Chapter 4

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"State your first and last name," I demanded from the frail boy.

He glared intensely at me and wiped sweat from his olive hair. "Suguru Daishou."

"Who do you work for."

He paused before answering this time, "Nobody."

He was lying. It was easy to tell from the way his eyes were perfectly still, almost like he was willing them to stay that way or else they'd tell me the truth.

I stayed quiet watching him for awhile studying the timing of his breath, how long he blinked for, and the emotions hidden beneath his skin.

"You must be Mika," Diashou said, snapping me out of my own thoughts. I hadn't realized that while I was studying him, he must have been doing the same.

"What makes you say that?"

He looked me up and down, "you're the spitting image of your father." He leaned closer, trying to intimidate me. "I heard you left Aobah Johsai. You really think Karasuno is a better place?" He laughed.

I mimicked his posture and got inches towards his face. "I also know a couple things about you," I cleared my throat before continuing, "you're probably from a lower mafia group, most likely trying to hack into Karasuno to take it down."

"Oh come on, is that the best you can do."

I smiled condescendingly at him, "did I say I was finished. You act entitled and manipulative but its only for your group. Most likely, you're from Nohebi. Am I correct?"

He quickly looked away and shook his head.

I laughed, "so you're from Nohebi, what do they want with Karasuno?"

"You." He said quietly, watching me for my reaction.

I didn't show him that it bothered me. Instead, I stood up to go behind him. It's an interesting tactic I learned at Aobah Johsai from my father. He would always say, "most people are afraid of what they can't see."

I put a knife to Daishou's shoulder, "tell me why you tried to hack into Karasuno."

He tensed and his breath got more rugged. I could practically smell the fear coming off him.

"I-I wasn't." He stuttered.

"Oh really?" I pressed the knife harder, "don't lie to me, Daishou."

"Listen, I was ordered to hack into the servers to get Karasuno's attention."

"Keep talking."

"We-we just wanted to see if the rumors were true. That you had left Aobah Johsai."


Before I could say more, Suga came into the room," that's enough for now."

He dragged me outside and shut the door behind him, leaving Daishou inside.

"What are you doing?" I asked, pulling my arm away from his grasp.

He pulled me back toward him, "listen, I can't let you go back in their."

"What, why not?"

"It's dangerous for you to be interrogating someone who's trying to harm you."

"Suga, he said they just wanted to see if I left Aobah Johsai."

He looked me straight in the eye, "I don't want you to get hurt." He cleared his throat and looked away, "We got the information we needed so let's go, Tanaka will come back and grab Daishou later."

I nodded, dazed at Suga's reaction. We got in the car and drove back to the house. The drive was silent except for the small hum of the vehicle.

Once we got back, it seemed everyone was in the kitchen. It was already a little past lunch and my stomach was growling.

"Come sit here, Mika!" Hinata yelled, waving at me and motioning to an empty seat in between him and Kageyama.

I squeezed next to them and looked at the glorious steaming food before me. There was so much, I was surprised by how they could afford this for every meal.

Hinata seemingly read my mind and giggled, "don't look too surprised, we have a garden out back so that's how we usually get our food,"

"Oh," I said, still shocked at the image of someone like Tsukishima tending to a garden.

I shook the thought out of my mind and put some food on my plate.

"So, how did everything go today?" Daichi asked, he looked from me and Suga, obviously sensing some tension.

"Fine," I said at the same time Suga said, "pretty bad,"

Suga ignored my stare and looked at Daichi, continuing to talk to him.

"The hacker we brought in was Daishou from Nohebi. He wanted information on Mika but I don't buy it."

I snapped my head towards him, "what do you mean?"

"Daishou's not just a hacker, he's an assassin. A sadistic killer. They wouldn't send someone like him just to get information. Most likely, he's assigned to kill you."

I felt a shiver scale down my spine. Never in my entire time at Aobah Johsai had I been a target. If anything, I was the one targeting people. Hinata and Kageyama went silent, their usual bickering replaced with curiosity.

Still stuck in my thoughts, Daichi and Suga shared a look and nodded at eachother. Their silent communication ended with both of them grabbing my arms.

Immediately, I push them away. "What the hell is wrong with you two?"

"You're being placed under lockdown for your own safety." Daichi said, his voice deep and authoritative.

Suga nodded and continued, "just until we extract more information from Daishou."

I sighed and let them drag me to my room. I dramatically dropped to my bed.

"Listen Mika, you have to follow the rules for the lockdown." Suga said, standing above me. "First, you can't leave the house for the next three days. For the first 24 hours of the lockdown, you are required to stay in your room."

"What?!" I yelled exasperated.

Daichi gave me a reassuring pat, "it's just safety protocol in case any of Karasuno members are working with Nohebi."

"You've got to be kidding me. What the hell am I supposed to do?"

Suga looked at me apologetically, "read a book?"

I sighed again as Daichi and Suga filed out of my room. Despite locking me in here, I wasn't angry at them. If anything, I was scared. Not for myself, not even for the other members, but for my revenge plan. If anything went wrong, nothing would work and I wouldn't get back at my murderous father.

Cuddling up on my bed, I became bored with having nothing to do, my eyes felt heavy and before I knew it, I was in a deep sleep.

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