10- reunited once again

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Hey everyone! Before we start I want to give out a few shoutouts...

1) @Sokeefe4life9051 thank you sooo much for your enthusiasm and support on my books! You are such an amazing friend/ follower to have!

2) @imlinhsong I love your positive comments every time I post a chapter. Tysm for reading my books!

3) @hannahmoonlark007 tysm for being one of the 10 followers who followed me when I first got wp! I love your comments and support!

4) @honeydaboss ty for finding my books, following me and spamming me with hilarious but fun comments! 

5) @ThirteenBooks1313 tysm for shouting me out on your book, and being a huge supporter! I'm glad you like my books. Everyone go follow him/her! him/her's book is so good! 

6) @SashaBrairwood I love your amazing comments, and more! I LOVE your hype and fun comments! And brightening my day!

7) @shimmeringpearls TYSM for finding my book! Your comments are so funny to read!


Anyways back to my story!..... this is the final chapter  *sniff* everyone please give me story requests!! The links on my profile :D

Sophie woke up the next day getting ready for ANOTHER school day. 

The weather had SUDDENLY turned cold and she wondered why. So she pulled over a sweater over herself and grabbed her books. Edaline had packed her lunch so she had also put that in there too. Sophie tried to convince her that she could just buy a lunch at school but no, that didn't work..


She quickly tied her boots and yelled the classic ' BYE MOM!' and skipped to the bus stop. 

~Marella's Side~

Marella woke up to a bunch of banging. She had forgotten she had came home with Dex because her parents were on a business trip. Again..

" DEX!" She called loudly. " Yea?" He asked popping his head into the guest room where Marella was staying. 

" Could you give me my suitcase?" She asked. Dex smiled. " No!" He said before shutting the door. It took a while before Marella understood what he said. " UGH!" she groaned as she walked over to the closet where her yellow-orange suitcase lay.


Marella tugged on the rim of her shirt and checked her watch. " DEX! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" she yelled. She ran down the stairs and grabbed her backpack on the floor. " Marella, Honey, take this and eat it on the bus." Juline said handing Marella a container of Dawnlings ( A dark purple fruit with special seeds grown by . They taste warm, sweet, tingly and taste like little slices of sunshine. They are served sliced.) and Porcaroot Pie (a purple-colored pie that can be served for breakfast, and tastes like "bacon and more bacon, covered in melted cheese). 

" Yum! Thank you Mrs. Diznee!" Marella exclaimed before taking the container and placing it in her backpack along with her books.

" Sorry Marella! I was looking for my backpack!" Dex panted as he ran down the stairs. He also had a container in his hand.

Marella kindly waited fingering her flowers in her hair. " Ok! Let's go! BYE MOM!" Dex yelled before opening the door. 

~~Maruca's side~~

" Maruca! Your gonna be late for school!" Wylie called as he finished eating his cereal. ( just pretend Wylie is the same age as everyone)

" Ok,Ok I'm waking up," maruca mumbled as she made her bed. She headed to the bathroom to take a nice hot shower to start the day.


The weather had turned a bit chilly so she had to change her top to a sweater. She pulled on a hat and she was all set to go. " MARUCA! I packed some granola bars because you didn't eat breakfast. Here" Wylie said as he handed her the bars. Maruca smiled. "Thanks." 

~~Linh's side~~

Linh had always never had to be waken up by Tam. The 2 had always lived in their treehouse alone. She was a bit cold and decided to wear a nice jacket for 2 reasons. 1 the weather was cold. 2. She had gotten a huge scratch from her cat the night before and didn't  want people to think she was abused.


She grabbed her watch and climbed down the treehouse ladder to Tam who was waiting below. " You ready?" He asked. " Yea." She croaked. Tam looked at her.

" You have a sore throat. Here take this." He said handing her a cough candy. "Thanks." She muttered. 

~last but not least, BIANA'S SIDE!~

I had a long weekend. I had a week of a school with my friends which was probably the best thing ever. I tried not to get too fancy. I tried. 


Yesterday I chose to wear this pink Greg long sleeved shirt with a pink skirt to match. And I added some grey stockings. But today it got a bit chilly so I added a pink coat to match. Then I couldn't resist not to take my grey Chanel bag and earrings so I HAD to. Then I had my grey heels to match again!

I seriously tried not to get too fancy..

Biana's POV

We each found each other by the bus stop and decided to chitchat. I noticed Keefe and Sophie had become very VERY VERY close. And also noticed they were really close to each other. Fitz was staring daggers at them. Keefe smirked a threw his arm around Sophie's shoulders. *squeal*

" Are you guys a thing?" I asked. Sophie looked surprised and blushed. " No!" She exclaimed. Keefe got a bit red. 

" I agree things are becoming sus between you too..." Marella said. " You have some chemistry with Dex!" Sophie pointed out. 

" true tho..." Maruca murmured. " SERIOUSLY GUYS! Let's stop talking about ships.." Fitz yelled at the world. Everyone quieted down. 

The first part of school went fine except for the part that Miss Gavin gave me 2 worksheets.... actually the whole class. And it was due tomorrow! God this stress. 

At lunch I announced a special news: " GUYS! SLEEPOVER AT MY HOUSE!" I squealed. Marella and Maruca looked a bit uncomfortable.

" And you 2 are invited too." I smiled. They beamed back. 

" Why tho?" Sophie asked. 

" Because we're reunited once again." I say.

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