Ochako Aizawa by izuochafan4ever

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Oh I've been wanting to talk about this one for a little while.

Ok, The idea of  Aizawa being Ochako's dad is a new and cool idea since most other fanfics had Izuku as his son so this is a cool twist.

But cool ideas can be bad if they're handled bad. And Let me tell you, this was bad. What wasted potential this fanfic had.

I would try to explain what happens in this fanfic but I can't since I can't remember ANYTHING!!!

And its so dang confusing.

It's the writing style of this fanfic is what killed it.

Don't Believe me? Well here's a pic of the fanfic's writing style.

Its awful. This is completely confusing and it actually manages to make my eyes hurt from trying to follow what the heck is happening. This style is so hard to follow!

Look at this pic of a different Fanfic (By Your Side) and you can follow along better.

The traditional style is used the most since it's easy to follow along which encourages the readers to continue reading.

This fanfic had so much potential but the writing style and the confusing plot ruined it. 

Dont read it, its not good.

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