Love Spell

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This was was requested by Rev Paz. It has no connection to the other love spell story I wrote. Please review and give me prompts. I will gladly do them all!
Dipper waited anxiously for Pacifica to show up. When Dipper had first found the love spell, his first thought was that he had to keep it as far away from Mabel as possible. The thought of his sister with a love spell terrified him; the entire town would be full of mindless love zombies. He was not even sure if it worked, but he did not dare let her get a glance at it . He never expected to use it; the type of thing was far to reckless for his taste. Than Pacifica Southeast refused to date him and he really had no choice.

She was the only girl he was actually was interested in, bordline obsession really. He really liked her, perhaps even love. He never felt anything remotely like this, heck he never even had a crush before. He could not help the desire to be with her and to make her happy. In fact the thought of her with any one else made him infuriated. He often got jealous when he saw her cousin with her, her Cousin! Why did she not feel the same? Not really a hard question. He did try to kill Gideon, he did try and steal her journal several times, and he did trick and use her several times. Still, it was extremely frustrating. Nearly every girl in Gravity Falls would kill to be his girlfriend, so why did he like the ONE who wanted nothing to do with him. It was simply unfair.

The spell had to be preformed while she was sleeping, so he snuck into the shack last night. He chanted the enchantment over her unconscious form. He had to wait the rest of the night to see if it worked. If he was successful than she should come looking for him and if not, she would never know...... Hopefully

"Mister Gleeful," Soos, his butler, called

"What?" he snapped

"Miss SouthEast  is waiting by the main stair case. She wishes to talk to you."

Dipper grinned as he got up. He took one glance in the mirror to make sure he looked perfect. He adjusted his amulet and make sure there was nothing caught in his teeth before leaving.

The moment he walked into the main room, Pacifica practically throw her arms around his waist.

"Hi Dipper." She greeted with her bright smile.

Dipper wrapped his arm around her shoulder "I am guessing you feel different today."

"Not really, I just came to admire your handsome face."

He chuckled "I thought I was a troll."

She began nuzzling her cheek against his chest like a cat. "I don't remember ever saying that."

Mmmm.... He really should not be loving that feeling as much as he was.

"Perhaps I was mistaken...."

She shook her head "You are never wrong. You are just soo smart." She purred "and incredibly good looking."

She trailed her fingers down his chest and he got chills. She looked so beautiful, which was not surprising considering she was always very pretty. He admired her chocolate brown eyes for a moment, but his gaze quickly trailed to her lips. They were shiny and he could smell her cherry lip-gloss. He unwillingly licked his own lips.

"May I kiss you?" he asked

"No." she replied bluntly

Dipper's heart stopped.

"Because I want to kiss you." She crashed her lips into his.

Dipper was shocked for a few milliseconds before he retuned it. At first it was gentle, but he quickly began to grow impatient. It was not nearly enough. He kissed harder and she seemed more than happy to keep up. Her arms moved up his back as his moved lower towards her waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he moaned in delight as she tangled her fingers in his hair. He deepened the kiss and everything else melted away. Everything was perfect, before he realized that he needed to breath. He reluctantly pulled away.

"Will you... go to... the movies...... with me?" he gasped.

She smiled brightly. "Of course."

The date with Paz had gone brilliantly. She had somehow convinced him to watch the new romantic comedy. The plot was terrible and the jokes were cringe worthy, yet he still loved every moment of it. Probably had to do with the fact that he got to keep his arm around her the entire time. Then after words they spent a good amount of time kissing in the woods. Every moment was fast and exciting, and he craved more. He was a little worried at first about the spell, but it had worked perfectly. It was so nice to finally be able to have Paz.

Eventually it grew late and he had to send her home or her family would grow weary. He made sure to tell her to keep their 'relationship' a secret, for her family would never approve. She strongly agreed, than she said something that surprised him. She told him that she would bring Gideon's journal for Dipper to have so she could prove her love. He was speechless for a few seconds before telling her that he would adore it.


Dipper had never felt true horror before, but he surly did feel it now. Apparently the love spell did not last long. is heart practically hammered out of his chest as he watched a very, very, VERY angry blond approaching him with no journal in sight. He gulped, he was done for.

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