Chapter 5

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"Mika!" A short boy yelled. His cropped hair reflected the morning sun. I smiled and laughed as the boy came and joined me  to sit in the grass.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" He asked, a look of seriousness washed over him.

I nodded not completely sure. Tomorrow would be my final day of training. A transfer from child to adulthood. My friend stared at me worriedly.

"It'll be alright, Mika," he said putting a comforting hand on my shoulder, "you're the most qualified person in aoba Johsai."

"Thanks Bokuto."

We both lied back down on the soft grass, comforted by the presence of each other. I stared at Bokuto, his spiky hair he always made sure stood up straight and his curled eyelashes that flushed across his face.

The comfort didn't last long. Bokuto's form started to fade.


I woke up in tears. The childhood memory I tried so hard to repress came back stronger than ever. That was my last memory of Bokuto before I went off to Aoba Johsai. He was the first of many friends who my father disapproved of.

After that day, I left to become apart of Aoba Johsai forever. The biggest rules was that you could have no friends that existed outside of your group. I was devastated. I tried leaving messages to Bokuto, not wanting to contend to the rule, but he never wrote back. I used to think he forgot about me and just wanted to live his life peacefully at Fukurodani.

Last month, I found out that Bokuto was dead. It wasn't hard to figure out how it had happened. My informant told me that it was a robbery, but really, how many robberies would take their time torturing someone, especially only a teenager.

Once I found out, I decided to get my revenge. So I planned and planned until the perfect opportunity arose. And I find myself here instead, locked up in a room pathetically having nightmares.

I sighed and tried to shake away my angry thoughts. The moon was bright and shone through the thin curtains of my room. A soft breeze fluttered in, drying my damp skin.

There's no way I could go back to sleep and sadly no where I was allowed to go. Looking out my window, I was startled by a pair of dark blue eyes.

"Kageyama?" I yelped as he climbed through my window and into my room.

He put his finger to his lips indicating me to keep quiet. He came closer and closer until I could hear his uneven breathing against the top of my head. Slowly, he leaned down to my ear.

"Let's get outta here."

Slightly confused but happy to leave the suffocating room I allowed Kageyama to lead me out my window and into the cold night.

In the glowing moonlight, we walked hand in hand farther and farther away from the building. We passed a dozen city blocks, each building twinkling with lights that matched the stars.

Kageyama stopped once we came upon a small restaurant.

"What's this?" I asked, curiously peaking through the window.

"It's my grandpa's shop," he said with a small smile, "I used to come here all the time before joining Karasuno."

He led me inside. The room was warm with soft whisks of smoke piling in from the kitchen. It smelled delicious, there was sweetened corn, barbecued meat, raw salmon, and of course the calming scent of miso broth.

I licked my lips hungrily as Kageyama slipped into a booth in the corner. He spoke a few words to the waitress before an older version of Tobio came from behind the curtain.

"Tobio!" He chuckled and hugged his grandson tightly, "it's about time you came to visit me."

"I know, I know," Kageyama said, his cheeks turning slightly pink.

The older Kageyama turned towards me," and who's this? Kageyama, I didn't know you had a girlfriend."

Kageyama started choking violently before shaking his head, "No Grandpa, we're not dating. This is Mika, she's...a friend."

"Nice to meet you," I said smiling at the older man.

"You too, dear," he said lovingly, " Now what can I get you two to eat."

I looked at Kageyama for help since I hadn't seen the menu yet.

"We'll both get the katsudon," he said before turning to me, "trust me, it's the best."

I nodded and Kageyama's grandpa left to make us our meals. We fell into a comfortable silence until I had to ask the one question burning at the back of my mind.

"Why did you do this?"

His piercing blue eyes stared back at me surprised, "do what?"

"You know, let me escape my quarantine."

He shrugged, "I had to go through something similar a couple years back. I remember feeling lonely, having no one to talk to. I didn't want you to go through the same thing."

I watched him curiously, "do you think I'm in danger?"

He shook his head, "not if I'm with you," he looked at my face, "you'll be alright, Mika."

I nodded even though I wasn't scared. 

Once the food came out, we ate in silence. With Kageyama, everything felt natural, like I'd known him my whole life. Nothing was awkward or too quiet, everything was blanketed in comfort and understanding.

Kageyama checked his watch, "We should get back."

I nodded and he stood to help me up. I waved at Kageyama's grandpa as we left.

"Come back soon," he shouted before his voice was drowned out by the hum of the city night.

We started off at a slow pace walking back home. Again, we fell into a silence, allowing me to gawk at how beautiful the city was at night. I turned to face Kageyama and found him watching me. Once he saw my eyes he turned away and a faint blush appeared on the bridge of his nose. 

"Do you want to make one more quick stop before going back?" he asked, his cheeks still the color of roses.

I nodded eagerly, "Lead the way."

Kageyama ended taking me in the opposite direction of the house. We walked for a couple minutes until we turned and ended up in an alleyway. Kageyama gestured for me to continue following him until we got to a ladder on the far end of the alley.

Before I could object, he started climbing. I couldn't do anything but follow closely after him, making sure I didn't fall to my untimely death.

Once we were at the top of the building, Kageyama lay down on the concrete roof of the building and patted the spot next to him. Without saying anything, I followed his lead and lay down so close that every inch of our bodies were touching.

"Watch," he whispered and pointed up at the speckled sky.

I gasped. Stars of every shape and size scattered across an endless horizon of midnight blue while Streaks of light soared through the sky like fireballs.

"It's beautiful, isn't it," he whispered.

I nodded as a single tear streaked down my cheek, " It really is."

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