hungry since he didn't need to eat as often as Yoongi did, but he loved to eat. It was okay if he ate a lot because of how much he worked out, so he knew it was not an issue.

As Yoongi began to eat as well, his mind went to different thoughts. He wondered how or when he was going to tell Jungkook that he had decided that it would be okay for them to go to space for a date. Maybe he would tell Jungkook tonight before they would go to bed.

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