Pregnancy Reguest

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Here is the dipifca Preg fic. Please enjoy, review, and request more.

Pacifica Southeast took a deep breath as she knocked on the Gleeful mansion. She did not want to be here, but at this point it was the only option. She remembered a time when she loved coming over. A time when she associated the mansion with the feeling of safety and comfort. Now she nearly feared for her life coming here.

She expected Soos, but instead Mabel Gleeful opened the door. “Go away.” The door was slammed in her face.

She rolled her eyes and pounded on the door again.

Mabel opened it with her hand on her headband and her eyes glowing. “You broke my brothers heart and yet he still will not let me kill you. Don’t make me go against my brothers wishes.” She hissed.

“Please,” Pacifica replied “I need to see him.”

“I need to see your head on my wall.” Mabel sassed “I guess neither of us can get what we want.”

Paz remained unfased. After three years she had become used to Mabel’s death threats.

“It’s fine.” A deep voice said behind her.

Dipper stepped out. He was dressed in his regular blue stage outfit with his hair slid up showing off his birth mark. He looked exactly like he did they day she left him. All except his eyes. His eyes had returned to the cold, hard gems void of all compassion. She had not seen him like this since she had just first met him. Part of her heart snapped, but then she remembered why she broke up with him and she held herself together.

“You don’t have to deal with her, brother.” Mabel told him as she put her hand on his shoulder.

He shook her off. “I can handle her just fine. Would you leave us, Sister Dear?”

She glared at Pacifica before kissing her brother on his cheek. “Alright. I will go sharpen my knifes in case you change your mind.”
Mabel disappeared inside.

“Is there a reason you decided you wanted to grace my presence, Miss SouthEast?”

She tried to ignore the pang in her heart when he called her by her last name.

“I need your help.” Pacifica stated.

His lip curled into a snarl. ‘Because I am more than willing to help you now a days.” He mocked

“I don’t want to be here. Trust me if I had any other choice I would take it in a heart beat.” She snapped with rage rising in her chest. *Darn* hormones.

“Why would I help you. You broke up with me!” He growled

“You almost killed Gideon!” She yelled back

“Mabel threatens to kill you all the time!”

Pacifica rolled her eyes “She never goes through with it.”

“Because I never let her!” His eyes flashed “No matter what happens, I have always protected you. I have always been there to save your behind. Guess what, you broke my heart for the last time and I am finished.  I am done with-“

“I am pregnant.” She blurted out.

She was not sure how he would react. Most of her expected him to be furious, but a small part hoped he would be happy. It was his child after all. Nether less, she was surprised when he started to chuckle darkly.

“Of course.” He replied as he chuckled “Just when I had finally  thought I was over you. I am guessing its mine.”

“You’re the only one, I ever, ever …” She blushed.

“Who else knows?” He asked as he gently touched her stomach. For the first time in a while she saw compassion in his eyes. His lips turned up into a small smile.

“Well, I told Gideon. He accidently let it slip to Bud, and Bud put two and two together and figured out you were the only one who could be the father.” Tears trailed down her face “He kicked me out. My parents are in Africa so there is no reaching them for the next six months.”

She was surprised when he pulled her into his embrace.

“You can stay here as long as needed.” He whispered

She sobbed into his shoulder. “Thank you.”

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