Chapter 2

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"Alright we're here," Tanaka said as he opened my door. I stared up at the large building we were in front of. From the outside it looked like any other abandoned building on the outskirts of the Miyagi Prefecture. But as we walked closer, you could see small hints of life; smoke puffing from the rooftop, the warming scent of fresh food, even hushed voices from inside could be heard.

As we approached the front door, Tanaka turned towards me and grinned. "Good luck."

Before I could question what that meant, he opened the door and gestured for me to go inside.

The interior of the building was the exact opposite of the outside. Here, everything felt warm and welcoming, almost grand. There were candles everywhere, giving a ghastly glow to the walls and dark velvet covered the floors.

Tanaka lead me through a hallway, where the sound of voices grew consistently louder. We entered a large room where the full view of Karasuno's team resided. All of them sat down at a large table. Food covered every inch of it as I watched chaos unfold.

They didn't seem to notice me or Tanaka as we paused by the doorframe. Instead, they continued on with their talking, or rather arguing as two boys, one with bright orange hair and the other with the darkest expression I'd ever seen fought over a single slice of bread. The others seemed to either be scolding the two or laughing at their antics.

Tanaka cleared his throat and everyone's eyes shot to the two of us.

"This is Mika," Tanaka introduced, "she's our newest member."

Complete silence ensued. Everyone seemed to be at a loss of words. I wanted to say something, anything to relieve the silence but I refused to speak first. It showed weakness on my part and I couldn't afford to show that on my first day. I knew fitting in wouldn't be automatic. I'd have to earn my way in. And I would, no matter what it would take.

Suddenly, a silver haired boy rose from his seat and pulled out an empty chair. "Please, join us," he said with a polite smile, "I'm Sugawara, but you can just call me Suga."

"Thank you." I said, sitting down. Before I could say another word, I was smothered in introductions. It seemed that they were all talking over each other until a dark haired boy, who was sitting next to Suga yelled at everyone to be quiet.

After that, they all took turns. I learned that the orange haired boy was Hinata, one of the newer members. He seemed the friendliest, always talking and seemingly radiating sunshine. Almost his polar opposite was Kageyama. He was all dark and mysterious, and just from the way he tried smiling at me I knew he was trouble.

Next was the dark haired boy that yelled at the others to calm down, Daichi. I could tell he was an important member. He seemed to radiate leadership energy and everyone seemed to highly respect him. Sitting next to Daichi was Asahi. At first glance he was scary; tall, scruffy, and intimidating. But once he spoke in the softest voice with a stutter, I knew he was quite the opposite.

Yamaguchi, the boy with dark black hair that glowed a soft green was sweet. He was polite which is why I wondered how he even got into this business. Next to him was Tsukishima. He was the tallest out of everyone and always had a grimace on his face. When introducing himself, he barely looked at me.

Finally, Enoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita told me their names. They all seemed kind, definitely not the type to join a mob but who was I to judge.

"So, what do you do?" Hinata asked, his eyes wide with curiosity.

"I used to be an assassin for Aobah Johsai." I said carefully, not sure how they would react to their rival team.

"Aobah Johsai! That's amazing, you must be good at what you do I bet." Hinata said, his eyes holding my own.

"Why are you here?" I turned towards the blonde haired boy with glasses, Tsukishima I think his name was.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Why aren't you still at Seijoh?" His voice wasn't curious, it was rather condescending like he knew I felt uncomfortable at the question.

I flinched internally. "It just wasn't a good fit."

Thankfully, Tanaka interrupted our conversation. "Kageyama! Take Mika to her room so she can get comfortable." He turned towards me, " you can head back down anytime for dinner."

I nodded and followed Kageyama through the house and up three flights of stairs. He was silent the entire time, but it was comfortable. Finally, we stopped at a door on the left side of the building.

"Hopefully you'll be comfortable in here," he said opening the door. The room was huge, a large bed was in the center of the room as well as multiple pieces of furniture.

"This is incredible," I stared in awe.

He rubbed the back of his neck, "Yeah, I thought the same thing when I joined. We've got so much room here, but after our downfall most people don't really want to join us."

That's right. It was awhile ago but the Karasuno Mob used to be really popular. They were once at the top of empire and had really good members. But after Nekoma beat Karasuno in the famous fight, Nekoma rose to the top while Karasuno fell hard. They were never able to recover and lost almost all their money and members.

"By the way," Kageyama said turning towards me, "when you were at Aoba Johsai, did you know a Toru Oikawa?"

"I did, you know him?" I asked surprised.

"A long time ago.." was all Kageyama said before leaving me in my room.

I couldn't help but wonder how Kageyama knew Oikawa. Even when I was at Seijoh, it was hard for me to get in touch with him. He was the most notorious member and was always doing tasks. I used to call him a friend, but I guess now, since we're in different mobs, he'd be better off being called my enemy.

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