Chapter 3

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I awoke startled by where I was. Soft light streamed through my open windows and I instantly got up, pulling my hidden gun from under my pillow.

"It's just me, Mika," Daichi said with his hands raised.

My body relaxed and I flopped back down on my bed.

"Jeez what time is it"



He shrugged, "Ukai's orders. Today you're supposed to test your ability in different subjects to see which one you'd fit in best."

I sat up again, "which is first?"

"Interrogation with Suga," he said, "be dressed and ready by 6"

I sighed and got up grudgingly. Although Aoba Johsai is an elite group; one with rich sponsors and connections everywhere, I never had to truly go through the training as others did.

I was the leaders daughter. All throughout school and later onto training, I was given the nickname "baby bird". I always hated it. It made me sound weak and vulnerable. Two things that I definitely was not.

Without really meaning to, most of my teachers treated me just like my nickname. I was to fragile to handle their supreme training schedule so I was excused. Although I never did wake up early, I trained all throughout the night without the help of anyone except Iwaizumi and occasionally Oikawa.

I slowly walked down the stairs, heading towards the kitchen to get a snack before interrogation when I heard urgent whispers.

I crept along the wall, trying to get a better sound of what they were talking about.

"She can't stay here." a low voice said.

"Why not? We need someone like her who can do almost everything"

"Wake up, Yamaguchi, she's a liability. If I'm the only one who can see that than everyone here is blind."

Although I couldn't tell who the other voice was, I knew the higher one was Yamaguchi. "But she can give us intel on Aoba Johsai."

"Or she's going to give them intel on us." I heard faint rustling, "Tsk, whatever. Have it your way but when she betrays us all, don't say I didn't warn you."

The door to the kitchen opened and Tsukishima came out. So he's the one so against me being here.

I pretended to have just gotten there, as Tsukishima looked down at me. His face curled into a glare.

"Good morning," I smiled at him, trying to taunt him even more.

He kept his eyes on my face as he leaned down close to my ear. I felt his warm breath fan the loose hair around my neck as I tensed.

"You can't fool me," was all he said before taking off in the opposite direction.

I shivered. He would definitely be a problem, but I'd deal with him later.

I entered the kitchen and grabbed an apple before heading to find Sugawara. From what I've analyzed, Sugawara is smart, probably more than anyone here. First, he's an interrogator, meaning he has to profile everyone to find their weakness. Second, usually in groups like Karasuno, torture is used as a form of interrogation too, making Sugawara both smart and scary. Third, he's actually the sweetest human on the planet, making it impossible to not like him.

"Hey, Mika!" Sugawara jogged towards me, "how have you been settling in?"

I snapped out of my thoughts, " It's been really welcoming actually."

He smiled and his warm eyes seemed to sparkle as he gestured for me to come outside. "Our interrogation space is kept in a isolated area, it's not too far away but we do have to drive."

I nodded and stepped in the car he pointed to. He hopped into the drivers seat and we drove for miles through city streets and abandoned suburbs until finally coming upon a small cabin in the woods.

On the outside the cabin looked like a normal place where families would go on vacation. The inside, however, was a place out of a nightmare. It was all metal on metal and a dark haze seemed to come from lack of light.

I cleared my throat, "well this is... joyful."

Suga laughed and flipped a switch illuminating the room. At the center there was a long table with two chair on one side and another chair on the opposite. The room smelled faintly of bleach and lemon. It brought back memories of places I'd rather forget.

Suga checked his watch, "Tanaka should be here soon with the subject."

My eyes widened, "subject?"

"Of course, I'm going to be analyzing you while you interrogate one of the hackers we found infiltrating our servers." Suga cleared his throat, "but first tell me about your interrogation experience."

I looked up, trying to remember how it started, "I started doing solo interrogations about three years ago. It was hard at first but at Aoba Johsai made sure I understood what I had to do."

Suga looked at me curiously, "what's your preferred method?"

"I actually used profiling. It was my favorite part about it."

"Perfect!" He leaned in, "it's about time Karasuno got someone like you as a member."

I smiled but I couldn't help wondering what he meant. Someone like me? Vengeful, emotional, angry.

I jumped out of my thoughts when Tanaka appeared at the door holding the collar of a very scrawny looking teenager.

"That's the hacker? I could break every bone in his body in minutes." I said, examining the small boy.

Sugawara's eyes lit up, "that would be pretty entertaining."

Tanaka pushed the hacker into one of the chairs and then back away, "good luck," he mouthed before exiting the room and leaving me and Suga alone with the teen.

"Let's get started then."

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