Review #19: @faithjessica8

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Title: Girls Chill & Chat on fb
Author: faithjessica8
Reviewers: dreaminginreverie CatLoverHope

dreaminginreverie's review:

cover + title:
the cover is cute and totally gives me teen fiction and teenage girl vibes. although, i did think for a moment that it was just called 'chat on fb' since that's the first thing your eyes land on when you look at it. i would recommend making the 'girls chill &' part the same font as the 'chat on fb' just so it's easier to read. 'fb' needs to be capitalized since it's short for something. also, don't use the symbol '&' on a cover. make sure you spell it out.

what you have certainly makes me want to read more, it keeps the suspense real. but, it also gives me nothing to go on. what is this book really about? what am i getting into by pressing read? personally, i would add just a little about what's inside the book to tell readers what to expect.

writing style:
your style is definitely unique, and i like it, but it's also a bit confusing with how it's set up. i never knew who was actually speaking, which made it really hard to actually enjoy the book.


kate -
she is definitely a cutie, but i didn't see much development in her. she also seems like a little bit of a pushover too, especially when confronted by the madisons.

jacob -
he's nice and all, but i feel like he's also just a normal guy. i didn't see very many defining qualities that made him stand out compared to other male characters i've read about.

i'm being completely honest here when i say your grammar and punctuation was all over the place. there were random emojis thrown into dialogue and description in what i assume was an attempt to tell readers what the characters were feeling, but there are better ways of getting emotions across ( such as better descriptions and more eloquent words ). punctuation was barely there from what i saw and it made it hard to tell where one sentence ended and one began.

overall thoughts:
with the title of the book, i was honestly expecting something completely different from what i got. it's not a bad book but it's not awesome either. i'd recommend an editor and for you to maybe go back and revise a little bit to make the chapters smoother and easier for the readers to understand.

CatLoverHope's Review
Note: I've read all the characters posted yet.
Lets start with the things the readers see first. The cover is good, but I feel if both of the parts of the title that are divided in the cover would be better with the font of the second part. The title is okay, describes the content of the book. The blurb is really not that good. There are grammar mistakes, barely any use of punctuations, and overall not interesting at all. It doesn't really have a base. What's the main motive of the story? That should be answered more specifically.
Now, looking at the content of the book, I think it had the same issues as the blurb. Grammar mistakes, rare use of punctuations, no base to what the story is: it's mostly a mess. The arrangement of paragraphs is also very messy. I think the author should try to show some past flashbacks, like how she met all the characters, how she discovered fb and et cetera. Also, the main characters seems to have no personality whatsoever. The author should show more sides to each character, makes it more interesting. The relationship between most of the characters isn't really seen as well.

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