Chapter 1

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The master bolt was stolen. Just earlier in this. Why you ask? Why would Luke still steal it if Thalia isn't a tree? Well... Sit back, relax and read. It shall be revealed in time. 😉

And enjoy!



Chapter 1

"So what would you like me to do exactly. Just take it back?"

He nodded. "Take it back. And if needed... Kill the child."


Two years.

That's how long it's been since a trio of demigods nearly escaped death on Half-Blood Hill.

A daughter of Zeus, a son of Hermes and a daughter of Athena.

Since the three had stayed with their cabins at Camp Half-Blood. Going on with life and training as demigods do.

Annabeth had grown to find a place in her cabin, Luke had gone on a less than successful quest and become the head of cabin while Thalia did her best to make camp her home.


"He's more pissed than usual today," Thalia commented staring at the sky. Luke nods beside her.

"It's been like this since the meeting," Annabeth added. "Do you think something happened?"

"Maybe," Luke said. "Maybe."

The three sat outback behind the Cabin One watching a storm rage outside of the barrier which held the unwanted weather back.

Lighting streaked across the sky and thunder boomed. Lighting shot down toward the large crashing waves. Both collided together violently.

"Well if I know anything it's that they're always mad about something," Luke comments. "Cause absolutely nothing can be perfect when your an Olympian."

"Don't make it worse," Thalia chided.

"Your father nearly turned you into a-" Luke paused to cover Annabeth's ears. "fucking pine tree!"

"No need to remind me dumbass! I was there!"

"I'm just saying-"

"I can read lips," Annabeth interrupted.

"Yeah. Keep forgetting that," Luke muttered removing his hands from the nine year old's ear.

"Come on," Thalia said standing. "We should get back to our activities."


Thalia lay awake at night, lonely as always in her empty cabin.

Well almost empty, she was there, but that wasn't saying much. She was nothing more than her father's mistake after all.

The girl who shouldn't have been born. Since her father had made an oath not to have anymore kids.

Thalia took a deep breath and pushed the thoughts away as she always did when they came.

Her eyes drifted to the wall next to her bed. On it pictures of Thalia and her friends were taped up.

She moved a picture of her little family- Luke, Annabeth and herself. Behind it was a different picture. Of her different family.

In it a younger Thalia crushed a younger blonde boy in a hug as she smiled widely at the camera. As Thalia looked at the picture she could see the small scar on the little boy's lip. She gave a smile at the memory of how he had got it. A stapler. He had tried to eat a stapler.

A soft knock sounded on her door. Confused Thalia placed the pictures back and headed to the door. When she opened it she found Luke standing behind it.

"Are you trying to get eaten by Harpies?" Thalia whispered.

"Care to join me out here Ms. Grace?" He asked with a slight smile.

"Don't call me that," Thalia responded stepping outside.

For a while the duo stood in a comfortable silence and Thalia felt a chill, as the breeze blew through her thin pajamas.

Luke didn't seem to notice her discomfort as he spoke catching her off guard. "If you thought something was the right thing to do, even if others saw it differently would you still do it?"

Thalia didn't respond at first. "Well... I think it depends. I mean you've heard the saying 'the wrong thing for the right reasons'. So I think it depends. Why?"

Luke bit his lip.


Luke sighed. "I might as well come out and say it. So... I may or may not have gotten the Hephaestus cabin over you for Capture the Flag. I was outvoted."

Thalia put her hand to her chest with an exaggerated gasp. "Wow Luke. I felt that one. Right here."

"You mean in that black hole inside your chest?" Luke countered. 

Thalia whacked him behind the head. "You better watch that ass of yours Castellan. I know where you sleep."

Luke laughed and stared at her, he continued staring at her eyes. A blush crept on his face when he realized how close they were. "I should get back."

Thalia nodded slowly her blush receding as she waved goodbye to Luke, and headed back inside.


In her dream Thalia knelt before her father's throne. Zeus sat in his throne in his pinstriped blue suit watching her. Before she could wonder what was happening he spoke in a booming voice.


Thalia stood uncertainly.

"I must tell you something important my daughter. Something important of mine has been stolen. I am issuing a quest per say for you lead to retrieve it."

Thalia's eyes widened. A quest. He wants her to go on a quest.

"What was stolen?" Thalia asked.

Zeus paused. "My Masterbolt."

Thalia's eyes widened to the point they almost popped out her head. "The Masterbolt?"

He nodded shortly.

"Who would be stupid enough the steal it?" Thalia asked.

"Poseidon's child."

Thalia opened her mouth but he held up a hand. "Yes. I suspect my brother has broken the oath. I believe he has a child in the mortal world. That child must have stolen it."

"So what would you like me to do exactly. Just take it back?"

He nodded. "Take it back. And if needed... Kill the child."

Thalia's eyes widened and she gulped with a nod. "Where is the child of Poseidon?"

"The child is in New York, I can tell you that much. The rest is for you to figure out. I have already explained to Chiron. You and two others will find and return my Masterbolt."

Thalia bowed once more. "Yes, father."

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