6- shopping day

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" Oh right, so instead of the party/ sleepover  on Saturday, we got tickets to go on a cruise!!" Biana squealed. Linh clapped. " YES! I LOVE WATER! EEEEEEK!" 

Maruca wrinkled her nose. " Do we get our own dorms?" She asked

~ After school~

" Ok so we should get summer outfits!" Marella said happily. " Ooh that would be fun!" Sophie said as she climbed in the cab. " So hair would be braids and outfit would be like a swimsuit thingy?." Marella asked. Sophie nodded. Maruca jotted down.

" Hey! We should go to my mom's store! Freshly done! They have everything there." Maruca said. " YESSSSSS" Biana squealed as she ran into the shop. The others soon followed. 

" Ok so we got EVERYTHING. Bandannas, shoes, clothes, earrings, makeup etc...we don't need more....." Marella groaned. " I agree." Linh said as she sat down.

" Yep! We are done!" Biana said as she took her bags and skipped. " I have no idea how she does it." Sophie mumbled as she took off after her.


Sophie's alarm clock went off which was set as 4:30 am. Mainly because their cruise left at 6:30 am and Biana insisted on the 5 of them to 'dress to impress.' Sophie watched a million YouTube videos for help and finally picked out the PERFECT clothes. She already had her other clothes in her suitcase. 

Her outfit:

Biana had her alarm clock set for 3:45am mostly because to shower, get her clothes on, hair, annoy Fitz, and go..

Biana outfit:




They all had agreed to meet in front of the cruise. Sophie was the 3rd to come. " SOPHIE! OVER HERE!" Biana squealed. " Hey guys!" Sophie says as she stops to catch her breath.

" WE ALL LOOK A-H-MAZING!" Maruca shouts from a distance with Linh and Marella. Tam following a bit behind.

" Attention all passengers we will ask you to all get on the boat showing your tickets, your room number will be on the watch we will give you. We are taking off in 15 minutes. Thank you." The announcer says as everyone realizes something.

" Uh guys?"

" Yea.." Biana asks nervously.

" Where's Keefe?" Sophie asks.

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