Chapter 5 - Dark and Dreadful

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Ladybug P.O.V.

I jumped to the nearby building, skillfully dodging the shot that had emitted the Serviteur Maléfique's duster. She was Paris's latest Akuma, one that for sure was caused by Chloe's disregard of kindness to her father's hotel employees. 

"Aren't you two lucky," She spoke, her voice menacingly low, "After all, Paris just worships you doesn't it? You never have to work for somebody, and listen to what ever the hell they say to you! If... If anything... I deserve to be worshipped! Not you!" Her arms raised and she fired another shot at me, though I moved just in time, summersaulting forward - close enough to just barely reach the end of the rooftop. 

As I was gently rubbing the bruise that was beginning to form underneath my suit, I heard Chat Noir yell, "Ladybug! Look out!" 

I looked up in time to see the malevolent grin upon Serviteur Maléfique's face, and Chat leaping in front of me. The shot that was most likely meant for me hit my partner instead, because I was too busy tending to myself!

"Chat Noir! No!" I yelled as the Akumatized villain cackled and Chat fell to the floor, groaning. I ran over to him, not paying any attention to Serviteur Maléfique, and turned his head to me as he lay motionless.

His eyes were closed, and I could feel the tears prick the back of my eyes, "No, Chat, please, please come back..." I whispered, running my hand through his messy blond hair.

Suddenly, I heard a grunt come from his throat, and he moved slightly. I gasped in hopes for him to be okay, but was quickly horrified when his eyes opened. 

No longer were they an enchanting green, but instead they were replaced with an overwhelming grey. I jumped back, and was now on my feet. As for Chat, he had slowly risen, his face emotionless and empty, and he was no standing side by side with Serviteur Maléfique. 

"What did you do?!" I yelled, clenching my fist and gritting my teeth. She smirked and rested her elbow on his shoulder.

"Oh, peasant, what does it look like I did, hm? Your precious little kitty cat his currently under my control, and worships me. Isn't that right Chaton?" She said, her tone sly and musing.

Chat nodded his head and knelt down on one knee, facing Serviteur Maléfique. He placed his hands firmly on the ground and began a chant, "Oh, Serviteur Maléfique, I am forever at your service. Oh, Serviteur Maléfique, I am forever at your service," And so on and so forth.

I glared at her, "Make him stop."

"Ugh, fine. You know, your no fun little bug," She said with a roll of her eyes, "but I'll make him stop. Kitty, why don't you go and end the heroine for me, pretty please?" 

Chat Noir stood up and looked dead at me, "Of course, M'Lady." His voice was monotone and vacant, breaking my heart.

Then, he called out for his Cataclysm.

My eyes widened and I put up my fighting stance. Ready to put an end to my love's spell, and purify this Akuma. As I was about to yell for my Lucky Charm, Chat charged.

I ran out of the way, but he continued to chase me. I had gotten pretty far up, so I decided to take this chance to say, "Lucky Cha-!"

It was too late.

I looked down and saw Chat Noir's hand on my arm, the black particles that once surrounded his hand, were now absorbing into my upper right arm. 

The pain.

Oh my god it was like thousands of knives were penetrating me. The burning was noticeable, for it was like fire. It was as if someone dumped gasoline all over my upper arm and just threw a match right on top. 


That doesn't even begin to describe the pain I could feel. It was... completely indescribable. I let out a pained scream, and fell to my knees, holding my right forearm in my left hand. My body rocked back in forth as the pain grew, and my eyes stayed shut.

All I wanted was for the pain to cease. I didn't care how, I just wanted it gone.

Then, I heard the screams from below me. I opened my eyes slowly, keeping my mouth shut - not allowing any noise to escape, even though it was extremely difficult - and saw I was still on the roof I had landed on.

Though the screams were coming from down somewhere. So, when I peered over the edge, I saw Serviteur Maléfique walking through the street, firing shots out of the duster at every single person in sight. After being struck, the fell to their knees and began the same chant Chat Noir had. People were running away and screaming, and the fear in their eyes was visible from all the way up here. Some of them even yelled my name.

