I Hate and Love You. by Author-kun77

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This is a very decent Izuocha fanfic.

It's another quirkless Au fanfic which is always a treat. 

Anyway, the plot of this story is your basic girl-hates-boy and boy-hates-girl-when-they-actually-love-each-other-deeply, kinda like Jimmy Neutron in some way.

Actually, Tsundere Ochako and Tsundere Deku are actually a rare type of story when I think about it, so this one stands out more.

Anyway, the beginning is how stories like these start, two ran into each other, argue/fight, then a problem shows up that forces them to work together then realize that they are both actually a cool person and fall in love with each other more than they had originally, then some problem shows up to make situations difficult between the two. Then some conflict happens between the two until its fixed and gets together with a kiss.

This is the basic beginning and it does its job and doesn't bore the readers at all. 

However, the pacing for the beginning was fast. For a title that has "I Hate and Love You," I expected a good chunk amount of hate for the beginning with some small angst sprinkled in later on which the angst sprinkles did happen and it was handled well. In the beginning, while it does have its fair share of 'hate', the problem is that it's very short-lived because of the pacing. While I adore the fluff that was in it, it felt like it overshadows hate the two have in a mark. Despite this, I still enjoyed the beginning.

But I really dislike the one chapter where Izuku sells his All Might Watch that Ochako got for him which required her waiting hours in line to get. And all because for a ring which really makes me dislike him because of how thoughtless he did to just sell something that Ochako waited so long to get for him just for a ring. He can easily look for other rings that are cheaper. But that's all the negatives I have for Izuku.

Then there are the subplots, some were fun, others were boring. The Bakugou/Toga subplot was entertaining while the Todoroki one was boring which fits Todorki's personality. Then their's Hisashi subplot who is only there to give Izuku a ring and nothing else. All Might was briefly there but it managed to make him matter and make him crucial to the story due to how he plays a role to Izuku and Ochako.

Then there's the Eri arc. Well, it was a great time. I enjoyed every part of it which was very funny as when she went into their room while they are in bed. 

And it handles the emotional impact of the events greatly so I have nothing else to add to it.

The characters were different enough while still having their canon personality from the series which is great. The characters weren't butchered to the point where we want them to die which is really relieving since others always make them unlikable in such an awful way.

Also, Ochako being a Tsundere to Izuku is so adorable.

The ending is very sweet. It gives them a happy ending that almost made a tear into my eye.

Overall, I highly recommend reading this fanfic! It's a good read!

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