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After eating dinner, Yoongi and Jungkook spent a little more time chatting with Junhong and Jihoon. They all loved spending time together, so it was nice whenever they got the chance to do so. On their way back home, Yoongi tried to think of the best way he could tell Jungkook that he had decided to go to space with him for a date. He knew it meant a lot to his lover, but he also knew that he would be uneasy. Going to space again was definitely not his ideal thing to do, but after talking about it with Junhong and Jihoon, he felt willing to go; he wanted to do things that would make Jungkook happy.

Jungkook gave Yoongi's arm a light nudge as they waited at the bus stop, having noticed that his little mate was being rather quiet. "Is something on your mind?" Since Jihoon and Junhong's place wasn't so close to theirs, they would take the bus to get closer. Now they needed to take the bus to get back closer to home. Jungkook didn't like riding the bus, but he accepted that it was just a normal mode of transportation.

"I was just thinking." Yoongi glanced around to make sure no one else was nearby before speaking more. "We can go. To space, I mean." He didn't even need to look at Jungkook to know that this excited him. "I spoke to Jihoon and Junhong about it, and they agree that it's okay. Apparently, they go to space for dates sometimes."

Of course Jungkook was excited about this. However, he had other priorities. "But what do you think? I'm happy that you're agreeing to go with me, but I don't want you to do it only because it'll make me happy. I don't want you to do things that you really don't want to do. What you want matters." Yoongi's happiness and safety were Jungkook's top priorities. If going to space would make Yoongi unhappy in any way, Jungkook would be okay with never going again, no matter how much he missed it.

With a small shake of his head, Yoongi was about to dismiss his own feelings and tell Jungkook that it was all okay, but he stopped. He knew Jungkook hated it when he did that. His caring boyfriend wanted to know his feelings and thoughts. He had to be honest. After all, honesty was one of the things that made their relationship so strong. "I'm worried about it," he admitted. "The last time we were in space, it was awful. I was taken as a prisoner, stripped, hurt, terrified." Just thinking about that made Yoongi's heart pound. "It was all very traumatic."

Jungkook peered at Yoongi and remained silent as his lover spoke. He knew Yoongi had been deeply hurt by what had happened. The small human had been hurt physically but also psychologically. Though Jungkook still didn't fully understand human psychology, he was aware that Yoongi was traumatized. His sweet mate still occasionally had nightmares that would jolt him awake at night with panic attacks. It broke Jungkook's heart each time he would hold Yoongi in his arms after a nightmare, providing any comfort he could as Yoongi would cry and shake.

"I lost a dear friend." Yoongi could feel himself beginning to shake a little, so he grabbed Jungkook's hand for support. "I never want to be in that kind of situation again. I don't want to lose anyone else. But..." He inhaled deeply then sighed, keeping himself calm. "When we go out for our date, we won't go far, and I'll have you by my side. We'll be safe. Sure, it'll be a little scary, but I know you'll keep us safe. It'll be okay."

"Yes, I will keep us safe." Jungkook lifted their connected hands and pressed a kiss to Yoongi's. "Okay, we'll go. Just remember that you can back out at any time. If you change your mind for any reason, just say so. I won't be upset."

The amount of care Jungkook always showed for him made Yoongi feel like he won the relationship lottery. "What did I ever do to deserve you? You're so perfect."

But Jungkook disagreed. "I've been learning a lot about relationships and personal needs during my time here on Earth, and I can say that I'm not perfect. The way I treat you, Yoongi, is what people call 'the bare minimum.' Looking out for your needs and well-being is what a partner is supposed to do. As your mate, it is my duty to keep you happy, healthy, and safe, a duty I fulfill happily because I want to. I am not perfect, but I do my best for you."

"Nah, you're perfect, and you can't change my mind about that." A sincere, happy smile spread over Yoongi's lips. "As your boyfriend, I'm your number one fan and supporter. Making me think you're less than perfect is going to be impossible. I see you through permanent rose-tinted glasses."

"I know I'm not perfect, but you know what?" Jungkook smiled as well. "You make me feel perfect." He could easily know that his favorite moments in life were all the times Yoongi looked at him. It was that simple. All Yoongi had to do was look at him, and Jungkook would feel wonderful because he knew that he was the only one Yoongi looked at with such love in his eyes.

This made Yoongi feel giddy. He loved heartfelt moments with Jungkook. "Look at what I've become. You've turned me into such a sappy dork." Even Yoongi had noticed his own changes during their relationship. His previous sassy attitude now often melted away to show his mushy side.

"If it means you're happy, I take full responsibility for that change." Jungkook loved making Yoongi happy. Sure, he adored Yoongi's feisty side, but he also greatly loved his mate's soft side as well. And nothing was going to change that.


"Why does Earth have to be so far away?" Complaining wasn't going to make this trip go any faster; that was known. "Starting this journey multiple galaxies away is such a pain, but I have to get there. I have a duty to perform." Looking at the ship's diagnostics, a sigh was heaved. "I'll need to make a stop for fuel. But where can I find any?"

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