Review#45: TheVibrantScribbler

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Book: Enigmatic Emotions by TheVibrantScribbler

Reviewer: creative_maverick_Mo


I didn't really understand the correlation between the title of your book and the poems. I know the word 'enigmatic' mean 'difficult to understand or mysterious' but your poems were anything but. Your poems weren't mysterious and neither were they difficult to understand. I think a title like: 

"Random/ Mysterious Thoughts in my Head." 

Would do the trick because the poems were mainly about the random thoughts you have in your head...right? Make the title relevant to your poems. 


Your blurb was very boring. Even though the poems are about your random thoughts, you shouldn't have to include that in your synopsis. 

My advice: 

• Get rid of the '|ENIGMATIC EMOTIONS|' part. It does absolutely nothing for your blurb except making it look disorganized. 

• The whole 'I wrote some random poems part' has to go too because honestly speaking, as a reader I don't care.

 • Now for the reconstruction of the rest, make it sound cryptic, mysterious, and interesting like: "A whirlwind of emotions consume me as I go through these motions Experience, they say is the best teacher and 

Mistakes the best lessons but like a millipede

I curl into a spiral when it rains and unfold when it's all over 

Over and over I make these mistakes

Again and again, I go through this pain My feelings like a chain I keep them bottled inside 

How do I release this frustration? 

How do I let go of this pain? ..."

And then you add a short paragraph like: 

"Poetry is my only mode of escape It helps me keep a record of the mistakes I keep making."

 If you want to. This isn't a strict manuscript that you are to follow, it is just a suggestion of what you can do to make it better. 


Your book is truly poetry so you score full points on this one.


Even though your cover gave me the mysterious and dark vibe I guess you were gunning for, it wasn't very legible. So I think you should get rid of the background and choose one that isn't as busy as this one. Also, why is the font you used for your name and the title of your book in neon?

 Please remove it. It looks awkward. Because of how 'dark' the book is supposed to be, there's no need for a dramatic background. You can just make it a dark background with a mysterious element on it, you know? You can make the background black or dark blue with a white pair of bleeding hands holding the moon. That should be poetic and dramatic enough. Give the book cover some mystery. 


The way you write your poems gives off anything but a poetic vibe. Poems should be well spaced and intricately divided. Your poems are all written in one stanza-I don't know if it's deliberate (if it is please stop. It makes the poems appear boring). Also, you are not constant with your italicization. You italicize a particular sentence throughout apart and then forget to continue with the effect in the next part. Be constant. Also, let the words and sentences you are italicizing be relevant to the poem. I mean if you aren't really trying to make a point with it, don't italicize it.

For example in the 'When it Rains' poem you kept italicizing the phrase 'when it rains and I didn't understand why. If you were trying to create an effect (because well, that's the title so of the poem) you could have just broken the whole poem into stanzas (like you should have rightly done from the start) and started every stanza with 'when it rains.'


Although some of your poems were nice, they weren't that original. They weren't things that I haven't read before. Some of them were unique but your choice of words downplayed the effect they had on your readers. I think you need to reconstruct them and utilize poetic devices to improve your imagery because great imagery is key in writing good poetry.


You had a few grammatical errors and you made use of the wrong diction in some chapters like in 'His lively lass'. A lass is a young female human i.e. a girl, a young girl, or an adolescent and I got the vibe that you were talking about someone way older in the chapter. There were many more errors in your book especially with the use of punctuations but I'm sure a good editor can help with all the errors.


Also, in the last stanza of the same poem, you said: 

" fingers entwined with hers smitten was too easy a word she was now my world..." 

Yeah, I didn't get it. I think it would be better worded if you phrased it as

 "... As my fingers entwined with hers, 

 Where I ended she began 

Where she began I ended..."

 You also used the wrong modifiers in some instances like: 

 "When we are together with you looking at me cheekily..." You don't look at people cheekily. You smile cheekily. That and many more made your descriptions dull and boring. In poetry, you need to select your choice of words carefully for good imagery. 

 Overall Enjoyment:

 I did not enjoy your poems per se but I believe if you work hand-in-hand with a good editor and you work on your imagery, your poems will be far better than they are. 

P.S: these are just my suggestions. It's not compulsory that you adhere to them.

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