9- Coming back home

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" Ugh yesterday was so so so so chaotic." Sophie groaned as she flopped in the bed. Linh agreed, nodding her head. 

" Did you guys pack everything back up?" Marella asked. " Mhm. All set!" Maruca happily said zipping up her bag. 

" well we're gonna go to our rooms and take a nap. It's 4 hours until we get home you know." Biana said reminding her. " Ok." Sophie agreed, she did need a few rests. 

As the girls left Keefe came in. " Wassup Foster?" He asked. " Fine, I was just gonna take a nap. You?" Sophie asked flopping on her bed. 

" I was gonna binge watch Netflix. There's a TV here!" Keefe said excitedly. " WAIT REALLY?" Sophie asked getting her answer from Keefe's nod.

" Ok I'm saving the rest for later. I'm joining  too." Sophie determinedly answered as she hopped onto the couch. " Knew it!" Keefe recalled sitting next to her.

After 2 hours later they finished and both were sleeping on the couch. The sneaky little fashion rat had come inside their room and was spying on them, hoping for a good juicy footage of them together. But sadly they just slept and slept and slept so Biana HAD to give up.

~4 Hours later~

" SOPHIE! KEEFE! WE'RE HERE!" Dex yelled through the door banging against it, waking them up.

( * wags finger at Dex* Dex! You made them wake up! They were So So so cute! Dex: they need to wake up and Sophie isn't Keefe's. Me: you have Marella. *smirks* him: *turns red*)

The 2 jumped apart and opened the room. " DEX! YOU WOKE ME UP!" Keefe screamed a bit grumpy. " uh sorry?" Dex said confused and looked at Sophie. 

" Your mom is here." He told her and Sophie immediately nodded and headed out.

" So how was the cruise?" Edaline asked. " Good!" Sophie happily replied getting in the back seat. " Hopefully there wasn't any kissing.." Grady grumbled. Edaline smacked him. 

" Dad! No there wasn't kissing! It's a Cruise! Not a kissing booth for good sake!" Sophie explained in embarrassment. 

" Good! So this was useless to bring." Grady said pulling out a hammer and nails? " DAD! WHAT EVEN ARE YOU? A MURDERER?!" Sophie screamed in more embarrassment.

Edaline smacked him harder this time. " Ouch! Ok, sorry, sorry." Grady apologized. 

~~~ after like 100000000 hours~~~~

" SOPHIE, WE'RE HOME!" Edaline sang as she took out her luggage from the back seat. " Ok thanks mom," Sophie mumbled as she dragged herself to her room. 

She fell asleep as soon as she hit her pillow.

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