vigilante deku by youngdelaware

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I've been waiting to tear this fanfic to shreds for a very, very long time.

This fanfic... is one of the worst 'Izuocha' fanfics I have ever read in my life.

Notice how I used ' ' for the word Izuocha. That's because it doesn't deserve to be called Izuocha Fanfic.

All me to explain why this is one of the worst fanfics ever made in existence.

This Fanfic centers around a Quirkless Izuku who gets bullied for being quirkless. and Then comes Ochako.

She came into his life and became childhood friend, she stood up for him against the bullies and that INCLUDES Bakugou. She SEES Bakugou bullying Izuku since she's friends with him so you'd think she holds a strong dislike toward Bakugou, right?

Well, when they are at the end of the middle school year, Bakugou told Izuku that he was going to date her to break him. You'd think she would say no and scold him for even attempting to even try to pull that stunt after all the things she saw that he did to Izuku.

But Guess what?

She dates him.

That is completely unrealistic, stupid, and awful writing. She should've said "No" to Bakugou, she has to because it's not in her character to date a Bully who she saw abusing her best friend more times than she can count.

"But she might've dated him so he can stop abusing Izuku!" is what you might've said. But no. No. No. No. No. No.

She willingly dates him. and she said that she doesn't know why she dated him which is stupid!

And Bakugou still insults Deku from a distance and one time his goons try to attack him during lunch, right in front of Ochako who just sat there and did nothing to stop with his arm around her.

And she never spoke to Izuku again after she told him that she was dating him until the time when she got accepted into UA where there was a party thrown and everyone in the class was invited. and she gets mad that he hasn't shown up which leads me to think, "Why are you upset that he didn't show up to your party? He's unbelievably more upset than you since you abandoned him!" She has no right to be mad at him. And guess what? She slaps him, made him float, and dropped him. As he was wheezing in pain, she judged him for being quirkless. The person he called a friend, the girl he fell in love with, judged him because he was in pain after what she caused him.

and if you're wondering what Deku's been doing all this time, well he's been training to become stronger and the results showed because he can now take down individuals with powerful quirks. He became a vigilante basically since that's in the title.

And let me get to the USJ part. Deku sneaks in when he figured out the League of Villains is attacking Class 1A and so he goes to help because he's heroic like that.

And after the villains lost, Izuku threatened Bakugou to confess to what he told Deku to do (telling him to go kill himself) and so he did in a proudful manner like a trophy, with the entirety of Class A watching. After Deku turns his back, Bakugou launches an explosion from his grenades in an attempt to kill Deku and again, with the entirety of Class A watching. Ochako was 'shocked' by what Bakugou said and did after they were out of the building, she punched and said that they were done.

This was stupid since ochako shouldn't even be shocked at all by Bakugou's actions toward Izuku since she has seen what Bakugou would do to hurt Izuku.

She went to her house to find her parents treating a damaged izuku (yeah Deku lives) and were discussing what could've happened that changed him. Ochako acted 'confused' as to what happened why when SHE is the reason he's like this.

Deku woke up and explain what happened to him- yadda yadda yadda. Bakugou breaks into the house and was about to hurt round face but Deku knocks him out and claims that he will kill him and passes out after said claim.

The camping arc happened and Deku saves Kota from muscular. Bakugou, Ochako, (I think) Todoroki were kidnapped. Izuku woke up to see class 1-a glaring at him in the nurse's room and said that he'll save them blah blah blah. I-A became unlikable jerks and tried to tie him up but failed and Deku went out to go save the three kidnapped at night only for them all to be sent back to UA Dorms.

The rest of the class was happy to see Bakugou the most and that ticked Deku off and claimed that Bakugou gets everything he wanted until Tokoyami attacks him first. And that begins the fight of Deku vs Class 1-A. By the way, All of Class A Saw Bakugou try to kill Izuku at the USJ and none of them are mad at Bakugou for it and make Izuku look like the bad guy.

He won in the end but what happens during the entire is infuriating and makes me want them all dead.

First Off, Ochako doesn't try to convince her Classmates to stop when they were torturing Izuku or to even try to convince BOTH sides to not fight each other at the very start, and when he was tied up when there was no need to do that at all, and they were doing the torture one at a time and she was watching the whole thing, not even trying to tell them to stop. She just stands there watching Izuku get tortured to near death.

