Chapter Twenty-Two: Firey

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'Very soon, new senshi will be born and new stars shall help in the fight for true peace later on, but, for now, the deed has been done. True peace had truly been achieved.'

My sapphire blue eyes glanced up at the figure right in front of me. The figure also had, though partially covered by shadow, sapphire blue eyes, which met my pair for a split second. I had this odd feeling that I knew who this figure was, but how could I be exactly sure? She looked more enraptured than she usually did, and, most importantly, she seemed to lack the flair that the person had resonated within me. Still, it was worth a shot in the dark. "Mama? Is that you? You're back?" I spluttered.

'Oh my dear Serenity, of course I am back here. After all, why would there be a single reason in the world for me not to be here for you?" She replied, her almost white hair sticking to her holographic face. 'I had always believed in you, Serenity. Ever since the day that you were born, I had always imagined for you to be the same courageous, fun loving girl that I had always imagined you as. You were always so precious and sweet, and I am so proud of how far you have come. Not only have you became the queen that the Silver Millenium desired and had deserved, you have finally took back and restored peace. I had never imagined saying this to you, for I had never imagined that you would will up the strength and courage to do such a task. I had done barely anything, and my seal on Chaos? It was quite weak. If it were stronger, Chaos would never have escaped and the world wouldn't have to suffer from the entity's tyranny. But, I don't have to worry about that anymore. You have done it and I could never EVER be more proud of you, Serenity. Your guardian deities would have been so, so pleased with how far that you have come. Now, you may see some familiar faces and some new ones, whom are being reborn as stars and holy, heavenly bodies right this very moment.' Tears were in her holographic eyes. "I also cannot beleive thay you have finally become strong and courageous on your own. It took a while, but you have finally become strong and full of an irreversible aura of courage. You not only are really faithful in the fact that your powers will carry you through, but your own strength, too. You cannot imagine how proud I am when I was alerted of your final burst of courage and strength. And now, it is time for brand new power that shall grant you irreversible and glorious special abilities that all decendants of the Moon Kingdom must recieve at some point. Not only will this give you the power to fully harness and perfect your abilities in sensing future attacks, as well as healing and purifiying others, it will also grant you the ability to create life for others without needing to call on me or the Ginzuishou – for the true form of that power is now within you. The Ginzuishou will give you boosts, as is expected from its holy light, when performing these actions.'

My eyes snapped shut for a moment, almost as if I were asleep. I remained in this state for what felt like an age and then my eyes slowly lifted themsevles open. I rubbed them, as if I were waking up from some long slumber, and looked up. She was gone, not to be seen for a long time. So, I went out there to enjoy the post-wedding party. There were so many weddings coming up, and so much stress came from making sure they were just right. But, now I could just live in the moment and not worry about an enemy coming along and ruining our peace. That is one thing that I hoped wouldn't be happening too soon. I was fine with the world how it was — peaceful. Seiya and I had just seen how happy Mamoru and Setsuna were together, and we were now all celebrating the party afterwards. Makoto had prepared an amazing cake for the day, and I had helped with the cooking, even if only the smallest bit.

I clutched Seiya's hand as all the couples were laughing and dancing. This was the life. Finally, we could sleep easy. In fact, knowing how incredibly unlikely another attack would be, especially this soon. I didn't feel anything all too strange when I saw Setsuna kiss whom I thought was going to be my forever partner all those years ago. What mattered was that we were all happy. As long as I had Seiya and Mamoru had Setsuna — his Mistress — we were all going to be happy. And, I knew that everyone felt the same. Peace was always fleeting, though...

Makoto reached out to touch Ami's small baby bump. I had called on the power of the Ginzuishou to let the two have a child on their own, and Ami had the ever so tiniest lump you ever did see, which told me that she was definitely pregnant. The happily married women went over to me and we chuckled over old memories. New foes would appear, but, I knew my comrades and I would be more than ready for them. Ami's anguished voice gave me the reminder I had deserved of how painful pregnancy is. Makoto joked about how the Mercurian would try and do her own ultrasound, then Ami laughed along, before admitting she had booked it with her mother's hospital.

"Yaten, I can't take this anymore! You took the Venutian from me!" A normally level sounding Martian voice roared.

"Jesus Christ, Hino! No need to get so fired up!" The accused Kinmokuan spat back. "We truly love eachother. How do you know that your and Minako's love wasn't just a ploy to get out of something?"

"I've felt it," the violet haired shrine priestess shot back. "How about you, Kou?! How do you know that your and Minako's love isn't just for show? You know the Goddess of Love adores dating around!"

"Well, what about it?" Yaten hissed. "I can swear to you, Rei, that Aino-chan is out of that phase. Aren't you, Minako?"

"Well, whilst I may as well be out of that phase, as you call it, I've always been in love with Reiko-chan," Minako stated in a matter of fact manner, not really helping them move past the argument at hand.

"So now you start with the nicknames, huh?" Yaten scorned. She rolled green eyes at the blonde. "I thought you wanted to marry me! I thought we were engaged."

"Well, I sure do make an elaborate show of things, don't I?" The blonde haired girl giggled. "Well... not really. I didn't love you that much. You had always known that I had a soft spot for my Reiko-chan."

"What a player," the green eyed blonde growled. "So, let me get this straight... you didn't truly love me? Then what was all that about a ring?!"

The blue eyed blonde giggled. "Well, you do realise that I move on quite quickly," she responded. "I did love you, but not enough for marriage and babies... The ring was just for show. You could call it a happy coincidence! I always had been quite fond of my Reiko-chan."

The violet eyed girl grabbed Minako's waist. "Break up later," she snapped. "Explain in my room," she mouthed to Minako.

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