The New College Teacher

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Your POV

I rushed through the streets trying to get to college in time. My mind wanders off while I remember my past, and then I suddenly feel something collide with me. I begin to topple to the floor when somebody catches me. I look up to see a pale women look down at me with her emerald green eyes looking down at me. Her short bobbed hair was hanging in front of her face, so I could only see half of it, but I knew I recognised her from somewhere.

Suddenly I realised what had just happened and I begin to blush. We must have both realised the situation, as the women let me go and I clear my throat.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaim, I was in the clouds and I didn't see you there! Please forgive me pret- I mean beaut- I mean stanger who I only just met!"

What the hell am I doing?! I just met her, plus your being a creep!

"It's not a problem!" I hear her laugh.

I feel my cheeks get warmer, as I blush more.

"What's your name?" she asks me.

I'm about to answer when I here the bell for my college go off. I curse under my breath, and I grab a pen from my bag quickly, and I grab her hand. I feel it tense in my hand at first, then loosen when I start writing on her hand.

"Use that number, so I can make it up to you!" I shout as I run towards my college and away from the hot girl.

As I continue running, I start to think to myself, why do I feel like I know her?


"I heard that there is a new science teacher that joined today," my friends says to me in our free lesson.

"Cool, I guess I get to see them next then."

"Aw? You have science? I have bloody English!" She cries out dramatically.

You giggle at her, and then we hear the bell.

"See ya!" My friend said pleasantly to me.

"Bye." I replied smiling and walking off in the opposite direction, towards the science department.

You enter the classroom, to hear a familiar voice talking the rest of the class, trying to make them quiet. As I walk in I see the woman that she had bumped into this morning, standing at the front of her class.

I blushed and started to look shyly at her, from the corner of the classroom.

Suddenly I hear one of my classmates shout across the class to the others, "Look! The lesbian new girl has a crush on the new teacher!"

My eyes widen I my face burns up from the blush covering my face. Suddenly I pluck up the courage and shout back, "Maybe you should pay more respect to others, and especially your teachers!"

I stomp up the stairs up to my seat as the whole class watches me. I look at the woman that was now my teacher.

I looked sympathetically at her. But she just smiles at me, then she winks at me and starts the class. I bury my head in my bag, as I feel my cheeks blush again.

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