Chapter Twenty-One: A Jovian Wedding

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I couldn't breathe as I saw a healthy baby girl that was all cleaned up. She had Michiru's eyes and already had a small crop of light teal hair, but her personality seemed more like Haruka's. She was a healthy, energetic baby girl. The days passed gradually, then became months, and soon it was time for another wedding. Not mine and Seiya's, but Ami and Makoto's. They had been taking things slow with their relationship since the fight, which was now six months ago. Birthdays and weddings were around the corner. Setsuna and Mamoru were getting married in a couple weeks, Haruka and Michiru had got married about two days before the birth of their baby, Yuna. I guess they had taken the rings off when fighting. Yaten and Minako had gotten engaged to be wed, and they would get married in six months from now. And then, in a month's time, was my wedding to Seiya. I couldn't wait for her and my wedding. I was so ready for our wedding, in fact, that I'd planned my speech two months in advance. But, today, it was Ami and Makoto's wedding.

I sat at a pew near the front and watched as Ami stepped away from the taller girl and went up to the podium to say her speech. I was guessing it would be something about love being something she had considered illogical, but I don't know with Ami. I guess I'll never know. She blinked and pressed the pads of her index fingers together, before clearing her throat to start her speech. She looked at us, but not before setting her blue eyes on her fiancée and flicking them back up to look at us.

"I had never considered love as an option in life. I always said to myself, 'love will only end in you getting hurt, Ami Mizuno. Prioritise your schooling and study before you consider any sort of relationship, romantic or otherwise.' I had lived by those words until I met Makoto Kino. Makoto was sweet to me from the beginning, even protecting me from the enemy on numerous occasions... and... dancing with me that one time when I asked her if she would..." Ami blushed. "I had had a previous relationship with Ryo Urawa, but it didn't last. He had a crush on me and I had wanted to date him to make him feel happier about life in general. But the guilt soon started to set in, upon the realisation that the 'love' in our relationship had been purely platonic, and any love that was romantic was only one sided, on Ryo's part. He had tried to kiss me a couple of times, but I had always refused, thinking, 'why should we kiss? It'll only draw attention and people will realise that our love isn't fully real.' I had always pushed Ryo away, and now I know why. I had the perfect person right in front of me, a Jovian, in fact. She had always protected me and I had formed this strong closeness with her, stronger than anything I had with Ryo." The Murcurian stepped down from the podium and lead her wife-to-be up to the podium, and went to sit behind her.

The toned Jovian stood up and strode towards the podium, an air of confidence around her, which all fizzled when she was up on the podium amd saw the audience who was going to listen to her speech.

"You're probably wondering, 'when will Mako-chan stop thinking about how attractive the Mercurian Senshi, Ami is? When will she stop thinking about how she loves her hugs, her warmth, her shy but motherly nature, her sweet voice...' Well, I can already tell you what the answer is - a flat out no. I will never shut up about how amazing my fiancée is. How gentle, loyal and kind she is. But, what I will tell you today, is how we met." She looked at us knowingly, flicked her gaze to Ami, and then looked forward. "We had always joked in our friendship group as to how I always seemed to hold a torch for my senpai from my old school, but now I can face the truth - he is with another girl and I've seen them around. They're happily married now, and they will continue to be happily married. He clearly told me that we were just friends. But then, I met Ami and... is it a cliché to say that everything changed? Because it all did. Though Nichogi-senpai was always in the back of my mind, I almost immediately fell in love with the petite Mercurian. I had this sudden urge to protect the shy, insecure, but loyal blue haired girl. We even died together all that time ago, when Galaxia thought that power was needed to be on top. She was who was closest to me and, hell, even at the point where I had a crush on that baka..." She pointed at Princess Uranus, "I just knew that Ami and I were forever and... the rest is ancient history." She then went back and sat down, with the wall splitting her from Ami.

They then got up and the minister got up to get them to say their vows, and they kissed. Ami was almost in tears by the end of it, and she walked up to me with her wife, now newly wed as 'woman and wife', as the minister so elegantly put it. Makoto had a protective arm around her wife, and Ami was in tears, commenting about how much the Jovian's speech had moved her, and hugged the taller girl underneath the breast line, near the stomach. They said that, after the banquet, they needed to tell me something, and I was already half sure of what it was. I think I could provide it to them. They then mingled with the rest of us and got Seiya and I excited for our own wedding. Would it be as glamorous as this one?

I clutched at Seiya's hand as Hotaru and Chibi-Usa ran up to me.

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