Then, I decided I couldn't just let the pain in my arm get in the way of all the people of Paris suffering. It was my duty to protect them, even if I had to... sacrifice myself for them.

But hopefully it won't come to that, I thought to myself.

"Alright, Ladybug," I whispered to myself, preparing to stand up, "you're a badass superheroine and people depend on you. You can do this. On the count of three."




I used my back as leverage and hoisted myself to my feet with my left arm, all the why quietly screaming in pain. When I looked over at my right arm, I saw it had turn a musty black, but it hadn't spread, so maybe the suit had somewhat protected the rest of me from completely dying.

When I looked down, I saw Chat Noir on the roof, unconscious. I was about to wake him, but instead decided to wait until after I purified said Akuma. 

With my left arm I grabbed my yo-yo, threw it in the air, and yelled, "Lucky Charm!"

Out of thin air fell a hand mirror. Thankfully it landed in my hand, safely, and I whispered, "What am I supposed to do with this?"

Looking around, I saw Serviteur Maléfique's duster and the hand mirror flash with red and black. I nodded my head, understanding what to do, and launched my yo-yo, preparing to go down, right in front of the villain. Before anything, I quickly placed the mirror in my mouth, as there was nowhere else to put it.

I winced when I felt my arm, getting myself ready for what would be one of the most painful things in my life.

I tugged on the string, quickly letting out a yelp, and was soon flying through the arm, humming to myself as the pain became more distinct. Then, I landed straight in front of Serviteur Maléfique, clutching my yo-yo. I removed the mirror from my mouth and hid it behind my back. Tears began to form after the thud had released another wave of pain through my arm, but I cleared my throat, not ready to cry. 

Serviteur Maléfique stared at me, her mouth gaped and eyes widened, "How... How are you still alive?"

"Oh please," I said, trying not to seem weak, "you can't get rid of me that easily."

"Well, you'd make a pretty handy servant if you ask me!" She yelled and fired another shot at me. I took this chance to bring out the mirror and place it right where I would've been struck, and it thankfully bounced off. Flying right back at her. 

She screamed, accidentally let go of her duster - causing it to fly right over in front of me, and was on her knees, performing the chant.

I bit my lip in pain as I lifted my leg and smashed the duster with my foot. The black/purple Akuma flew out into the open, and I took a deep breath, knowing there would be some major pain when I did this.


"Miraculous Ladybug!" I yelled, and tossed up the hand mirror into the air with my left hand. I prayed and prayed it would fix my arm, and when the tiny little ladybugs encircled my arm, the black marking was gone, but the pain was still there.

Maybe it'll just go away over time, I thought to myself, At least the mark is gone.

"What am I doing here?" The girl who was once, Serviteur Maléfique, was replaced with a young, pretty, normal, maid.

I walked over to her, "You're alright, hey you should go home and get some rest."

"Uh, o-okay, Ladybug. Thanks," She replied. I smiled in return, then grabbed my yo-yo and launched myself across the street, continuing until I was home. (All the while fighting back thee still menacing pain shooting through my arm.

When I was finally in my bedroom, Tikki flew out of my earrings and I returned to my normal clothes. She fell onto my desk coughing.

"Oh my goodness, Tikki! Are you okay?" I asked, and rushed over to her, kneeling, and pulling out a cookie from my bag for her to eat. She turned, weak, and looked at me.

"M-Marinette, it was Chat Noir's," She coughed, "cataclysm, it's weaked me." Her voice was shaky and fatigued. Tikki took the cookie and took small bites out of it, making me nervous.

"Oh Tikki, I'm so, so sorry! Here I'll get you some water," I said, standing up. When I turned to look for my water pitcher, I noticed something on my arm.

It seemed to be underneath my jacket sleeve. There was some sort of... blackish substance on my arm. Nervously, I slid the sleeve off of my arm.

Oh no.

The cataclysm mark. 

It's still there...

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