3- her & him

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" It's me! Biana Vacker!" Biana squealed. " Wha-what?" Sophie asked. " No that can't be possible she's still in Florida. With her brother. I moved here ages ago." Sophie recalls. " We we're the last ones to move." Biana whispers. " Wait so Tam, Linh, Dex, and Keefe are gone?" Sophie asks. " Yep, out of sight no where to be found." Biana says.

" wait I'm confused, Sophie who is she?" Marella asks. " This is my childhood best friend Biana Vacker." Sophie introduces. Marella nods understanding.

" It's so great to see you!" Biana squeals. " Fitz already had lunch so we won't see him until after school so we'll see him at my house." Biana says. " Wait what do you mean 'we'" Marella asks. " Uhm Me and Sophie?" Biana asks confused. " No, me and Sophie are going shopping so you'll have to reschedule that." Marella says crossing her arms. 

" Oh well Sophie who are you going with?" Biana asked Sophie. " Well Biana, I made this promise with Marella 2 weeks ago, so I'm gonna go shopping with her today, but we'll see you tomorrow!" Sophie said standing up with Marella. " Seriously? Your siding with her? Aren't you glad to see your best friend?" Biana asked a bit annoyed. " Uhm Excuse me you've been friends with her for what? 7 years? Well I've been friends with her too. And I was her best friend. AND We are going shopping cus we NEVER break a promise," Marella said coldly and turned around heading toward her locker. 

" What's with her?" Biana asked annoyed. " I'm really sorry but I do have to side with Marella on this one. Of course I'm happy to see you but we both Never break promises. So next time, ok?" Sophie asked. Before turning on her heals and going after Marella. Biana scowled. How could she. 

Biana hopped up and headed the other direction, her nose held high, like a snobby stuck up girl. Until she crashed into someone. " Watch where your going." Biana snapped. The girl stood up. Biana caught her own words. " OMG I'm so sorry I'm in a bad mood and yea." Biana admitted to the stranger. " Not a problem! I'm Maruca," maruca introduced. " Biana." 

" See you around I guess." Maruca said before leaving. " I guess." Biana walked toward her science class. " Ah you must be Biana. Welcome to our class." The teacher said. Before motioning a hand toward the empty seat. besides Marella. Biana looked around for Sophie who was in the back paired with a boy. " Do we have partners or something?" She huffed. " Oh yes and Marella's partner moved so you'll be taking her spot." The teacher said before turning to the board.

Marella stuck a tongue at her before jotting down her notes. Biana rolled her eyes. "Now let's choose partners!" The teacher clapped her hands. Biana wanted to be partners with Sophie but she was already paired with - *sigh* Marella. " Hey Biana! Want to be partners?"

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