review #39.S3: Insane Entities

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Insane Entities

Author: MichaelSFarag
Reviewer: Dragoon_Of_Darkness


Lily, a manipulative magical lady, manipulates Chuck, sends him to another reality: The Fabric, a place full of terrors, everything is extreme even the goodness, an ominous place full of monsters and terrifying beings, even the good guys are scary as hell. Chuck has to love Lily which will make him strong enough to kill her ex, the Fabricator, the strongest being in the fabric, in order to escape the horror of the new reality but she is evil and manipulative.


Title & Cover

Both the title and cover truly fit the theme of the story, truly one scary and creepy cover that fit the scary and dark theme of the story. You did a great job on matching both of these together, and must have taken a good amount of time doing it.


The blurb truly was interesting to say the least, very well written along with the fact it helped people understand just what the story is about.

It did leave me wondering just what kind of extreme it could really have in it. To have both good and evil being at that level at the same, it leaves a sense of wonder to it. Could they truly be good in such a world of horror, or is it simply an act?

It does leave you wondering just how does one escape such horror, if the reality is that bad then how would someone not lose their mind, the blurb leaves you guessing and wondering.

If I had to give any feedback on the Blurb, I would say to give more warning to just how dark the story could become. Maybe give hints just what kind of horrors that lived there in this other world.

First Chapter

The first chapter was an odd one to say the least, it was a very different kind of theme. The way that you had described each character was in a very deep way and helped image just what they all looked like. You also showed how they acted in a way that flowed with the chapter and didn't leave any plot holes at all.

The name of the chapter really fit with the storytelling of the first chapter and just how much it showed just what kind of story this book really was and where it was going to go in the future chapters. True to the theme, the first chapter was very hard in many ways.

The rest of the chapters.

Each chapter gave its own take on the story, each one made me feel like he was slowly going down a deeper path. The more he was giving into her and the more he was questioning just why he was, to the point that he slowly was giving up. You did a great job at showing just how good she was with using her words and actions to truly get inside his head and just how well it was affecting him.

The world you have made showed to have many turns and hard corners for the character to follow along, giving the story more depth. The world building along had made the reader want to want to see even more, or at least in my case it did.

At the same time, each chapter made you wonder just how much someone could handle before they truly snapped. How much one's mind could go before it just shuts down and stops even trying to figure out what is going on around them.

Only thing I could add to this to try to help with the story is to make sure you stay with the same pace and speed. These chapters are currently perfectly linked to each other, if you can keep it that way then this story could go very far in the end. So don't change, the old saying is if it isn't broken don't try to fix it.

Grammar and Spelling

Both of these were very well written, nothing really that I could point out that was wrong or written badly to be honest. You used the right ways to show what you wanted, you made it simple and easy to read. The spelling didn't cause any problems in imaging just what was going on at any point of the story telling.


While the plot was dark in nature, it also had some very big twists that I didn't see coming at all. I had known going in that it was a dark theme, yet there were times that the darkness of the story really showed clearly. It wasn't something that I would truly have thought to read in some of these chapters yet you made it work without any problems to the story itself.

Once again I have to hand it to you, you took a dark theme and gave it a new twist to it. You didn't use the overdone themes nor did you do stuff that happens with every single other dark storytelling which was a huge plus in my book.

Lily being one of the main setting pieces of the story really showed just how evil someone could truly be. She was one that stood out no matter what was going on, no matter who was in the spotlight she always seemed to take it right back, with her words that could leave anyone scared.

Writing Flow

The writing flow was nice, nothing too fast yet at the same time it was very smooth but not too slow. One of two things that seem to move the flow off in a strange way but nothing too bad that caused any problems reading the story.

So, my only words on the writing flow is as long as you keep doing it at the same pace then the rest of the book should flow along just great. There is no real reason to slow it down or to speed it up, you already found the best pace you could find.

Character Development

The time in which you took for each character really showed every single chapter of the story so far. The way she showed how well she could manipulate him and how she used her ways to really get inside his head. The way that he changed from the start of the story till the latest chapter, really let the readers imagine what was going on.

You did a wonderful job with each character and even the ones that you don't see that often, the way you handle each event with them was flawless. I hope to see more of the character development and just how they change in the future.


Overall this is a solid book so far, I have high hopes that it will keep being a very good book to read. From the time you take in building not only the characters but also the world building, I can see many good chapters to see in the future as long as you keep taking your time.

My only words are to keep the same pace and don't try to rush yourself just to get more of the book done faster, take your time. 

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