Did I forget to mention that she and Deku kissed after he left her apartment and said "I love you," to him? Well, she really did show her love for him by watching him getting tortured to death didn't she?

She only told Izuku to stop hurting everyone in her class (including Bakugou) only for him to ignore her and continue fighting them all.

And Bakugou told her that he's gonna kill him, and despite knowing that knowledge, she did nothing to stop him. and what she also didn't do is immediately clear up a lie that Bakugou told Deku. Bakugou lied that he slept with her and Deku asked if it was true, but she didn't say anything. Only looking shocked, looking away, and telling Bakugou to shut up. Wow, nice job stupid. And before someone says "It's to create tension!" No. That's unrealistic, horrible artificial tension which is a lazy way of telling a story and setting things up. Not like this story had any actual intent to be good at all.

And What she did next makes me want her to die in the most gruesome way possible. After Deku beat all the students and was about to Kill Bakugou, she grabs a gun from Momo and shot him 6 times. 6.

That was completely unnecessary, one shot to both arms was all that was needed, not shooting 6 times at random places that could've killed him.

After everyone went back to school and talked to Izuku, she had the nerve to call him a jerk for even thinking that she and bakuloser slept together. Well, excuse me stupid! Who was it that made him believe that lie in the first place when you could've easily cleared it up right at the moment he asked!?!

And after Deku forgave her, which she doesn't deserve at all, she just sat on the ground crying. Crying and feeling 'guilty' like that pathetic piece of crap she is.

At this point, you would at least expect Ochako to have burning anger for Bakugou right?


After Deku was taken away to jail after he healed, Bakugou said he'll "change" for the better and she just immediately believes him and talk to each other as if they're best friends like nothing bad ever happened between them at all.

And she had the audacity to think back on the days in middle school when she dated Bakugou only to JUST realize what she just allowed to happen and doing nothing about while her 'friend' was suffering. She just cries and feels guilty and that's it. Ochako is nothing more than an ignorant crybaby that makes me want her to shut up and die.

Ochako is the worst character in this fanfic, even worse than Bakugou.

This fanfic also managed to make me hate Ochako more than Kid sakura.

Yes, Ochako is way worse than Kid Sakura here.

Let that sink in for a moment.

And that pisses me off because Ochako is one of my top favorite characters.

And before someone mentions the time when Izuku and Ochako talked to each other in the same layout as the Villain Izuocha comic dub on Youtube, then I got news for you. It meant nothing. It was just there to reference a comic that a lot of izuocha shippers love and thought that it makes up the disgusting writing this story has.

The reason why I say that is because moments like those should have an impact on the story and should also have some form of inspiration for the character's actions. and what did that comic reference scene do to those two characters later throughout the story?


It did nothing.

This fanfic is unrealistically awful. It had nothing going for it other than its "Deku becomes a quirkless Hero" concept and I've read better fanfics that has that same concept but done way better.

I rather read a Bakudeku Fanfic than read this disgusting garbage.

Do not ever read this fanfic. There are way better ones than this that doesn't ruin beloved characters.

Update: A while ago, youngdelaware announced that he'll be rewriting the story to "make it better" and adding a new girl for Deku to be with instead.

That is an awful decision and it officially made the fanfic even worse than before.

It has become fanfic where Deku gets miserable by bakuloser dating Ochako (she is worse than kid Sakura in these kinds of Fanfics) because the writer loves making a story where we immediately hate the characters we love in the main series.

Congrats youngdelware. Instead of taking the time to fix the awfully disgusting flaws in your fanfic, you just made it one of the worst kinds of Fanfics ever.

Also, the guy asked for constructive criticism

And he never fixed anything. All he did is make it worse. Heck, even if he no longer made Ochako the main love interest, Ochako (in this disgusting fanfic) is still an unlikeable character that people want dead because she still betrayed Izuku and did nothing to fix anything. 

This is disgusting lazy writing.


Hello, I am from 2022. Turns out, this awful disgrace of fanfiction is now deleted from the internet. 

I am a very happy man.

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